[MNASIS-L] James Joyces in 60 minutes (ASIST meeting

Ann Treacy atreacy at treacyinfo.com
Mon Mar 13 12:08:48 EST 2006

James Joyce's Ulysses in 60 minutes


The now for something different series is taking a very different turn this
month. In honor of St. Patrick's Day, we would like to invite you to an
Irish-themed discussion - a talk on James Joyce's Ulysses by Patrick
O'Donnell. Patrick is not a librarian, but he's married to one.


Originally from Dublin, Patrick teaches at Normandale Community College. He
has a Masters Degree in Irish Literature, from University College Dublin.
Patrick runs the Irish Cultural Summer School
(http://www.irishfair.com/Summer_School.html), which is an offspring of the
Irish Fair.


Patrick is a Joyce scholar. He has written plays about James Joyce (which
were performed in the Twin Cities most notably at Kieran's Irish Pub); he
has also written staged adaptations of various chapters from Ulysses. 


If you have read Ulysses, started Ulysses, thought about reading Ulysses, or
pretended to read it - this will be a fun talk. Patrick is prepared to start
at the beginning and give us the Cliff Notes version - but he also loves
getting the hard questions. So if you have something you're college prof
couldn't explain - bring it along. (If you feel like you need some prep,
here's one of my favorite Joyce web sites: Ulysses for Dummies


This might be the impetus you need to get the book read by June 16 -
Bloomsday, the date in history when the book takes place. 




When: March Feb 23 - 5:00-6:30

Where: College of St. Catherine, Centers of Excellence 3rd floor of the
Coeur de Catherine. St Kate's is on spring break so parking should be really

RSVP: Not necessary - but if you can that's great - just email
atreacy at treacyinfo.com 

Cost: Free - we'll try to have some cookies or something and there's a
coffee shop down the hall


Thanks!   Ann




Ann Treacy
Treacy Information Services
1841 Fairmount Ave
St Paul MN 55105
atreacy at treacyinfo.com 


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