[Eurchap] Reminder: ISKO UK AGM and afternoon meeting "Making KO Work " on 14th March 2017 in London

Liz Marley liz at lizmarley.co.uk
Sun Mar 5 13:02:48 EST 2017

Dear Colleagues

A reminder of ISKO-UK's first afternoon meeting of 2017, following on 
from our AGM.

*Making KO Work: integrating taxonomies into technology*

We meet at the British Dental Association, 64 Wimpole Street, London W1G 
8YS, starting at 14:30 on *Tuesday March 14th 2017*. Beforehand is the 
ISKO UK AGM, starting at 13:30, and after the main meeting all are 
invited to stay on for networking, wine and nibbles, kindly sponsored by 
Mekon <http://www.mekon.com>.

Findability, navigability and interoperability – all can be boosted via 
taxonomies that are well integrated into technology supporting the 
functionality that the business and the end users require. A 
sophisticated taxonomy may provide for faceted structures, synonym 
control, relationships between terms and/or concepts, links to 
definitions and other business-oriented attributes. But all too often 
the downstream software proves incapable of storing the structure 
properly or exploiting the taxonomy capabilities in a user-friendly 
search interface.

“Making KO Work” explores the opportunities and the pitfalls. The 
options for a variety of scenarios and technologies will be described by 
speakers with practical experience of taxonomy integration.

Marc Stephenson of Metataxis asks whether and how to implement 
taxonomies in SharePoint, taking a warts-and-all view of the 
opportunities and the challenges.

Joe Pairman of Mekon then shares ideas on the use of templates so that 
authors can tag their content easily, with benefits for personalized 
content delivery, analytics and quality control, as well as entirely new 

Drawing on his experiences of implementing a new information and records 
management system for Aberdeen Harbour, Chris Jones will talk about the 
challenges of getting KO techniques to work with IT systems, especially 
for search.

Alan Flett of Smartlogic then considers the merits of an applied 
taxonomy framework to handle the storage and manipulation of taxonomies 
before they are output into applications.

As usual the afternoon will be FREE for ISKO members and full-time 
students, and just £40 for non-members.   For more details please go to 
and book your place.

Please pass this invitation on to any colleagues who may be interested. 
Non-members are welcome also as observers at the AGM.

Hoping to see you there,

Liz Marley
Publicity, ISKO-UK

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