[Neasis-l] Register Now For NEASIST Syndicate, Aggregate, Communicate: New Web Tools in Real Applications (May 3rd)

Beatrice Pulliam bpulliam at postoffice.providence.edu
Tue Mar 22 19:47:43 EST 2005


REGISTER NOW for another timely New England Chapter of ASIST


Syndicate, Aggregate, Communicate:  New Web Tools in Real Applications
for Libraries, Companies and Regular Folk

Tuesday, 3 May 2005, 9am-4pm (TBD)
Feinstein 400, Providence College, Providence, RI
(Directions, parking, train schedules and detailed program coming soon!)

The Tools We Hear About: Blogs, Wikis, RSS, Instant Messenging (IM),
Chat, Browser add-ons, Bookmarklets, Folksonomies

The Questions We Ask Ourselves:  How and when do these tools work
together?  How can I use them in my environment?  How do I convince my
boss that they are worth implementing?

2005 opens with an avalanche of new and maturing technologies.  Free
tools currently available can be configured and integrated to radically
improve communication and simplify information retrieval, storage and
sharing.  These technologies, however, are currently being developed
and presented incrementally and individually, and it is up to the user
to keep track, download, install, configure, integrate, learn and
determine which combinations will best serve a given individual,
project, or organization.

NEASIST is pleased to present another timely event designed to make
sense of this frenzy of technology and turn the chaos into practical
tools for harnessing information and connecting people.  Three
recognized, early-adopter, information specialists have been exploring
and experimenting with these tools in different environments.  They
will be sharing examples of how you can use these tools for:
- Personal Information Management
- Internal Staff or Project Communication
- Web site Content Development
- Making your Content Findable on the Internet at large

Individual presentations and a panel session will include case studies
and techniques for enlightening others about the diverse value and
application of social software and information management tools.

- Megan Fox
   Web & Electronic Resources Librarian, Simmons College (Boston, MA)
   Adjunct Professor, Simmons College ("Online Information Resources,"
   "A Taste of New Technologies")

- Jenny Levine
   Internet Development Specialist, Metropolitan Library System
   (Chicago, IL)
   Author, "The Shifted Librarian" (www.theshiftedlibrarian.com/)

- Michael Stephens
   Special Projects Librarian, St. Joseph County Public Library (South
   Bend, IN)
   Author, "Tame the Web: Technology & Libraries"

$60 ASIST Members  -  $80 Non-Members  -  $40 Student/Retiree/Between
Jobs (Continental Breakfast and Lunch and refreshments included)

Register via Program Web site:

Questions about Registration?: E-mail Caryn Anderson
(CarynLAnderson at yahoo.com)

Questions about the Program?: E-mail Beatrice Pulliam
(bpulliam at providence.edu)


Beatrice R. Pulliam
ASIST, New England Chapter Program Chair & Chair Elect

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