[Eurchap] Open PhD Position on Search Engines and Political Opinion Forming

Philipp Schaer philipp.schaer at th-koeln.de
Thu Mar 1 12:20:31 EST 2018

*please excuse cross-posting*

Dear all,

I have an open PhD position funded by the Research Ministry of NRW for 
3.5 years. The project is about the influence of search engines on the 
political opinion formation process. We collaborate with political 
scientists from the working group of Prof. Proksch from the University 
of Cologne.

For a bilingual job advertisement follow the link:



Research assistant in PhD project ESUPOL
Application deadline: 21.03.2018

Together with political scientists at the University of Cologne, you 
will explore the influence of search engines on political 
opinion-forming in the ESUPOL project, e. g. by examining search 
behavior and the influence of search suggestions on users. You are 
responsible for the collection, processing and analysis of web data 
using data science techniques and also conduct laboratory and online 
experiments. In addition, you will teach within a maximum of 3 SWS. As 
part of your research, you will be involved in the information science 
research of Prof. Schaer's research group at the Cologne University of 
Technology (TH Köln), cooperate closely with a doctoral partner from 
Prof. Proksch's research group (University of Cologne) and be part of 
the NRW graduate school on Digital Societies.

- You have successfully completed a Master's degree in computer science, 
information sciences or a comparable subject.
- You have very good programming skills in languages related to data 
science (e. g. Java, Python or R).
- Ideally, you have knowledge of text mining, web scraping or 
statistical data analysis.
- You have preferably experience in working with test persons, e. g. in 
laboratory or online experiments.
- You are proficient in English at a very good level.
- You have an independent and analytical working style.
- You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary team and have a strong 
interest in information science research.


More details are available on the website or upon personal request. 
Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or ideas!

All the best from Cologne!


Prof. Dr. Philipp Schaer
Institute of Information Science
Managing Director of the Institute of Information Management
Technische Hochschule Köln (University of Applied Sciences)
Gustav-Heinemann-Ufer 54, 50968 Köln, Germany

Visit me at Campus Südstadt, Claudiusstr. 1, Room B5.420
Tel: + 49 221 / 8275-3845


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