[Neasis-l] NEASIS&T awards picnic cancelled

Deborah Helman dhelman@MIT.EDU
Tue, 29 Jun 2004 04:44:06 -0400

The NEASIS&T Summer Social Picnic and Awards event scheduled for Thursday the
1st of July has been cancelled due to very low attendance.  We apologize for
any inconvenience this may cause.  
We are planning a program for the Fall, so keep your eye out for the
announcement about it.

Just a reminder... if you would like to get involved in planning NEASIS&T
programs or become more active as an officer of the chapter, please email our
chapter chair, Darcy Duke (darcy@mit.edu.) 
Enjoy the upcoming holiday and we look forward to seeing you at our future

Deborah Helman
Chair, NEASIS&T Program Committee