[Eurchap] Fwd: [Super12] “Save our Serageldin”

Diane Sonnenwald diane.sonnenwald at gmail.com
Tue Sep 5 11:22:36 EDT 2017

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From: BASupercourse Help Desk <basuperhelp at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 8:54 PM
Subject: [Super12] “Save our Serageldin”
To: super12 at list.pitt.edu

Dear Friends of the Library of Alexandria

   I need your help to protect Dr. Serageldin and the Library of Alexandria.

   Here is an overview of the problems which just appeared in Science
Magazine. I need your help.


We started a letter writing campaign for Dr. Serageldin of International
scientists.  Sir Richard Roberts has obtained signatures from 89 Nobel
Prize winners, and we have signatures from two heads of the NIH, the head
of AAAS and NAS.  (below)

*We are now requesting signatures on this letter of support from all
scientists*. *Dr. Serageldin has been the architect of the amazing library
of Alexandra.  We have made vast progress  with Dr. Serageldin to establish
the largest research methods library in the world to help developing
countries.*  I do not want to have this in danger or Dr. Serageldin.  The
more external support we can mobilize for Dr. Serageldin and the library
the better.

I have never done anything political.  But this is a cause I cannot turn
away from.  I am one of the first signatures of the letter…in bold print.
I support Dr Serageldin 100%, Nothing should hurt scientists library.

Please rapidly send a note to me, merely indicating that you will sign this

ronaldlaporte at gmail.com

The Motto of the campaign is “Save our Serageldin”

It is important also that you distribute this to as many friend and faculty
as you know. Please call or write.  Also, please post on social media.


Ronald LaPorte, Ph.D.

Professor Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh


*Letter of friends and supporters of Ismail Serageldin*

Ismail Serageldin, former VP of the World Bank, and Founding Director of
the Library of Alexandria in Egypt is a well-known figure in international
circles. He is renowned for his many contributions to economic and social
development, his promotion of environmentally sustainable development and
his tireless advocacy of progressive views, democratic principles, gender
equity and concern for the poor.

A polymath of encyclopedic erudition, Serageldin is a man of passion and
compassion, who believes in reason, science, moderation, pluralism and
freedom of expression.   His powerful voice has been spreading the values
of the Enlightenment on the front lines of the battle against extremism and
violence in his embattled region.  It is to his credit that he succeeded in
building the Library of Alexandria as a center for national, regional and
international dialogue in the sciences and the humanities.

Indeed, in 2013 the Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon gave the Library and
its Director its prestigious international Prize attributed annually to an
institution or a person, that “stands out for their role in defense of the
values essential to humanity”.  The jury for the international Prize
stated: “The Library of Alexandria is a cultural reference point around the
Mediterranean resulting primarily from the vision, the commitment and the
tireless work of Ismail Serageldin.”

It is regrettable that some wild accusations against him made back in the
turbulent times of 2011, have now resulted in a lower misdemeanor court
issuing a verdict of imprisonment for three and a half years, for allegedly
squandering public funds.  This happened despite the fact that he is known
worldwide as a manager of distinction, and that he is the single largest
individual donor to the institution, having given of his own funds over
three million Egyptian pounds.  Serageldin has immediately appealed the
verdict, and the Appeals court is expected to hear the case in September.
We were surprised and saddened by the present verdict, but have confidence
in the Egyptian judicial system, and trust that the higher court will see
that justice is done.

All of us who hereby attach our signature to this document want to record
our confidence in the integrity of Ismail Serageldin, and our appreciation
of his many contributions, and the enormous work he did in the creation of
the Library of Alexandria in the last fifteen years making it a beacon of
enlightened values for the region and for the world.


*89 Nobel Laureates*

Category                  Prize Year *

George A. Akerlof
Economics                 2001

Hiroshi Amano
Physics                       2014

Francoise Barre-Sinoussi
Medicine                   2008

J. Michael Bishop
Medicine                   1989

Sydney Brenner
Medicine                   2002

Thomas R. Cech
Chemistry                  1989

Martin Chalfie
Chemistry                  2008

Aaron Ciechanover
Chemistry                  2004

J. M. Coetzee
Literature                  2003

Claude Cohen-Tannoudji
Physics                       1997

Elias James Corey
Chemistry                  1990

Robert F. Curl Jr.
Chemistry                  1996

Johann Deisenhofer
Chemistry                  1988

Peter C. Doherty
Medicine                   1996

Shirin Ebadi
Peace                         2003

Gerhard Ertl
Chemistry                  2007

Andrew Z. Fire
Medicine                   2006

Jerome I. Friedman
Physics                       1990

Andre Geim
Physics                       2010

Walter Gilbert
Chemistry                  1980

Sheldon Glashow
Physics                       1979

Paul Greengard
Medicine                   2000

David J. Gross
Physics                       2004

Robert H. Grubbs
Chemistry                  2005

Sir John B. Gurdon
Medicine                   2012

John L. Hall
Physics                       2005

Serge Haroche
Physics                       2012

Oliver Hart
Economics                 2016

Leland H. Hartwell
Medicine                   2001

Harald zur Hausen
Medicine                   2008

Dudley R. Herschbach
Chemistry                  1986

Roald Hoffmann
Chemistry                  1981

Jules A. Hoffmann
Medicine                   2011

H. Robert Horvitz
Medicine                   2002

Louis J. Ignarro
Medicine                   1998

Elfriede Jelinek
Literature                  2004

Takaaki Kajita
Physics                       2015

Tawakkul Karman
Peace                         2011

Wolfgang Ketterle
Physics                       2001

F.W. de Klerk
Peace                         1993

Klaus von Klitzing
Physics                       1985

Roger D. Kornberg
Chemistry                  2006

Finn E. Kydland
Economics                 2004

Leon M. Lederman
Physics                       1988

Yuan T. Lee
Chemistry                  1986

Anthony J. Leggett
Physics                       2003

Jean-Marie Lehn
Chemistry                  1987

Tomas Lindahl
Chemistry                  2015

Eric S. Maskin
Economics                 2007

John C. Mather
Physics                       2006

Craig C. Mello
Medicine                   2006

Robert C. Merton
Economics                 1997

Sir James Mirrlees
Economics                 1996

Paul L. Modrich
Chemistry                  2015

Edvard Moser
Medicine                   2014

Herta Muller
Literature                  2009

Alice Munro
Literature                  2013

Ryoji Noyori
Chemistry                  2001

Sir Paul Nurse
Medicine                   2001

Orhan Pamuk
Literature                  2006

William D. Phillips
Physics                       1997

Christopher A. Pissarides
Economics                 2010

John C. Polanyi
Chemistry                  1986

Stanley B. Prusiner
Medicine                   1997

Venkatraman Ramakrishnan                     Chemistry

Burton Richter
Physics                       1976

Sir Richard J. Roberts
Medicine                   1993

Richard R. Schrock
Chemistry                  2005

Phillip A. Sharp
Medicine                   1993

Vernon L. Smith
Economics                 2002

Wole Soyinka
Literature                  1986

A. Michael Spence
Economics                 2001

Thomas C. Sudhof
Medicine                   2013

John E. Sulston
Medicine                   2002

Jack W. Szostak
Medicine                   2009

Lord David Trimble
Peace                         1998

Mario Vargas Llosa
Literature                  2010

Harold E. Varmus
Medicine                   1989

Sir John E. Walker
Chemistry                  1997

J. Robin Warren
Medicine                   2005

Arieh Warshel
Chemistry                  2013

James Watson
Medicine                   1962

Steven Weinberg
Physics                       1979

Eric F. Wieschaus
Medicine                   1995

Torsten N. Wiesel
Medicine                   1981

Frank Wilczek
Physics                       2004

Betty Williams
Peace                         1976

Jody Williams
Peace                         1997

Kurt Wuthrich
Chemistry                  2002

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