[Eurchap] Education for Information appoints new Editor-in-Chief

IBEKWE-SANJUAN Fidelia fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at univ-amu.fr
Thu Jul 13 06:26:01 EDT 2017

>     New Editor-in-Chief
> IOS Press is proud to announce that*Prof. Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan* 
> <https://ejcam.univ-amu.fr/fr/fidelia-ibekwe-sanjuan>has agreed to be 
> the new Editor-in-Chief of/Education for Information 
> <http://www.iospress.nl/journal/education-for-information/>/.
> Current Editor-in-Chief Prof. Jamshid Beheshti says“I am delighted 
> that Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan has agreed to be the new Editor-in-Chief 
> of our journal, taking over at the beginning of 2018. Until then she 
> and I will work together on the journal".
> Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan is Full Professor at the School of Journalism & 
> Communication of Aix-Marseille University and member of the IRSIC 
> research team in France.
>     Call for submissions
> Since 1983,*Education for Information* 
> <http://www.iospress.nl/journal/education-for-information/>has been a 
> forum for debate and discussion on education and training issues in 
> the sphere of information handling and is essential reading for those 
> involved and interested in the field. The scope of the journal is 
> interpreted broadly to encompass all knowledge acquired through 
> teaching, professional practice and research that can be used to 
> enhance pedagogy and education in Library and Information Science (LIS).
> As a member of our research community, we would like to invite you to 
> consider submitting your original work for publication in the journal.
> *Education for Information 
> <http://www.iospress.nl/journal/education-for-information/>*offers 
> contributing authors many benefits, including:
> - Rigorous peer review and speedy manuscript processing
> - Rapid online publication.

Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan (Ph.D.)
Full Professor (Professeur des Universités)
School of Journalism & Communication (EJCAM)
Aix-Marseille University - France.
Homepage: http://fidelia1.free.fr/

Editor in chief Education for Information, IOS Press

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