[Eurchap] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS), International Journal on Digital Libraries

Koraljka Golub koraljka.golub at lnu.se
Mon May 22 07:38:12 EDT 2017

Dear colleague:

Below please find information about the Call for Papers for Special Issue of the International Journal on Digital Libraries (http://www.springer.com/799) on Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS).

Important Dates:
Paper Submission deadline: September 30, 2017
First notification: December 30, 2017
Revision submission: March 30, 2018
Second notification: April 30, 2018
Final version submission: May 30, 2018

For other information please refer to the official Springer’s website at

Thank you!

Kind regards,

Koraljka Golub, Associate Professor
Responsible for LIS Programme

Digital Humanities / iSchool Initiative
Department of Library and Information Science
School of Cultural Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Linnaeus University

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