[MNASIS-L] SLA Program on May 16th and ASIST Meeting on June 5th

Denise Cumming dcumming at mntech.org
Mon Apr 29 17:55:56 EDT 2002

Hello Minnesota ASIST Members, 
I am forwarding this meeting notice because SLA has a program
included with their Annual Business Meeting and I thought
some of you might be interested.  The ASIST Annual Meeting has 
been scheduled for June 5th, in the late afternoon.  Please mark
the date and we will forward more on it to you soon.
Denise Cumming
dcumming at mntech.org

MN SLA Annual Business Meeting 


Program on Product and System Development by Information 

Join us on Thursday May 16th for a wonderful breakfast, learn how 
the board operates, plus attend a program!  The annual business 
meeting will be followed by a program featuring SLA chapter 
member Lora Alexander from Personnel Decisions demonstrating  
eCareer Coach.  Designed, created, and maintained by information 
professionals, this resource receives usage of over 14,000 hits per 
3 month period of time.  In addition to serving company staff,
it is sold to clients.
How did they do it?
Come to the meeting and find out!    
Also, the annual SLA business meeting is not just for board members.  
It's your chance to hear each chairperson report on their 
accomplishments this past year and meet the incoming executive 
board.  Come meet the board, enjoy breakfast, and learn a little, 

Nicollet Island Inn
95 Merriam
Minneapolis, MN  55401

Directions available at MapQuest:  http://www.mapquest.com/

Free valet parking is available.

Registration & Networking:		7:00 - 7:30 am
Breakfast:					7:30 - 8:00 am
Annual Business Meeting: 		8:00 - 9:00 am
Personnel Decisions portal:	 	9:00 - 9:30 am

Breakfast Buffet:

Freshly squeezed orange juice
Scrambled eggs
Bacon & ham
Breakfast potatoes
Bakery basket and butter
Coffee, tea & decaffeinated coffee

If you have any questions, please contact
Randi Madisen at 651-296-7857 or
Kaia Densch at  651-687-7720.

Please mail your reservation and check by Friday, May 10th to:

Cindy Acton
7579 Zinnia Way
Maple Grove, MN 55311

May 2001 SLA/ASIS Meeting Registration

Cost is:

$15 for Members      $20 for Guests      $10 for Students

Please make checks payable to SLA - Minnesota Chapter.




Is this your first meeting?________________________________

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