[Eurchap] Fwd: [Chapters-l] ASIS&T Chapter Awards 2016

Julian Warner j.warner at qub.ac.uk
Tue Sep 27 06:02:16 EDT 2016

Congratulations to all colleagues.

With best regards


[Description: Julian Warner]<http://www.qub.ac.uk/schools/QueensManagementSchool/OurPeople/JulianWarner/>

From: Eurchap [mailto:eurchap-bounces at asis.org] On Behalf Of Agnes Mainka
Sent: 27 September 2016 10:11
To: eurchap at asis.org
Subject: Re: [Eurchap] Fwd: [Chapters-l] ASIS&T Chapter Awards 2016

Congratulations to the European Chapter and to Isabella!

The European Student Chapter is proud of having such an outstanding "parent" with all your advise and support!
Thank you!


Am 27.09.2016 um 10:42 schrieb Diane Sonnenwald:
Congratulations to everyone!!

Well done!


On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Isto Huvila <isto.huvila at abm.uu.se<mailto:isto.huvila at abm.uu.se>> wrote:

Congratulations to the board, all chapter members, and for Isabella of course. This is big, no it is huge :-)

best wishes,


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Begin forwarded message:

From: Chirag Shah <chirags at rutgers.edu<mailto:chirags at rutgers.edu>>
Subject: [Chapters-l] ASIS&T Chapter Awards 2016
Date: 25 September 2016 at 03:55:53 GMT+2
To: <asis-l at asis.org<mailto:asis-l at asis.org>>, <chapters-l at asis.org<mailto:chapters-l at asis.org>>


We are happy to announce the following chapter awards for this year.

Chapter of the Year
We are pleased to announce that the European Chapter is the 2016 winner of the ASIS&T regional Chapter of the Year Award. In selecting European Chapter for the award, the jury considered the chapter's membership, activities, communications, financial and administrative management, and contributions to ASIS&T and the broader IS community.

The Chapter takes advantage of the regional information science meetings to hold their own chapter meetings.  Great focus on the 2016 ASIS&T Annual Meeting and the very important contributions to the success of the meeting dully noted.  Also, recognizing the fact that the students are our future, such collaboration with and focus on student members is very important and essential to the success of ASIS&T.

The chapter surveyed its members to understand members' needs and the jury members impressed with the honesty with which the leadership has identified the issues and is tackling the problems.

Chapter Event of the Year
The 2016 Chapter Event-of-the-Year Award goes to New Jersey ASIS&T for the first ASIS&T Regional Meeting held at Rutgers University on April 15: https://www.asist.org/events/asist-regional-meeting-2016-rutgers-university/. The nomination received high point with a theme of participant engagement.

Reviewers noted the timeliness of the topic, diverse and well-known speakers, and opportunities for students and SIGs engagement. It was well-publicized and well attended, both face to face and virtual. As described by the nominator, this event brought together students chapters from Rutgers, Pratt, and Drexel together in working with the NJ Chapter, setting a good example of chapters could collaborate in mutually beneficial way. In addition to executing a highly successful program, this event created a milestone in ASIS&T and set an example of how ASIS&T could create value for its members at a local level.

Chapter Member of the Year
The award goes to Dr. Isabella Peters, whose outstanding service and leadership to the European Chapter (EC) has been identified by several members and officers. Dr. Peters has served as chair and advisor of the European Chapter, and has been a dedicated and active member of ASIST for many years. She has actively advertised and administered the ASIS&T free student membership program for the European Chapter, renewed and upgraded the EC website and Facebook pages, and provided advise and support to the EC Student Chapter. Dr. Peters has served as a mentor for ASIS&T New Leaders program, organized New member brunches at the Annual Meetings, and participated in delivering high-value webinars to the members.

Congratulations to the winners of these prestigious awards. Hope to see you all in Copenhagen next month!

Chirag Shah, Rutgers University, Chapter Assembly Director
Daniel Alemneh, University of North Texas, Chapter Assembly Deputy Director

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Agnes Mainka, B.A., M.A.

Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf

Dept. of Information Science

Building 24.53, Room 01.94

Universitätsstr. 1

40225 Düsseldorf


Tel: 49-211-81-14137

Fax: 49-211-81-12917

agnes.mainka at hhu.de<mailto:agnes.mainka at hhu.de>
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