[MNASIS-L] Open Source Integrated Library System Workshops

Janet Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Tue Apr 22 15:21:47 EDT 2008

MINITEX Open Source ILS Workshops ­ Liblime and Equinox

MINITEX is bringing Liblime (Koha) and Equinox 
(Evergreen or PINES) to the region in order to 
provide our libraries with an opportunity for 
greater understanding of open source ILS products 
and development. We have planned a one day 
workshop for each company and you may attend one 
or both. We are offering a discounted price for attending both sessions.

   Koha Integrated Library System -- Tuesday, June 3, 2008, 9:00 ­ 4:00

Koha is the first full-featured open-source ILS. 
Developed initially in New Zealand by Katipo 
Communications Ltd and first deployed in January 
of 2000 for Horowhenua Library Trust, it is 
currently maintained by a team of software 
providers and library technology staff from around the globe.

Joshua Ferraro, Release Manager for the 3.0 
Version of Koha and CEO of LibLime, gives an 
overview of the 3.0 release of Koha, including 
Zebra support, a new installer, API support, 
Internationalization and Localization support, 
the new templates, and some of the recently 
enhanced modules in Koha, including acquisitions, 
cataloging, serials and reporting.

   Evergreen Integrated Library System ­ Monday, June 16, 2008, 9:00 ­ 4:00

Evergreen was developed beginning in 2004 and 
went live in 2006. PINES currently runs on 48 
public library systems, 275 libraries, that 
circulate over 16 million items. It is the only 
library software designed to handle a large distributed library.

Equinox Software, Inc. was founded by the 
original developers of Evergreen after its 
successful implementation in Georgia led to 
interest by others needing Evergreen's unique 
capabilities. Equinox supports those using 
Evergreen and the growing Evergreen community.

Jason Etheridge, VP for Community Support and 
Advocacy at Equinox Software, Inc. will present 
Evergreen, the open source software originally 
developed to run the Georgia Public Library 
Service's PINES shared resource network.

Where:  Continuing Education and Conference Center
         University of Minnesota, St. Paul Campus
         1890 Buford Avenue
         St. Paul, MN

Directions: http://www.cce.umn.edu/conferencecenter/directions.html

Registration: Individual sessions are $50.00 
each. If you choose to attend both sessions the 
cost will be $80.00.  Lunch and refreshments are 
included in your registration price.

$50  ___ Koha ILS, Tuesday, June 3, 2008    9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

$50  ___ Equinox, Monday, June 16, 2008  9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

$80  ___ Both Koha & Equinox

To register: https://www.minitex.umn.edu/events/conferences/openSource.aspx

Registration deadline: Tuesday, May 27, 2008.
Registration will be limited so sign-up early!

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