[Neasis-l] TRAVEL AWARD for IA SUMMIT AVAILABLE to Northeast students

Caryn Anderson caryn.anderson at simmons.edu
Tue Oct 16 19:50:29 EDT 2007

***Please Excuse the Cross-Postings***


The American Society for Information Science & Technology, New England 
Chapter (NEASIST) is pleased to announce the availability of an award of 
up to $750 to reimburse expenses for attendance at the ASIST IA Summit, 
April 10-14, 2008 in Miami, FL. Applications must be received by Monday, 
January 8, 2008. The winner will be notified by Monday, January 21, 2008.

One award for the best case study in information architecture will be 
offered to student members of ASIS&T* in the New England, Upstate New 
York or Eastern Canada regions. Students must be enrolled in an 
information science** master's or doctoral program. The award(s) are 
made based upon submission of a case study written within the last two 

In your case study, describe the problem that you attempted to solve 
with your IA project. Give the background of the case and describe the 
variables. Were there different routes you could have taken? What were 
the advantages and disadvantages of each? Describe your decision-making 
process and present your project.

The case study may be one already submitted or one that will be 
submitted for course credit during this academic year. In order to be 
reimbursed, the award winner will submit receipts substantiating travel 
and conference related expenses, such as costs for registration, 
airfare, food, and lodging. The award winner will also be expected to 
meet with a NEASIST representative at the conference.

Additional criteria:

- Case studies must be written in English.

- Case studies should be roughly 5,000 words (approximately 8-15 pages 

- The case needs to demonstrate the application of at least one 
recognized IA methodology such as (but not limited to) those listed 
here: personas, prototypes, wireframe, blueprints, task analysis, design 

- Student must be sole author. Multiple author submissions are allowed 
if all authors are students and members of ASIS&T. Winning authors will 
not be reimbursed for more than $750 total between them.

- More than one case study submission is allowed.

- The case may also have been submitted to a conference, award 
competition, or to a journal for publication.

- The copyright must be held by the author.

The case should be accompanied by a coversheet including the following 

- Applicant's name

- Address

- Phone number

- E-mail address

- School affiliation / information science program

- Student ID number

- Proof of ASIST membership (e.g. ASIST member number, photocopy of 
ASIST application, or photocopy of check canceled by ASIST Headquarters)


The IA Summit is the premier gathering place for those interested in 
Information Architecture. The 2008 IA Summit, “Experiencing 
Information,” will take place from April 12-14, 2008 in Miami, FL.

References on case writing: http://gslis.simmons.edu/mw/phdmlip/Case_Writing


Cover sheets and case documents should be submitted as attachments and 
sent by email to:

Manya [at] raytheon.com

*You may join ASIST via the web at http://www.asist.org/membership.html

**Terms describing information science programs are varied: they may be

called: Library and Information Studies, Information Science and Policy, 
Information and Library Science, Information Studies, etc.

Questions? Contact Manya Kapikian at (978) 436-3196 or e-mail: Manya 
[at] raytheon.com

Caryn Anderson
Doctoral Studies Program Manager
GSLIS, Simmons College
300 The Fenway, P-310H
Boston, MA  02115
caryn.anderson at simmons.edu

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