[MNASIS-L] ASIST/HSLM/MALL/SLA Holiday Celebration Invitation (Dec 1 5:30-8:00)

Janet M. Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Thu Nov 20 12:10:29 EST 2003

Hi All,
   Another reminder about the upcoming holiday celebration.  And an 
addition ... the St. Kate's students will again be doing a silent auction 
as a fund raiser which goes for student scholarship/s to attend the SLA 
national conference.


ASIST / MALL / SLA / HSLM / One and all ...

Holiday Book Celebration

At The Woman's Club of Minneapolis

Celebrate the holiday season, enjoy a pleasant evening with your colleagues 
and do a bit of low stress holiday shopping all at the same time.  For the 
last four years this gathering has been a wonderful time of catching up 
with old and new friends, great food, and especially, talking about 
books.  We all wanted to do it AGAIN.  This year Nodin Press has arranged 
for two authors to sign books for us:

   Phebe Hanson author of Why Still Dance: A Life in Poems by Phebe Hanson 
- a book she started writing the day after Pearl Harbor.

   Jane Pejsa author of The Life of Emily Peake: One dedicated Ojibwe - a 
story of one woman's journey from South Minneapolis to study in Paris 
following the war. (Jane also wrote the book on Gratia Countryman.)

Micawber's Books, an independent St. Paul bookstore in the St. Anthony Park 
neighborhood, will bring us Minnesota and regional interest titles and 
other great books to discuss or to purchase at a 10% discount.

Date:               Monday, December 1, 2003
Place:              The Woman's Club of Minneapolis
                     410 Oak Grove Street
                     Minneapolis, Minnesota
Time:               5:30 p.m. to 8:00
Menu:               Lavish Hors d'Oeuvres & Cash Bar
Parking:            Free and very convenient

The Woman's Club has a lovely Great Hall facing Loring park and will be 
decorated for the holidays.  The entrance is on Oak Grove Street and the 
parking lot is adjacent.  Approaching from either north or south on 
Hennepin Ave. turn toward Loring Park on Oak Grove St.  Follow the right 
fork to stay on Oak Grove, 410 is about one block from the fork.

Sign up as soon as you can, reservations and payment must be received by 
November 24th.

We want to give a special thanks to our sponsors TelTech (prime sponsor) 
and Dialog Corporation (supporting sponsor) for their generosity in making 
this holiday party better than ever!


The Holiday Party and Book Celebration cost will be the same for all 
attending, as we want to encourage members to bring a guest.
  - $25.00 per person -

Please send form and check payable to ASIST - MN Chapter by November 24th to:

Ann Treacy
1841 Fairmount Ave
St Paul MN 55105

<mailto:atreacy at treacyinfo.com>atreacy at treacyinfo.com

Contact Ann or Denise Cumming (612-750-7963) with questions

Name: ___________________________ Email: ______________________________

Telephone: ________________Organization:_______________________________

Please circle one:   ASIST     SLA     MALL     HSLM     Guest

Amount Enclosed:           $_____________________

Would you like a receipt?    ____YES   ____NO

Ann Treacy
Treacy Information Services
1841 Fairmount Ave
St Paul MN 55105
<mailto:atreacy at treacyinfo.com>atreacy at treacyinfo.com 
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