[Neasis-l] Register now for the New England Archivists Fall 2017 Meeting on September 23

NEA Announcements nea_announce at newenglandarchivists.org
Fri Sep 15 15:02:35 EDT 2017

Register now for New England Archivists’ Fall 2017 Meeting, to be held on
Saturday, September 23, at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts. *Registration
closes this Sunday, September 17*, at midnight, but walk-in registration
will be accepted at the meeting at the rates listed below.

This year’s meeting, “Infinite Conversations,” will offer all archivists
and associated professionals a chance to speak and to be heard. We are
keeping it simple at this half-day meeting, hoping to draw strength from
one another in small, facilitated discussions about the work we do and the
work we would like to do. Let’s talk!

● Listen to and share ideas about our profession, reflect on work
priorities, discover opportunities, and learn from colleagues

● Connect with one another, whether new professionals or veterans, through
conversations, and empower ourselves to thrive in our professional

● Build community: this is a meeting for everyone!

Check the website <https://newenglandarchivists.org/Fall-2017> for
descriptions of all the topics to be covered.

New England Archivists Fall 2017 Meeting: Infinite Conversations
Saturday, September 23, 2017, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, MA

On-site Member Rate: $40

On-site Member Bridge Rate: $31

On-site Student Member Rate: $22

On-site Non-Member Rate: $55

* Bridge rates are reserved for NEA members in good standing who
self-identify as un- or under-employed

Register online today <https://newenglandarchivists.org/event-2584401>! See
you at MIT!
New England Archivists
Communications Committee
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