[Eurchap] 15th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems (EMCIS 2018): First Call for Papers

Announce Announcements announce at cs.ucy.ac.cy
Sat Feb 10 09:31:20 EST 2018


15th European Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference
on Information Systems (EMCIS 2018)

St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus, 4-5 October, 2018


The European, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Conference on Information
Systems (EMCIS) is an annual research event addressing the IS discipline with
regional as well as global perspective. EMCIS has successfully helped bringing
together researchers from around the world in a friendly atmosphere
conducted to free exchange of innovative ideas. EMCIS was founded in 2004
by Brunel University research Group ISEing and it is an annual event. A
number of respected collaborations were made with different local
universities across the destinations chosen each year and EMCIS still proves
to attract many further partnerships.

EMCIS is one of the premier conferences in Europe and Middle Eastern region
for Information Systems academics and professionals, covering technical,
organisational, business and social issues in the application of Information
Technology. EMCIS is dedicated to the definition and establishment of
Information Systems as a discipline of high impact for the methodical
community and IS professionals - focusing on approaches that facilitate the
identification of innovative research of significant relevance to the IS
discipline following sound research methodologies that lead to results of
measurable impact.

The EMCIS proceedings are published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in
Business Information Processing book series.


The topics of interest are grouped into the following tracks:

· Big Data and Analytics
· Blockchain Technology and Applications
· Cloud Computing
· Digital Services and Social Media
· e-Government
· Enterprise Systems
· Science Communication in the Digital Public Sphere
· Information Systems Security and Information Privacy Protection
· Healthcare Information Systems
· Management and Organisational Issues in Information Systems
· IT Governance
· Innovative Research Projects
· Immersive Technologies in IT/IS

A full list of subtopics for each track can be found on the conference web site.


Submissions should be original, not published or being considered elsewhere
for publication. Authors should not add their details (names, affiliation, email
etc.) in the document they submit for review. All papers should be submitted
via the Easy Chair conference management system (the URL is available on the
conference web site) and adhere to the format for Springer Lecture Notes
publications. The papers must be submitted as a single PDF document and
should not exceed 5,000 words (recommended length is 14 pages). Please
note that the working language is English.

Papers go through a 'double-blind review' process that evaluates their
significance, originality, contribution and clarity. Upon acceptance please
make sure that at least one author registers to secure a slot for their
presentation in the conference program.

When preparing the camera-ready version of a paper, authors should add
their details (names, affiliation, email, etc.) on the first page of the paper and
indicate which is the corresponding author.

Along with the camera-ready version of their paper, authors should fill, sign
and submit the copyright form. The form shall be sent by email to


· Electronic Submission Deadline: 08 May, 2018
· Notification of Acceptance to Authors: 20 June, 2018
· Camera Ready Copy: 04 July, 2018
· Early-bird Registration: 04 July, 2018
· Author Registration Deadline: 04 July, 2018


Conference Chair
 · George Angelos Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Conference co-Chair
 · Angelika Kokkinaki, University of Nicosia, Cyprus

Conference Executive Committee
 · Vincenzo Morabito, Bocconi University, Italy, (Program Chair)
 · Marinos Themistocleous, University of Piraeus, Greece (Program Chair)
 · Gianluigi Viscusi, École Polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL),
      Switzerland (Publications Chair)
 · Muhammad Kamal, Brunel University, UK (Public Relations Chair)

International Committee

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