[MNASIS-L] FW: [Nonprofit_tech_talk] Next in-person session--Wednesday, Sept 10

Ann Treacy atreacy at treacyinfo.com
Thu Sep 4 16:08:53 EDT 2003

I thought some folks might be interested in the following free meeting
next week on GIS. Tech Talk is a group of nonprofit techies. The
meetings are very casual. I usually try to go.      Ann

Ann Treacy
Treacy Information Services
1841 Fairmount Ave
St Paul MN 55105
atreacy at treacyinfo.com 

-----Original Message-----
From: Sheldon Mains [mailto:swm at mapnp.org] 
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 3:06 PM
To: atreacy at treacyinfo.com
Subject: RE: [Nonprofit_tech_talk] Next in-person session--Wednesday,
Sept 10

> -----Original Message-----
> From: nonprofit_tech_talk-admin at communityforum.net
> [mailto:nonprofit_tech_talk-admin at communityforum.net] On Behalf Of
> Sheldon Mains
> Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2003 2:54 PM
> To: tech talk
> Subject: [Nonprofit_tech_talk] Next in-person session--Wednesday, Sept
> 10
> The next Tech Talk in-person gathering is about GIS-Geographic
> Information Systems
> What is GIS and how has it been used by community based organizations
> for planning, program development and evaluation in the Twin Cities?
> Neighborhood groups in Minneapolis and St. Paul have been using GIS
> technology to map problem properties, hazardous waste, business
> opportunities and more.  What could a social service, arts or
> environmental organization learn from using this technology? What
> academic resources available to assist organizations in the 
> Twin Cities
> in developing GIS applications.
> The presenters are Presenters: Kris Nelson and Jeff Matson from the
> Center for Urban and Regional Affairs (CURA) at the University of
> Minnesota
> For more information of GIS: http://www.npcr.org/GIS.html
> Wednesday, September 10
> 	8:30 AM to 10:00 AM
> 	MAP for Nonprofits
> 	2233 University Avenue West
> 	Suite 360
> 	St. Paul, MN 55114
> Visit http://www.mapfornonprofits.org and click on "About MAP" for
> directions.
> If possible, RSVP to swm at mapnp.org.
> ........................................
> Sheldon Mains, swm at mapfornonprofits.org, 651/632-7233.
> MAP for Nonprofits
> Providing affordable technology support, planning, implementation and
> training to Minnesota nonprofit organizations.  Visit
> http://www.mapfornonprofits.org, click on "Nonprofit Services" then
> click on "Technology" for more information. 
> ___________________________________
> Nonprofit_tech_talk mailing list is a service of MAP for 
> Nonprofits with
> partial funding support from the Greater Twin Cities United 
> Way and Tech
> Foundation.  Opinions expressed on this list are those of the 
> individual
> author and not necessarily the opinion of MAP or the United Way.
> Nonprofit_tech_talk mailing list
> To post, send an email message to:
> Nonprofit_tech_talk at communityforum.net
> To change your options (including to unsubscribe), go to:
> http://www.communityforum.net/mailman/listinfo/nonprofit_tech_talk

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