[Neasis-l] SLA New England and SLA Rhode Island Conference - October 13th

Khalilah Gambrell gambrell9899 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 5 21:11:06 EDT 2012

Greetings all

As SLA New England Chapter President, I like to announce our first
conference scheduled for Saturday, October 13,  2012 at the Southbridge
Conference Center in Southbridge, MA.

As a NEASIS&T member, you are eligible to register at the SLA Member price.
We hope you will join us. Below is the official announcement. - Khalilah

SLA New England and our co-sponsors SLA Rhode Island are proud to host our
first one-day conference: Communication, Commitment & Collaboration

Saturday October 13th, 2012, 8am-3pm
Southbridge Hotel & Conference Center, Southbridge MA

*Click Here for Conference

SLA Members – $50 | Student/Retiree/Between Jobs – $30 | Non-Members – $75

SLA New England is delighted to welcome *John DiGilio*, 2012 Candidate for
SLA Treasurer and an incredibly active SLA member to present our opening

*In the Balance: Tools to Increase Your Personal & Professional Productivity

Work, work, work…  Most of us do it to live.  Sadly, an increasing number
of us also feel like it is all we live to do.  But is it a sign of the
times or more indicative of our own inability to effectively balance our
work and our lives?  Join iBraryGuy and librarian John DiGilio for an
exploration of hot new tools that can make you more productive both
personally and professionally.  These are tools that can help you find your
balance and increase your overall well-being and happiness.  The same
technology that makes you a superstar at the office can be used to make you
shine at home.  Come check out some cool sites and fun apps and strike your
own balance for the better.

*Additional Presenters Include:*

Heather Hedden – “*Mapping, Merging and Multilingual Taxonomies*”

Taxonomies for content management and information retrieval are not static;
they grow and evolve. Added content, audiences, and strategic partners may
necessitate the bridging of multiple vocabularies. This presentation
examines the methods and presents tips to handle three kinds of multiple
taxonomy situations: (1) mapping one taxonomy to another, (2) merging two
or more taxonomies together, and (3) creating interconnected taxonomies in
more than one language.

Marcie Zaharee – “*A Shared Approach to Developing Taxonomies*”

Having a shared, commonly understood language among stakeholders to enable
communication and knowledge sharing across functional boundaries is the
vision for the MITRE’s Metadata Harmonization (MDH) Project. To facilitate
understanding, visibility, and accessibility of intelligence community data
assets, the MDH team has created a 6-step metadata harmonization process.
A key step in this process is developing taxonomies to facilitate discovery
of various artifacts.  This presentation will provide an overview of the
MDH workflow process and highlight best practices for designing and
developing a taxonomy.

Jennifer Swanson – “*A 30,000 Foot View of Project Management*”

What it is, what skills are needed, an overview of the necessary steps when
managing a project, where to go for additional training, and how knowledge
management projects can differ from other types of projects.

Fred Wergeles – *“Favorite CI Analytic Tools that deliver value”*

This presentation will highlight one or two analytical tools and techniques
that information professionals can use to gain additional insights from the
information they have collected.  Using an interactive real-life case
study, attendees will use the tools that can provide decision makers with a
keener understanding of their industry, markets, competitors and future
business environment.  The presenter will provide “analytical templates”
that can be used to organize, evaluate and assess the information, and
provide guidance to the attendees on when and how to apply the techniques.

Laura Crandall – *“Across the Great Divide: Resilient & Practical
Communication for the Intergenerational Workplace”*

Do you feel like you can’t get through to colleagues or customers?  Ever
find yourself hoping that your co-workers would comprehend what you need
without having to explain it to them–again?  This fun-filled and
interactive session will uncover the ways we inadvertently impede
communication and how we can gain practical skills for any
interaction–especially where generations mix.

Justin Brierley – *“Sound Preservation in the Digital Age”*

Justin will discuss  sound preservation in the digital age, illustrating
the importance of music and sound preservation while exploring some of the
technical and taxonomical issues involved in that work.

*Click Here for Conference


[image: EBSCOhost] <http://www.ebscohost.com>

*EBSCO Publishing   *


[image: Go to Springshare website] <http://springshare.com/>

*Thank you to our additional sponsors Recommind
<http://www.recommind.com/>and SLA at Simmons
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