[Neasis-l] Google Digitization presentation at Simmons

Caryn Anderson carynlanderson at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 31 07:00:30 EST 2005

Greetings colleagues,

The Simmons student chapter is sponsoring a talk with Dale Flecker
(Harvard) about their digitization project with Google and it will be free
and open to the public.  

**Please RSVP** to Simmons student chapter chair Kjersten Elias
(kjersten.elias at simmons.edu) as this event will certainly fill up fast.

Also, please note that there is not really any parking available at
Simmons, but it is close to the E train stop at the Museum of Fine Arts. 
Details below:


Millions of Books, Free on the Web?

Harvard and other premier libraries are working with Google to digitize
millions of uncopyrighted works using brand new scanning technology.
Google is making them full-text searchable for free on the web.  What does
this mean for libraries?

Dale Flecker is coordinating this amazing undertaking.  Come hear 
about it from the Associate Director for Planning and Systems in the
Harvard University Library.  Mr. Flecker will also be talking about other
Google projects (like Google Scholar) and their implications for

The Harvard/Google digitization project:
What are the implications for libraries?

Dale Flecker, Harvard University Library
Thursday, April 14th
1:00pm, room P207

Refreshments will be served.

Caryn L. Anderson, BSc, MLS 
CarynLAnderson at yahoo.com

Project Consultant, Open Video Digital Library Toolkit, Simmons College 
Project Coordinator, ERUS (E-Resource Usage Statistics), Simmons College 
Associate, Lee Mizell Consulting (http://www.leemizell.com) 

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