[MNASIS-L] MN Chapter hosts the February 8th SLA Click U Live Seminar: The impact of new & emerging technologies on business, work & life

Janet Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Tue Jan 31 11:56:34 EST 2006

The Minnesota Chapter will host the SLA Click U Live Seminar:  "The impact 
of new & emerging technologies on business, work & life"

Date:  Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Time:  1:00pm - 2:30pm CT  (plan to arrive a few minutes early, because the 
seminar starts promptly at 1pm)

   Thomson University
   610 Opperman Drive
   Eagan, MN  55123
Your host:  Anne McFarlan

Cost:  $10 for SLA, ASIST, MALL or HSLM members:  $15 for 
non-members  (Please make your check payable to "Minnesota Chapter SLA" and 
bring it with you to the seminar.)

How to register:  Send the registration form shown below to Jim Tchobanoff 
(jtchobanoff at bigfoot.com) or call Jim at 651 636-3738.  Space is limited, 
so register ASAP.

Registrations will be handled in the order received and a confirmation 
message will be sent.  Please note that if you register, you are obligated 
pay for your seminar attendance, whether or not you show up on the 8th.


February 8th Virtual Seminar Registration Form:


Phone number:

SLA/ASIST member:  yes  no

Do you need a receipt:  yes  no


Thanks to Anne McFarlan and Thomson University for hosting the seminar.

Any questions, call Jim at 651 636-3738 or send an email 
(jtchobanoff at bigfoot.com)

Jim Tchobanoff

Seminar information follows:
The Impact of New and Emerging Technologies on Business, Work (& Life)
8 February 2006
1:00-2:30 p.m. CT
Presented by 
Gladen, Muzeview

The Course

The constant stream of new and emerging technologies creates both 
opportunities and challenges for any organization in determining how best 
to develop and grow its business.

This seminar provides Information Professionals with an appreciation of the 
latest developments in information, communication and enterprise 
technologies and their impact on business, work, and life. This will enable 
Information professionals to evaluate the changing needs of their users and 
also to consider the opportunity and potential of using new technologies to 
enhance the information services that they provide to those users.

The course will primarily focus on introducing a range of information, 
communications, and enterprise technologies providing a brief overview for 
each technology of:
    * How it works
    * How it’s used
    * Who uses it
    * Factors to consider in evaluating whether to use the technology
    * The implications of the technology on business, work, and life
    * Future developments
    * Related technologies
    * Service Oriented Architectures and Web Services
    * Blogging, vlogging and podcasting
    * RSS, tags
    * Open source
    * Wikis and other collaborative working tools (e.g. Basecamp)
    * Communications:
        * Broadband
        * Wireless ­ 3G, Wi-Fi, WiMax etc.
        * VoIP
        * IMS
    * Trends in search
    * Software as a service

The course will also provide a simple framework for helping participants 
develop the technology strategy for their information organization

Targeted Learners

The target audience is information professionals with a strong desire to 
understand what’s new and emerging in technology and its impact on their work.

Critical Learning Questions
    * What are the key new and emerging technologies that are impacting 
business, work, and life?
    * What is the relevance and potential impact of these technologies on 
my business and roles?
    * How do I develop a technology strategy for the information organization?

Related Reading
the Paradox of Emerging IT." Paul Gladen, Information Outlook January 2006.

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