[Neasis-l] Thesaurus creation and back-of-the-book indexing compared presentation 4/12/14 Arlington, MA

Heather Hedden heather at hedden.net
Thu Mar 13 08:46:44 EDT 2014

"Thesaurus Creation and Back-of-the-Book Indexing Compared"
will be the featured presentation at the spring meeting of the New 
England Chapter of the American Society for Indexing (NEASI)

Saturday, April 12, 2014
Robbins Library, The Public Library of Arlington, MA
700 Massachusetts Avenue, Arlington, MA 02476

Program agenda:
11:00 - 11:15: Registration
11:15 - 11:30: Welcome and Announcements
11:30 - 12:30: "Thesaurus Creation and Back-of-the Book Indexing 
Compared" presented by Heather Hedden
12:30 - 1:30: Lunch
1:30 - 2:30: Informal discussions: "Trends in Publishing", "How to 
Survive as an Indexer", and "Indexing for Textbooks"
2:30: NEASI Board meeting (open to all)

Presentation description:
     Creating a thesaurus (a structured kind of controlled vocabulary or 
taxonomy used to support indexing and retrieval) in many ways is similar 
to creating a back-of-the-book index, but there are also subtle yet 
significant differences that might not be readily apparent. This 
presentation compares key points, including creating multiple points of 
entry, forming hierarchical structure, and indicating related topics, 
with example in all cases. This presentation is based on a poster 
presentation Heather Hedden had given at the American Society for 
Indexing national conference in Minneapolis in 2010 and a feature 
article published in April - June 2012 issue of Key Words, the bulletin 
of the American Society for Indexing. Whether you have experience in 
book indexing but not in thesauri/taxonomies, or you have experience in 
creating thesauri/taxonomies but not in book indexing, this presentation 
will be of interest.

Free, except for the cost of lunch ($8) optional

Pre-registration is required for lunch orders. But if you bring your own 
lunch, walk-in registrations are welcome.
Further information and registration form at: 

Heather Hedden
Senior Vocabulary Editor, Cengage Learning
978-467-5195 (mobile)
heather at hedden.net
heather.hedden at cengage.com

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