[Eurchap] Option for table sponsoring at University Reception #asistam16

Isabella Peters ipe at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Sun Jul 31 07:49:54 EDT 2016

Dear EUChap-members,

for the first time ASIS&T will have an University Reception during the
(https://www.asist.org/events/annual-meeting/annual-meeting-2016/) in

This reception is always a popular event and ASIS&T members are given the
opportunity to promote their schools and programmes during that.


Your school will be provided a specially designated area in the reception
room, complete with a large sign and a table for displaying materials. 

The cost for a table is $175. You can share a table with other universities,
splitting the cost among the universities.


Please find more information on the website
) or contact ASIS&T headquarter directly via

Vanessa Foss (vanessa at asis.org).






Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters

Professor of Web Science


Kiel University (CAU Kiel)

Institute for Computer Science

Department Web Science (R. 506)

Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3

D-24118 Kiel 

T: +49 431 880-7286

E: ipe at informatik.uni-kiel.de

Web:  <http://www.ws.informatik.uni-kiel.de/en/research>


ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics 

Düsternbrooker Weg 120

D-24105 Kiel

T: +49-431-8814-623

E: i.peters at zbw.eu

Web: http://www.zbw.eu/en/research/web-science




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