[Neasis-l] Weblog Conference at Harvard Law School in October

Jessica Baumgart jessica_baumgart@harvard.edu
Thu, 31 Jul 2003 14:36:09 -0400


I'm on the Local Host Committee for a conference about weblogs and 
blogging and thought some of you and your colleagues might be 
interested in it.  Please share this notice with anyone who might be 

Also, there is a Thursday night (7 pm) group for bloggers that meets 
at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School 
that's open to the public.  If any of you are interested in blogging 
or are blogging, please feel free to come to the group.  More details 
are at: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/thursdays/.  The meetings are 
geared towards people at all levels of blogging and usually draw a 
variety of people with a range of blogging skills.

Do you blog or are you interested in blogging?  Find yourself 
wondering if blogging is right for you?  Ever wonder what a weblog is 

Come to BloggerCon, an all-day conference about weblogs and blogging 
hosted by the Berkman Center for Internet & Society 
(http://cyber.law.harvard.edu/home/) at Harvard Law School in 
Cambridge, Massachusetts, on Saturday, October 4, 2003!

Conference founder Dave Winer of scriptingnews.com, a Fellow at the 
Berkman Center, seeks to bring together all kinds of bloggers and 
blogging enthusiasts for a one-of-a-kind day focused on weblogs.

BloggerCon (http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/bloggerCon/) features a 
variety of panels about different aspects of blogging, including 

**Doc Searls (http://doc.weblogs.com/)
**Scott Rosenberg of salon.com (http://blogs.salon.com/0000014/)
**Elizabeth Spiers of Gawker.com
**television and radio host Adam Curry (http://live.curry.com/)
**journalist Ed Cone (http:/EdCone.com)
**Joshua Marshall of Talking Points Memo (http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/)
**Christopher Lydon, former host of the radio show The Connection 

Tentative sessions include educators and weblogs, blog technology, 
and blogging librarians.

For more information or an invitation to register for the conference, 
please contact Jessica Baumgart at jessica_baumgart@harvard.edu or 
617-495-4739 or Wendy Koslow,  Program Coordinator at the Berkman 
Center for Internet & Society, at 617-495-7547 or 

Jessica Baumgart

PS--Please pardon the cross-posting.

Jessica Baumgart
Information Resources Specialist
Office of News and Public Affairs
Harvard University
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