[Neasis-l] NE-ASIST Digest: July 2017

Annie Erdmann erdmann.ann at gmail.com
Thu Jul 27 09:17:04 EDT 2017

*NE-ASIST July Digest:*

Check out the new Executive Director for ASIST- Lydia Middleton

Vote for ASIST Board members by Aug. 11th
     - if you did not receive a ballot, email lmiddleton at asist.org

Inaugural Chapter Service Award Winners: Choy and Nyhan

Call for local NE-ASIST officer nominations
     -please contact Louisa Choy (LChoy at wheelock.edu),
                               Kate Nyhan (kate.nyhan at yale.edu), or
                               Tom Hohenstein (tah at bu.edu)

*Upcoming Events:*

*July 29th (this Saturday)*- Annual NE-ASIST Summer Picnic
<https://t.co/M9eIwgYVbI>, all are welcome to this super fun event!

*Aug. 3-4*- Working Open Workshop
<https://mozillascience.github.io/WOW-Boston/> at the MIT Media Lab

*Aug. 10*- NEASIST monthly Work-Alongs (coding, hacking, and
technology).  Watch
out <http://www.meetup.com/neasist/> for more details.

*Early Sept.*- Voting for NE-ASIST Officers

*Sept. 28-30*- EuroIA Summit 2017 <http://www.euroia.org/> Adaption and
Designing for Change
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