[Neasis-l] Second Call: The Philosophy of Identity in the Virtual. Symposium 23/04/2009

Colin T. SCHMIDT colin.schmidt at univ-lemans.fr
Tue Dec 9 21:08:19 EST 2008

Please send the call out once again stating that the Jan 19 deadline is 

Colin T. SCHMIDT wrote:

> Hello,
> would the members of the committee and potential future committee members
> please re-distribute this LAST CALL for our meeting on *The Philosophy 
> of Identity in the Virtual.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> *
> *The Philosophy of Identity in the Virtual *
> Symposium n° 6 (of 6), April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
> Site:
> http://www.laval-virtual.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=113&Itemid=209 
> For information on the venue and related Symposiums:
> http://www.laval-virtual.org/
> Topic:
> Difference, Relation and Identity are three notions that are 
> fundamentals for the success of Virtual Reality technologies (VR and 
> AR). The aim of this symposium is to conceptualise the Identity of an 
> individual as a scientific concept whilst acknowledging the fact that 
> Identity cannot be studied without considering the other two notions. 
> The pros and cons of designing identities for or within VR become 
> obvious upon admitting that representing any Self will be interpreted 
> at some point by someone having his own values, opinions and 
> experience in life. Members of our society that self-procure, 
> attribute or redistribute Identity in the Virtual World bring about 
> psychological enquiries in relation to user intentionality, specific 
> uses of VR applications or general modifications to our ways of 
> communicating. Usability issues addressing the problem of Identity 
> have not yet been integrated into long-term visions of society and our 
> needs. The Chair of the session is thus open to all existential, 
> ethical and epistemological issues having to do with Identity in 
> Virtual Communities.
> **Important Dates**
> Online papers submission opens **November 30, 2008**
> Submission of full papers **January 19, 2009**
> Notification of acceptation **February 27, 2009**
> Deadline for final revisions **March 16, 2009**
> Symposium chair: Colin Schmidt colin.schmidt at univ-lemans.fr
> For more information, see the Call for Paper 
> <http://www.laval-virtual.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=59&Itemid=111> 
> *Scientific Committee *
> /Jean-Paul BAQUIAST,/ Expert in Politics of Information Technologies. 
> Editor of AutomatesIntelligent.com & Member of PanEurope France (FR)
> /Mark BISHOP, /Reader in Computing, Goldsmiths, University of London (UK)
> /
> Kerstin DAUTENHAHN, /Professor of Artificial Intelligence, Adaptive 
> Systems Research Group, University of Hertfordshire (UK)
> /
> Charles ESS,/ Professor in Interdisciplinary Studies (Ethics, Global 
> Perspectives), Drury University USA & President of the Association of 
> Internet Researchers (USA)
> /Viorel GULICIUC/, Professor of Ancient Philosophy, Semiotics and 
> Digital Aesthetics, Stefan cel Mare University, Romania (RO)
> /Pierre LIVET, /Director of CEPERC & Professor of Epistemology, 
> Aix-Marseille University (FR)
> /Lorenzo MAGNANI, /Professor & Director of the Computational 
> Philosophy Laboratory, University of Pavia (IT)
> /Nadia MAGNENAT-THALMANN, /Professor & Director of MIRALab, University 
> of Geneva/ /(CH)
> /Maria-Caterina MANES-GALLO/, Professor of Information and 
> Communication Sciences, Bordeaux University (FR)
> /Serge PROULX/, Professor at UQAM Montréal, Director of GRM, Director 
> of LabCMO, LCP-CNRS Paris, ENST Telecom ParisTech (CA)
> /Philippe QUEAU/, Imagina & Director of the Information and Computing 
> Division at UNESCO (CH)
> /Shahid RAHMAN, /Professor of Logic and Epistemology, MSH du Nord-Pas 
> de Calais & Lille III University (FR)
> /Francis ROUSSEAUX, /Professor of Computer Science, IRCAM Paris & IEEE 
> Computer France Section (FR)
> /Ioan //ROXIN/, Professor of Information and Communication Sciences, 
> LaSéLDI, Besançon University (FR)
> /Peter-Paul VERBEEK/, Assoc. Professor, Philosophy of Science, 
> Technology and Society, University of Twente & Society for Philosophy 
> and Technology (SPT) (NL)
> /Kevin WARWICK/, Professor of Cybernetics, Reading University (UK)
> *
> *Website: • http://www.laval-virtual.org
> 22 - 24 APRIL 2009 LAVAL, FRANCE
> Important Dates
> Online papers submission opens November 10, 2008
> Submission of full papers January 19, 2009
> Notification of acceptation February 27, 2009
> Deadline for final revisions of full papers March 16, 2009
> Office : Laval Virtual - 6 rue Léonard de Vinci - BP 0119 - 53001 
> LAVAL Cedex, T +33 (0)2 43 49 75 57, F +33 (0)2 43 49 75 98,
> contact at laval-virtual.org
> Recognized or Potential Virtual Reality User, The most renowned 
> international specialists and the principal users of Virtual Reality 
> technology share the very latest techniques from their fields of 
> expertise.
> VRIC'09 - Virtual Reality International Conference - will be held 
> during the 11th edition of Laval Virtual,
> first European event devoted to Virtual Reality, Realtime 3D and 
> Interactive Techniques.
> Spread the word!
> Prof. Simon RICHIR
> VRIC Conference Chair
> Program: • Digital Factory - April 22, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
> • Digital Art - April 22, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
> • Virtual Humans in Psychological Science and Therapy: How, When and 
> Why? - April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
> • Mixed and Augmented Reality - April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
> • The Philosophy of Identity in the Virtual - April 23, 9-12 AM / 2-5 PM
> • Laval Virtual Awards Ceremony & Best Paper Award - April 24, 12.30 
> PM (Exhibition Hall)
> • Laval Virtual, Professional Exhibition & Demonstration Forum - April 
> 22-24 (Exhibition Hall)
> Location: • VRIC - Théâtre de Laval (Conference Hall) - 32 rue de la 
> Paix, LAVAL
> • Laval Virtual - Salle Polyvalente (Exhibition Hall) - Place de 
> Hercé, LAVAL

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