[Neasis-l] NEASIST Invitation: Big Data & You

Beata Panagopoulos bpanagopoulos at suffolk.edu
Fri Dec 6 10:11:59 EST 2013

The New England Chapter of the Association for Information Science & Technology, together with the Simmons College Student Chapter, invite you to join us at our 2014 Winter Event:

Big Data & You: Preparing Current & Future Information Specialists

When: Tuesday, January 14, 2014 from 8:15am to 12:30pm

Where: MIT Pappalardo Room (Bldg 4-349) Cambridge, MA

RSVP: Eventbrite<http://www.eventbrite.com/e/big-data-you-preparing-current-future-information-specialists-tickets-9600478289>

More Information: NEASIST.org<http://neasist.org/events/>


Big Data is rapidly changing the way researchers, scientists and businesses learn, compete and adapt in digital data-driven environments. The conversation is not just about what data to store, but also how to extract meaningful intelligence from all data, and this is just the beginning.

We now ask what librarians, data scientists and researchers need to know in order to prepare for the challenges of Big Data over the next 10 years. Our panelists are leading practitioners and experts in information and computer science. They will discuss their experiences with Big Data and share their insights into leading a successful career in the always-changing information field.



Registration & Breakfast


Welcome & Introduction


Sands Fish, Senior Software Engineer--MIT Libraries: "Knowing in the Age of Networked Knowledge"


Bradley Strauss, Senior Data Engineer--Chitika: "Is Big Data Bigger than a Bread Box?"




Christopher Erdmann, Head Librarian--Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics:"New Approaches to Library Data Services from an Astrophysics Perspective"


Panel Discussion with Michael Leach, Head of Collection Development--Harvard University Cabot Science Library

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