[Neasis-l] Call for proposals: Teaching Across Difference

Maric Kramer MKramer at wheelock.edu
Fri Feb 21 18:33:15 EST 2014

Teaching Across Difference
NELIG Annual Program, June 6, 2014 @ UMass Dartmouth

Call for Proposals

The New England Library Instruction Group (NELIG), an interest group of ACRL New England, is requesting breakout session proposals for its annual conference "Teaching Across Difference" to be held at UMass Dartmouth, in North Dartmouth, MA, on Friday, June 6, 2014. The annual program is inspired by this year's keynote speaker, Yu-Hui Chen and the article she co-authored with Mary K. Van Ullen, "Helping International Students Succeed Academically through Research Process and Plagiarism Workshops" (http://crl.acrl.org/content/72/3/209.full.pdf+html).

We will share and explore how instruction librarians negotiate the many differences we encounter in our work, be they one-on-one, collaborative or in the classroom. For example, do you have a technique for approaching a particular difference in your library instruction sessions? How do you incorporate your own differences into teaching information literacy skills to students? What collaborative partnerships have you developed on your campus to accommodate and support difference into your information literacy program?

For your proposal consider addressing differences of:
*  Ability
*  Potential
*  English Language Proficiency
*  Location (Distance/Online)
*  Educational Background (ex: first generation, public/private, adult)
*  Learning Style
*  Culture
Each presenter should plan on speaking 30-35 minutes with an additional 10-15 minutes for question and discussion (45 minutes total). We are looking for individual, group, or panel presentations by librarians and/or their collaborative colleagues. Interactive workshops involving computers and hands-on activities will also be considered.

NELIG encourages librarians with any amount of experience to submit a proposal, so don't feel shy. NELIG is dedicated to providing opportunities for librarians to learn practical ideas from one another. Please feel free to email if you have any questions about presenting.

If you are interested in presenting a session or a panel, please submit the following online form
by March 10, 2014: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_4OWAEI2FjF0k45FP_EY-rPwWpcGX4DST8ITC6ghNpc/viewform

Questions should be directed to: acrlnelig at gmail.com<mailto:acrlnelig at gmail.com>.

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