[Eurchap] ASIS&T Pratt Severn Best Student Research Paper

Isabella Peters ipe at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Sat May 7 05:31:05 EDT 2016



The ASIS&T Pratt Severn Best Student Research Paper Jury is looking for the
best Masters student research paper in information science.  Any student in
a Masters'degree-granting institution can submit a paper.

Papers must follow the guidelines of a JASIST article and must be endorsed
by a faculty sponsor for submission to the contest.  The paper must be
original and cannot have been previously published nor be submitted to
another publication or group while being considered for the award.


The package should consist of the following:


1.    A cover letter stating the author's name, address, academic

affiliation, and that the attached paper is being submitted for the Best
Student Research Award.


2.    The paper can carry no author identification.  Please note if you

are using a word processing program that has author identification within
the software please remove this as well.


3.    No more than two letters of endorsement from faculty sponsors.


All nominations must be submitted by June 15, 2016 electronically to
<http://tinyurl.com/hz7ak3z> http://tinyurl.com/hz7ak3z.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.





Dr Diane Velasquez

Program Director - Information Management School of Information Technology

  & Mathematical Sciences

University of South Australia

Mawson Lakes Campus, Rm. D2-33 (Mondays & Fridays) City West Campus, Rm.
Y1-56 (Tuesdays & Wednesdays)

T: +61 8 8302 5101

M: +61 402 209 141

Fax: +61 8 8302 3381

<mailto:diane.velasquez at unisa.edu.au%3cmailto:diane.velasquez at unisa.edu.au>
diane.velasquez at unisa.edu.au<mailto:diane.velasquez at unisa.edu.au>

Web:  <http://cis.unisa.edu.au/> http://cis.unisa.edu.au/

CRICOS Provider No.: 00121B




Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters

Professor of Web Science


Kiel University (CAU Kiel)

Institute for Computer Science

Department Web Science (R. 1105)

Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4

D-24118 Kiel 

T: +49 431 880-7286

E: ipe at informatik.uni-kiel.de

Web:  <http://www.ws.informatik.uni-kiel.de/en/research>


ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics 

Düsternbrooker Weg 120

D-24105 Kiel

T: +49-431-8814-623

E: i.peters at zbw.eu

Web: http://www.zbw.eu/en/research/web-science




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