[Neasis-l] New NEASIST Chair

Deborah Helman dhelman at MIT.EDU
Fri Dec 10 06:23:10 EST 2004


I was supposed to be the chair of NEASIST this year, but due to the fact that I
will be leaving Boston for a new job in Madison, WI I will not be able to
continue. So, the board has appointed Margret Branchofsky to chair NEASIST this
year (thanks Margret for taking this on.)  Margret has been active in NEASIST
for many years and has been the Membership Chair this past year.  Joanne Ren,
who had been working with Margret on membership, has agreed to take over as
Membership Chair.

I'd like to thank both of them for stepping up and taking on these positions at
such quick notice.

Hope to see many of you at the program on Dec 15.


Deborah Helman
Associate Head for Engineering
Engineering and Science Libraries
Massachussetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue, 10-500
Cambridge MA 02139
email: dhelman at mit.edu
phone: 617.253.9368

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