[Neasis-l] NEASIST Election Results

Margret Branschofsky margretb at MIT.EDU
Tue Oct 25 13:33:51 EDT 2005

I am pleased to announce the results of the NEASIST election.  Our new 
board members are:

Caryn Anderson - Program Chair & Chair Elect
Nancy Akin - Treasurer
Dick Luxner - Membership Chair
Christine Connors - Secretary

They will join incoming Chair, Beatrice Pulliam and outgoing Chair, Margret 
Branschofsky on the NEASIST Board. Other recent (and not so recent) changes 
in position include:

David Ware - Archivist
Christine Chirion - moderator of the Chapter listservs (NEASIS-L and NEASIS-PC)

Margret Branschofsky

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