[Eurchap] CfP: ICWSM Workshop on Social Media & Health (submit by March 27)

Yelena Mejova yelena.mejova at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 08:53:23 EDT 2018

*Call for Contributions*

SOCIAL MEDIA AND HEALTH: A Focus on Methods for Linking Online and Offline

Research Workshop at 12th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social
Media (ICWSM)
Stanford, California, USA, June 25-28, 2018

Deadline for submissions: March 27, 2018


Applying web and social media analytics to monitor, study, and perform
interventions in the health domain has been an active ongoing area of
research. From Google Flu Trends and its derivatives to Zika virus and
vaccination rumor tracking, social media is increasingly used as an
alternative or supplementary signal of health behaviors and beliefs. As
with most social media research, the connection to what is happening
offline is of utmost importance. Therefore we focus this installment of a
social media and health workshops on methods and issues for offline
comparison. The includes accuracy, representativeness, and ultimate
usefulness of such data, as well as the privacy and ethical consideration
in its use, exemplifying issues pertinent in many domains that intersect
with social media in health and beyond such as sociology, economics and
computational social science.

In this workshop, we address the question: how does data from Internet
sources compare to offline phenomena (collected by traditional means such
as medical records or other proxy data sources), at the individual- and
population-level. Different approaches and data sources are being used, and
often there are major challenges that preclude such types of comparisons.
Here, we aim to discuss the latest developments in the use of social media
data and offline data in health research and applications, advancing the
use of social media. While much of the work in the area is happening
regarding health, the topic will be of broad relevance to researchers and
practitioners in sociology, demography, linguistics and economics.

We anticipate topics such as the below will be relevant:
- Establishing cohorts
- Validation via individual-level data
- Linking data in infectious disease and well-being
- Population data sources for validation
- Correlation analysis and other statistical methods
- Privacy, ethics, and informed consent
- Longitudinal analysis of social media
- Data quality issues
- Challenges in comparisons
- Time series comparisons
- Spatial analyses
- Linguistic comparisons


- Workshop papers submission: March 27, 2018
- Workshop paper acceptance notification: April 10, 2018
- ICWSM-18 Workshop Day: June 25, 2018


Keynote (TBC, see website for more details): In order to bring computer
science and health research closer together, this workshop will feature a
keynote talk by a Program Director from the NIH (National Institutes of
Health). This will enable ICWSM attendees to learn about priorities of the
NIH, and for the NIH to learn about the most recent social media research
in computer science. Further agenda is TBD.


We welcome both submissions on work in progress (2-4 pages) as well as full
paper submissions (6-10 pages). Page limits include figures and references.
All papers must follow AAAI formatting guidelines. Note that the submitted
works will *not* be included in the conference proceedings, making this a
good opportunity for discussing works in progress.

Please follow the formatting guidelines of the main conference:

Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=smhealth18


Yelena Mejova (Qatar Computing Research Institute, Qatar)
Rumi Chunara (New York University, USA)
Kyriaki Kalimeri (Institute of Scientific Interchange, Italy)
Michael Paul (University of Colorado, Boulder, USA)


For questions about the workshop, please email Yelena at
yelena.mejova at gmail.com
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