Janet Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Wed Oct 5 09:04:59 EDT 2005

MINERVA 2005 Symposium - Virtual Futures: Media Immersion
Weisman Art Museum
Wednesday, November 2
8:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.

New forms of digital media are enticing educators, scholars and curators to 
re-imagine their learning and research environments. This 'new media,' 
involving interactive and immersion technologies, and first explored as 
game software, is demonstrating significantly different approaches to 
interacting with visual information, as well as other "players" and 
"objects" that share the environment.

Please join us on November 2 to hear from local experts in the field of new 
and alternative media. The program Virtual Futures: Media Immersion will 
explore the work of artists and technology and other specialists who 
pioneered work with new media, and demonstrate interactive media projects 
that have achieved some notoriety in the academic and museum setting.

Conference registration is $50.00 and includes access to the full day 
program, light breakfast refreshments and lunch. Please phone (612) 
625-6438 or email ultan004 at umn.edu or (612)625-6982 or email Andrew 
Palahniuk ampala at umn.edu with questions. Please register by October 19. 

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