[MNASIS-L] ASIST/SLA Meeting Update - Tuesday Jan 11

Ann Treacy atreacy at treacyinfo.com
Mon Jan 3 12:16:51 EST 2005

Happy New Year!


I have just confirmed with the restaurant for the January 11 meeting. The
good news is, we were able to book the FAMOUS and difficult to get
reservations restaurant - RISTORANTE LUCI on Cleveland and Randolph - across
Randoph from the Northwest Gates of the College of St. Catherine in St Paul.
(Ristoante Luci is the older sister of the Luci family resturants on that
corner.) The bad news is that we can only fit 45 people in the space - so
please sign up soon. 


Dinner will include:

Appetizers served family style: Bruchetta and Fresh Mozzerella

Salad choice:    Caesar or 

Mista (mixed greens)

Dinner choice:   Papardelle con funghi (Pasta with mushrooms)

                        Fusilli alla Luci (Pasta with chicken and broccili)

                        Pork tenderloin

Desert choice:   Cheesecake

                        Chocolate torte (both served with coffee or tea)
Drinks: Wine & beer are available but not inlcuded in price


You can make your choices at the restaurant. Please RSVP by Friday Jan 7.
You can see a sample menu and get directions for the Luci web site:


And once again, here is infromation on the main event speaker.



Helping Them Help Themselves or Developing Guidelines for a Usable Intranet 

Jan 11 Save the Date!


Librarians have been helping patrons find information forever! In a
traditional library we use a catalog, we collocate items, we use signage,
and we create pathfinders. We are experts at usability. We know all of the
tricks and tips for getting the patron to her end goal. 


But what about the tricks and tips for helping users find what they need on
your Intranet? Do they exist? Can we create them? This session will be a
great start for understanding Intranet usability and defining some best
practice guidelines.


Our speaker will be DeeDee DeMuling, local usability expert. DeeDee has her
own company (Prodex Consulting) and consults with national companies about
usability of Intranets, software, web sites and more. DeeDee is also a very
active member of the Minnesota chapter of the Usability Professional
Association. (This is an organization that may be of great interest to some
of us!)


Date: January 11

Time: 5:30 - 7:45 (dinner to start around 6:00)

Cost:    $30 for SLA/ASIST members

            $20 for students/unemployed members
            $40 for non-members


If you have any questions, please email us at (atreacy at treacyinfo.com).
Otherwise we'll be back with more ASAP!


Have a great holiday!    Ann


Send registration & check to: 

Ann Treacy 

1841 Fairmount Avenue

St. Paul MN 55105



ASIST / SLA Meeting Registration 


Please enclose payment (make checks payable to the MN Chapter ASIST): 


$30 for Members; $20 for student/unemployed members; $40 for nonmembers  


Name (Person 1):  


Name (Person 2):  






Member of ___ASIST  ___or SLA


Is this your first meeting?_


Do you need a receipt?__



Ann Treacy
Treacy Information Services
1841 Fairmount Ave
St Paul MN 55105
atreacy at treacyinfo.com 


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