[MNASIS-L] Global E-democracy trends talk

Janet M. Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Tue Apr 19 09:58:48 EDT 2005

The University of Minnesota Information, Technology, and Everyday Life 
Initiative invites you to:

Global E-democracy Trends: Leading Governments and E-democracy
   3:00 - 4:30 p.m., Thursday, April 21, 2005
   402 Walter Library
   University of Minnesota, East Bank

FFI: http://www.cs.umn.edu/itel/index.php?page=edemocracy

About Steven Clift
-- Full biography at 
<http://publicus.net/about.html>http://publicus.net/about.html -- Steven 
Clift, a leading global expert on "e-democracy," has spoken hundreds of 
times in 25 countries.  In 1994, he led the creation of the world's first 
election-oriented web site from Minnesota - 
<http://e-democracy.org/>http://E-Democracy.Org. He is the editor of 
<http://dowire.org/>http://DoWire.Org, the Democracies Online e-mail
list, blog, and wiki with participants in over 80 countries.  He shares 
dozens of the articles he's written for the United Nations, the OECD, the 
Internet Society, and others from his 
<http://publicus.net/>http://Publicus.Net website.


Parking near Walter Library:

Parking is available in the Church Street Ramp 
the Weisman Museum Garage 
or in the Washington Avenue Ramp 


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