[MNASIS-L] 10th Annual Collection Development Symposium

Janet M. Arth arth at tc.umn.edu
Tue Apr 1 08:20:49 EST 2003

An Open Invitation
The University of Minnesota Libraries and MINITEX invite you to attend the
10th Annual Collection Development Symposium: Libraries as Digital Crossroads.

"The digital library extends the breadth and scale of scholarly and
cultural evidence and supports innovative research and life-long learning.
To do this, it mediates between diverse and distributed information
resources on the one hand and a changing range of user communities on the
other. In this capacity, it establishes a digital library service
environment - that is, a networked, online information space in which users
can discover, locate, acquire access to and, increasingly, use information."
Digital Library Federation http://www.diglib.org/about/strategic.htm

Libraries and librarians are serving an increasingly central role in
connecting our user community and digital resources. Words such as
intersection, hub, junction, and link are used to describe the path
libraries are taking to identify, locate, organize, preserve, and make
available intellectual resources in digital format. Speakers at the 10th
annual symposium will explore this goal from various perspectives.

This symposium is directed toward academic librarians and is intended to be
thought- and discussion-provoking. We hope you will have both new insights
and new information at the close of the day.


Carol Fleishauer, Associate Director for Collection Services, MIT
Libraries, will discuss the integration of MIT's DSpace into library
operations. DSpace (http://www.dspace.org/) is MIT's open source
institutional repository for digital research materials created by MIT
faculty and research.

Dr. Karla Hahn, Collection Management Team Leader, University of Maryland
Libraries, has published both quantitative and qualitative research on
faculty perceptions of electronic publications and their relation to print
collections. She will discuss several recent studies of faculty attitudes
and behavior with regard to electronic collections.

Dr. Robert Kieft, Librarian of the College, Haverford College (PA), is the
editor of the next edition of ALA's Guide to Reference Books (12th
edition). He will speak about developing the first edition of GRB with a
significant focus on digital resources, using technology in the creation of
this important tool, and plans for digital delivery of its content.

The symposium will take place on May 19th, 2003, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. at the Earle Brown Continuing Education Center on the St. Paul Campus
of the University of Minnesota. The cost is $55 and will include lunch and
breaks. Registration information is found at the CD Symposium web site at:

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