[MNASIS-L] The MN ASIST Chapter lives!

Julie Kelly jkelly at tc.umn.edu
Fri Jun 7 11:20:08 EDT 2002

MN ASIST Chapter members,

At their meeting on June 5, the MN ASIST Board decided to continue
operation of the chapter, in a scaled-down fashion. 

We will talk to the local SLA Board and suggest that we hold just one joint
meeting, in December. We will have 1-2 ASIST-only meetings during the year,
probably spring and summer.

While we have a number of volunteers for Chapter offices, we are always
looking for more members to step forward. Please take a look at the
possible jobs, at:


And contact me by July 15 if you are interested in running.

To quote Janet, Ever Onward!


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