[Neasis-l] Last Chance to Register! Cataloging Photographs Workshop with Martha Mahard

GSLIS CE2 gslisce2 at simmons.edu
Fri May 30 13:17:54 EDT 2008

Cataloging Photographs for Librarians and Archivists: A Review of 
Current Standards and Best Practices
Saturday, June 7, 2008
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Simmons College Campus
Cost: $220

The class will work through a review of the major emerging standards for 
the online description of historic photographs, using hands-on examples, 
and will focus on data structure standards such as the Dublin Core and 
VRA 3.0; content standards such as the new CCO (Cataloging Cultural 
Objects), DACS, and Graphic Materials; and data value standards such as 
the Art and Architecture Thesaurus, and the Thesaurus for Graphic 
Materials. There will be discussion of collection-level description, 
item-level description, and traditional finding aids.

The instructor has been teaching the Management of Photographic Archives 
course at Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science for 
more than 12 years and chaired the initial efforts to develop Harvard's 
OLIVIA cataloging system and the union catalog of visual materials, VIA.

Faculty: Martha Mahard, Adjunct Faculty, Graduate School of Library and 
Information Science, Simmons College; mahard at simmons.edu

To register or for more information see 
http://www.simmons.edu/gslis/continuinged/workshops/ or contact 
gslisce at simmons.edu

Kris Liberman '87LS
Program Manager
Simmons GSLIS CE
T - 617-521-2803
F - 617-521-3192
gslisce at simmons.edu

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