[Lacasis-l] CE Courses from The Medical Library Group of Southern California and Northern California

Wallace, Amy Amy.Wallace at csuci.edu
Fri Jun 21 17:56:39 EDT 2013

SLA and the IA Summit are over, you're not going to ALA, and you missed the Handheld Librarian conference. But you still have to or want to increase your knowledge as a professional this summer-what will you do? Why not attend a Continuing Education class on July 24 in scenic La Jolla?

4 amazing CE classes are included in The Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona and the Northern California and Nevada Medical Library Group (MLGSCA/NCNMLG) joint meeting, held on the campus of the University of California, San Diego. The CE occur on July 24, 2013; the joint meeting begins in the evening of the 24th and continues through the 26th.

You might think that CEs put on by medical librarian groups would not be relevant to other types of libraries or their staff. You couldn't be more wrong! If you or your library get questions like:

  *   "Could this cough be caused by this new drug my doctor put me on?"
  *   "How many people in our town have diabetes, cancer, or heart disease?"
  *   "Which of these apps for tracking my heart rate is the best?"
  *   "What do these statistics mean? Does this type of surgery help people or hurt them?"

CEs are just $125 each ($50 for students or retirees). Each includes 4 hours of CE credit from the Medical Library Association.

Class descriptions:
Public Health Information on the Web. Level: Beginner. Taught by Kay Deeney, Educational Services Coordinator at the NN/LM Pacific Southwest Region. Provides an overview of key electronic resources in public health, discusses the importance of health information in public health, and provides hands-on exercises and feedback. After the class, you'll be able to find and retrieve information to support evidence-based public health practice, support health promotion and health education programs, and find and manipulate data and statistics from local, state, and national levels.

Drug Information Resources. Level: Beginner. Instructors: Amy Chatfield, University of Southern California, and Mary White, Kaiser Permanente. This class is aimed at anyone who has experience in reference, but little experience with drug information. The class will provide definitions of common drug information terms to improve communication and make you a better, faster searcher, describe free drug information resources created by the FDA and NLM during the drug approval processes, and provide introductions to paid and free resources for questions on commonly-discussed topics: adverse drug events ("side effects"), herbal products, and prescription/over the counter drug use in pregnancy and lactation. The class includes hands-on activities.

Evidence-based Practice Followup. Level: intermediate. Instructor: Connie Schardt, Duke University. This interactive course provides instruction on critical appraisal of the clinical literature.

App Therapy: Mobile Technology and Health Sciences Libraries. Level: advanced beginner (need to be able to use basic functions of your smartphone/tablet). Instructors: Gabe Rios, University of Alabama Birmingham, and Bart Ragon, University of Virginia. This course provides an understanding of the current mobile environment and how library services can evolve to meet increasing demand. Bring your own smartphone or tablet!

How do I sign up?
Read longer descriptions and find scheduling details on the CE page (http://mlgsca.mlanet.org/jtmtg2013/ce.html). Each course has a limited number of seats, so register NOW to save your slot!

To register for the entire conference and CEs, go to the registration page (http://mlgsca.mlanet.org/jtmtg2013/registration.html).

To register for just CE classes, please contact Danielle Linden, tri-chair of the MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting at Danielle.Linden at stjoe.org<mailto:Danielle.Linden at stjoe.org>.

Hope to see you in July!

Amy J. Chatfield, MLS
Publicity Committee, MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2013
Norris Medical Library
amy.chatfield at usc.edu<mailto:amy.chatfield at usc.edu>
P: 323.442.1128

MLGSCA/NCNMLG Joint Meeting 2013 is not sponsored by the University of California, San Diego. The views expressed at the conference and CEs are not supported or endorsed by the University of California, San Diego.

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