[NJ ASIST] Happy hour and Happy holidays!

Dongho Choi dongho.j.choi at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 14:48:20 EST 2015

Dear fellow NJ ASIST Member,

It seems that we had a successful happy hour last Thursday (12/17).
We gathered 24 and more people over three satelite locations of New
Brunswick (10), Philly (7), and NYC (7+).
You can check the pictures in our blog (

Also, we are very happy to introduce you our Facebook group (
https://www.facebook.com/groups/197561477248730/) and Twitter (@NJASIST)
Please join and follow our social media channels, through which we will
discuss and update upcoming events.

Happy Holidays!

Dongho Choi

NJ ASIST Publicist
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