[Neasis-l] NEASIST Providence 2004 Task Force

Michael Jimenez Michael Jimenez" <jimenez@law.harvard.edu
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 11:21:50 -0500

Hi everyone,

The NEASIST executive board is looking for creative, energetic and lively
members interested in participating in our newly forming "Providence 2004
Task Force." The Task Force will work closely with ASIST Headquarters
including Richard Hill, Executive Director, the ASIST Board of Directors,
and NEASIST to support planning and promotion of the 2004 ASIST Annual
Meeting scheduled for November 13-18th at the Westin Providence Hotel in
Providence, R.I.

The Providence 2004 Task Force is initially charged with devising clever and
entertaining ways of publicizing and promoting the 2004 Annual Meeting at
the 2003 Annual Meeting in Long Beach, CA on October 20-23rd. For more
detail, see Michael Leach's task force proposal below.

The first meeting of the Task Force will probably take place in mid to late

If you are interested in joining the Task Force or have any questions,
please contact:

Michael Jimenez
NEASIST Chapter Chair

Thank you for your interest,


Michael Jimenez


2004 ASIST Annual Meeting

NEASIST Chapter Support


January 2003

Michael R. Leach, ASIS&T Board of Directors

     The 2004 Annual Meeting (AM) of ASIST will take place November 13-18th,
at the Westin Providence Hotel, in Providence, R.I.  This will be the first
Annual Meeting in over a decade to take place in New England (and, hence, in
our Chapter's territory).  The Los Angeles Chapter is heavily supporting the
2003 AM, which takes place Oct. 20-23 in Long Beach, California.  Following
in that tradition, I would like to see the New England Chapter take a strong
leadership role in promoting and supporting the Providence meeting.

     There are a number of ways our Chapter can support the 2004 AM.  Some
suggestions include:

- creation of a web site (or just pages) focusing on the social aspects of
Providence (food, museums, transportation, historic sites, etc.), with
relevant links to local web sites;

- a promotion campaign, which would take place during the 2003 AM in Long
Beach; this campaign could include a table with info and giveaways,
presentations/skits during or after the plenary sessions; a NEASIST
hospitality suite with promotional materials;

- a newsletter or brochure (paper or electronic) that can be sent to ASIST

- sponsoring a special event at the 2004 AM, perhaps an off-site dinner or

- targeted promotion campaigns to New England-based, non-ASIST, library
groups (e.g. SLA, ACRL).

     I have had informal discussions with some of the LACASIST leaders about
possibly sharing the cost of a suite at the 2003 AM, where we would have
some nights for hospitality and they would have other nights.

     The Special Libraries Association (SLA) has a strong tradition of
promoting the following Annual Meeting at the current meeting.  Some of
these promotions/presentations have been quite impressive, including video,
full-color brochures, and plenty of free giveaways.  If we begin the process
now, we should have ample time to put together a first class
program/promotional campaign.

(Slightly edited from the original proposal; apologies to Michael Leach)