[Eurchap] Special First Time Attendee Conference Rate

Diane Pennington diane.pennington at strath.ac.uk
Tue Sep 6 17:32:19 EDT 2016

The ASIS&T office has asked me to let the European chapter know about the special registration rate for people who are attending their ASIS&T conference next month in Copenhagen. The rate is 555 USD or about 500 EUR.

This is really a good rate, so if you are going - or were thinking about going - for the first time, you should sign up and join us in Copenhagen!


Diane M. Rasmussen Pennington, PhD
Lecturer in Information Science
Deputy Course Director, MSc/PgDip Information & Library Studies
Department of Computer and Information Sciences
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland
diane.pennington at strath.ac.uk
+44 (0)141 548 3900
The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC015263.

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