From ipe at Sun Jul 3 08:25:00 2016 From: ipe at (Isabella Peters) Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2016 14:25:00 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] Call for Contribution: altmetrics16, Bucharest, Romania Message-ID: <014f01d1d525$ecd763a0$c6862ae0$> *Apologies for cross-posting* *altmetrics16* is a follow-up to the successful altmetrics11 <>, altmetrics12 <>, altmetrics14 <> and altmetrics15 <> workshops. The workshop is co-organized with the 3rd Altmetrics Conference (3:AM) <> and will take place on *27 September 2016* at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila <> in Bucharest, Romania. *Call for contributions* We are soliciting empirical and theoretical contributions for short presentations and as a basis for discussions, which will be the main focus of the altmetrics16 workshop. Submissions can focus on empirical analyses, novel theoretical frameworks, original datasets or represent a position paper. The goal of the workshop is to discuss, exchange and foster collaboration on altmetrics between researchers and practitioners. While an abstract is not a requirement to attend the workshop, we strongly encourage prospective participants to submit a contribution to seed the discussions. The organizers will give priority to submissions linking to original research artifacts and focusing on the theme of this year?s workshop. All accepted submissions will be made available via the workshop website prior to the workshop. *How to submit* Please provide an extended abstract (max 1,000 words) presenting your altmetrics research contribution and highlighting particular issues you would like to discuss with other workshop participants. Abstracts can be submitted via EasyChair <>. Please include a link to any relevant artifact (e.g., a dataset, plots, slidedeck) you wish to present and discuss, after archiving it via an appropriate repository (e.g., Dryad, figshare, GitHub, SlideShare, etc.). Contributions should be submitted by *14 August 2016* and will be curated by the altmetrics16 committee for their relevance and technical soundness. Accepted contributions will be made available on the workshop website <> by *29 August 2016*. A limited number of contributions will be selected for short presentations. Notifications to authors of submissions shortlisted for presentations will be sent by 29 August 2016. *Important dates* - *14 August 2016*: submission deadline - *29 August 2016*: notification of acceptance - *27 September 2016*: altmetrics workshop *** Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters Professor of Web Science Kiel University (CAU Kiel) Institute for Computer Science Department Web Science (R. 1105) Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4 D-24118 Kiel T: +49 431 880-7286 E: ipe at Web: ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics D?sternbrooker Weg 120 D-24105 Kiel T: +49-431-8814-623 E: i.peters at Web: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ipe at Fri Jul 8 03:27:00 2016 From: ipe at (Isabella Peters) Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2016 09:27:00 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] European mailing lists for job seekers: results Message-ID: <006d01d1d8ea$1f494f20$5ddbed60$> Dear EUChap members, thank you very much Hazel, Virginia, Elke, Julian, Michel, and M?rton for sending detailed information on mailing lists for job seekers. You did a very good job in supporting Nadia?s office. I would also like to share with you the results that you can access in two ways: *via the EUChap website where it is published: *via the open Google document: hPeSQno/edit?usp=sharing The Google document should be a living document ? please feel free to contribute to this and add information constantly. I believe that this would be a very good resource for our community and ASIS&T as a whole. Thanks in advance and best regards Isabella *** Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters Professorin f?r Web Science Christian-Albrechts-Universit?t zu Kiel (CAU Kiel) Institut f?r Informatik AG Web Science (R. 1105) Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4 24118 Kiel T: +49 431 880-7286 E: ipe at Web: ZBW Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft D?sternbrooker Weg 120 24105 Kiel T: +49-431-8814-623 E: i.peters at Web: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pr-aksw at Tue Jul 12 03:12:40 2016 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 09:12:40 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Sep 12-15, Contribute to the Vocabulary Carnival Message-ID: <> The Vocabulary Carnival at SEMANTiCS 2016 is a unique opportunity for vocabulary publishers to showcase and share their work, meet the growing community of vocabulary publishers and users, and build useful semantic, technical and social links. *When?* The Vocabulary Carnival is part of the SEMANTiCS programme with the Carnival Minute Madness on the 13th of September and on the industrial marketplace. *What kind of vocabularies do we expect?* * *Any kind!* For this event we use a very open definition of what a vocabulary is. Ontologies, classifications, thesauri, concept and metadata schemes, whatever their format, in RDF or not, are all welcome. * *Bootstrap your new Vocabulary project:* At the carnival you can present your ideas and early stage vocabs to find the right people to get the Vocab discussion going. We require at least a project web site. *What is your benefit of submitting?* * *attention*: make people aware of your work * *feedback*: a room full of other vocabulary creators will guarantee expert feedback * *linking*: discover links from your vocabulary to others on-site *How to submit your Vocabulary to the Carnival?* 1. Make sure your vocabulary is accessible on the Web through a public URI. 2. Communicate your intention to participate at _ by joining and posting your vocabulary link and writing ?See you at the Carnival in Leipzig? or send an email to monika.solanki at , with subject ?Vocabulary Carnival?. 3. Register to SEMANTiCS:_ 4. Submissions will be handled on a *first come, first serve basis* *Are there any technical requirements?* Your vocabulary submission will be evaluated in accordance to the following criteria: * *Reusability* - Which vocabularies and/or ontology design patterns have been reused in its development? Has it been mapped, aligned, imported within other ontologies yet? If not, where do you foresee potential reuse? * *Value addition* - How does the vocabulary provide value addition for the intended project or domain as compared to previous efforts and to Semantic Web in general? * *Design and Technical quality* - how do the ontologies incorporate best practices in design, i.e., using ontology design patterns or extending from upper level ontologies? * *Documentation* - does the vocabulary provide both human and machine readable documentation using for e.g., rdfs:label, rdfs:comment and HTML documentation? * *Availability*: We expect your vocabulary (terminology, taxonomy, ontology, etc.) to be hosted on the Web at a persistent URI (PURL, w3id, ODI) and with an appropriate licence specification. If it is not Linked Data or uploaded to_http://lov.okfn.org_ you can get technical help and advise at the conference. * *Usage*: Which academic/industrial projects have adopted the vocabulary? Which datasets have been annotated using the vocabulary? *At the SEMANTiCS 2016 Conference:* * Prepare a poster (max format A0) presenting your vocabulary: description, purpose, history and link to its publication page. Your description of the vocabulary must include the above criteria. * Present your poster in the dedicated space at SEMANTiCS conference. * Brace yourself to participate in the Vocabulary Minute Madness, where every vocabulary will have one minute to convince of its usefulness and quality. Sporting your vocabulary colors at this occasion is optional, but will be much appreciated. * An independent jury will select the best vocabulary poster and presentation. *Vocabulary Carnival and LOV* * If your vocabulary is already recorded at_http://lov.okn.org_ , check its record to see if everything is OK. Ping the LOV curators if something is missing or inaccurate, or if you brush up a brand new version for the Carnival. If you think your vocabulary is LOV-able but not yet recorded, submit its URI at_ * If your vocabulary is not yet meeting the technical requirements to be included in LOV, and you wish it could, we can help you to achieve that during the Carnival. *About the Vocabulary Carnival* The Vocabulary Carnival will be hosted at the SEMANTiCS conference, Sep 12-15 2016 *Contact* Monika Solanki (_monika.solanki at ) Ghislain Atemezing (_ghislain.atemezing at mondeca.com_ ) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From I.Peters at Tue Jul 12 06:21:52 2016 From: I.Peters at (Peters Isabella) Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 10:21:52 +0000 Subject: [Eurchap] Seeking awardees for free student ASIS&T memberships Message-ID: <> Dear all, I am pleased to announce that we have received an anonymous donation of $500 for student membership. It has been recommended that students publishing in JASIS&T, prestigious regional publications or conferences and participation in chapter events and activities would receive special consideration. Students from Developing Nations, as described on the ASIST website, should receive special consideration. A student may be eligible for selection only one time. It has also been recommended that (1) each country representative (see can nominate one student; (2) the EC Chair and Chair-elect can nominate one student each; and (3) the Chair of Student Chapter can nominate one student. Students can also be recommended or request consideration by submission of a request to the Chapter Chair (Isabella Peters; i.peters at So, please send us your nominations by Sunday, August 14th and describe in up to 280 characters why you think the student should become an ASIST member or what makes him or her deserve the free membership. We hope to have representations from many countries, and we also want to reward and encourage student participation in chapter activities! Please share this information widely! All the best, Isabella and Virginia *** Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters Professor of Web Science Kiel University (CAU Kiel) Institute for Computer Science Department Web Science (R. 1105) Christian-Albrechts-Platz 4 D-24118 Kiel T: +49 431 880-7286 E: ipe at Web: ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics D?sternbrooker Weg 120 D-24105 Kiel T: +49-431-8814-623 E: i.peters at Web: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From micheljmenou at Tue Jul 12 09:14:57 2016 From: micheljmenou at (Michel Menou) Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 15:14:57 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [Sighfis-l] Proceedings from the Document Academy In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: I suspect the contents of these proceedings might be of interest beyond sig hfis MJM -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Sighfis-l] Proceedings from the Document Academy Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2016 09:49:56 -0700 From: Michael Buckland To: sighfis-l at The Document Academy (DOCAM), an informal association concerned with theorizing documents, now has its proceedings published (open access!) by the University of Akron. The proceedings of two annual conferences have appeared this way and the latest issue is a collection of essays to mark the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the program in Documentation Studies at the University of Troms?, Norway. SIG-HFIS members are likely find the papers of interest. Michael Buckland -- Michael Buckland Emeritus Professor, School of Information, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720-4600 _______________________________________________ Sighfis-l mailing list Sighfis-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Tue Jul 12 10:42:21 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 16:42:21 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [IILMS] Map: InfoLit in Ibero-America and the World In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [IILMS] Map: InfoLit in Ibero-America and the World Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2016 16:26:17 -0500 From: Alejandro Uribe Tirado Reply-To: iils at To: LIS-INFOLITERACY at, infolit at, lifelong-information-literacy at *Map: InfoLit in Ibero-America and the World* *_**** * On this map, you can find more than *600* *websites* of libraries or academic programs, especially at a university level, located in Ibero-American countries and around the world (more than*60 countries*) that are developing Information Literacy programs or support the inclusion of information literacy in different curricula. Cases have been found, after reviewing literature and content in different databases, repositories and specialized websites (Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO, E-lis, RedALyC, Scielo, Wiki ALFIN / Iberoam?rica, Information Literacy Weblog). Steps to build the Map: *Stage 1: Ibero-America (2010-2015)* /See papers: // *Stage 2: Every World (2015-2016)* /This map was collaboration in updating for Ibero-America, and its extension for every world of students and future librarians: Daniel Mej?a Ushima (2015-2) and Mar?a Isabel Fl?rez (2016-1)./ Don't hesitate to contact us if you have a link to suggest at: alfiniberoamerica at Im?genes integradas 1 Regards, / / /Note: Apologies for the duplicate messages./ -- Alejandro Uribe Tirado PhD en Documentaci?n Cient?fica Profesor / Investigador - Escuela Interamericana de Bibliotecolog?a Subl?neas ALFIN, Altmetrics, Open Access, TIC, E-learning y G.del Conocimiento Coord. Grupo de Investigaci?n "Informaci?n, Conocimiento y Sociedad" Universidad de Antioquia Medell?n-Colombia *** auribe.bibliotecologia.udea at grupoinformacionconocimientoysociedad at auribe at *** *** (Curr?culo) (Grupo de Investigaci?n) (Cursos curriculares en Moodle) *** (Publicaciones en acceso abierto) (?ndice de citaci?n G. Scholar) (Research Gate) (ORCID / ResearcherID) (Autores RedAlyc) (SSRN Repository) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY SURVEY (IMILS)" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to iils+unsubscribe at . To post to this group, send email to iils at . Visit this group at For more options, visit -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: image/png Size: 298257 bytes Desc: not available URL: From Kokou.Yetongnon at Wed Jul 13 16:58:50 2016 From: Kokou.Yetongnon at (Kokou Yetongnon) Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 22:58:50 +0200 (CEST) Subject: [Eurchap] CFP: Social Networks, Large Networks and their Applications Message-ID: <> CALL FOR PAPERS (Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP) ==================================================================== 2016 IEEE International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET BASED SYSTEMS Track on Social Networks, Large Networks and their Applications (SLNA) Naples Italy, 28 November ? 1 December 2016 ==================================================================== Recently, social networks have grown rapidly in size and popularity. The global internet population has witnessed a popular expansion to reach billions of users around the world. For connected users, social networks provide a most suitable space for sharing data, interacting with other users and forming communities with common interests. Social networks have important impacts on today?s society not only in terms of structure and dynamics, but also regarding scientific and technological aspects. Social networks raise new research challenges due to the numerous emerging needs and applications. The focus of this track is on emerging and novel concepts, architectures and methodologies for social and more generally large networks analysis, tools and applications, including issues related to complex graphs, semantics, big data, and security. The topics of interest for this track include, but are not limited to: Social Network Analysis - methods, algorithms, processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Social graph processing / manipulation Usage / implementation of Big Data algorithms Avoiding fragmentation of the social graph *Open cross-platform interactions *Usage of Identity algorithms (OAuth, openID, etc.) *Usage of Identity APIs Dynamics and evolution patterns of social networks, trend prediction Information diffusion in Social Networks Social analytic tools --------------------------- Approaches based on Semantic Web Technologies Ontologies for managing social networks Social networks and cultural information Social Network Analysis of Terrorist Networks Cyber surveillance for unlawful activities for critical infrastructure protection Participatory surveillance Social Networks and Security -------------------------------------- Privacy-preserving Social network Analysis Social Networks Analysis for security applications Social network-based security measures and controls Social Networks Analysis for identifying and assessing cyber risks Security by means of Social Networks Analysis Information security measures and controls, to help in identifying and assessing cyber risks Architectures and methods for social network management Social media search and management in large scale environments Searching blogs, tweets, and other social media Frameworks and Methodologies for large scale Collaboration Collective Awareness Platforms for Social (CAPS) and business innovation Communities discovery and analysis in large scale online and offline social networks Traffic prediction for dimensioning media applications User-centric applications --------------------------------- Exploiting user mobility and geolocation Ontology-based user profiling Social and Ethical Issues in a Networked World Human-powered community question answering and expert finding Social, mobile, pervasive content sharing and live media distribution Spam, opinions and adversarial interactions in social media Personalisation for social interaction Use of Social Networks for business and marketing Immersive Social Networks Social businesses, social CRM Social gaming Large networks --------------------- Internet of People Internet of Things Networks of networks Submission and publication ------------------------------------- The conference will include keynote addresses, tutorials, and regular and workshop sessions. SITIS?16 invites submission of high quality and original papers on the topics listed above. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers for technical merit, originality, significance and relevance to track topics. Papers must be up to 8 pages and follow IEEE double columns publication format. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings and published by IEEE Computer Society and referenced in IEEE explore and major indexes. Journal special issue Extended version of selected accepted papers will be considered for publication in a major journal. Important dates --------------------- Paper Submission: September 6, 2016 Acceptance/Reject notification: October 7, 2016 Camera ready: October 20, 2016 Author registration: October 20, 2016 Track Chairs ----------------- Ana Roxin, IEM Dept., University of Burgundy, France Alessandro Provetti, MIFT Dept., University of Messina, Italy Ernesto Damiani, University of Milan, Italy -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From brad.eden at Wed Jul 20 10:55:44 2016 From: brad.eden at (Brad Eden) Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2016 09:55:44 -0500 Subject: [Eurchap] CFP: Special journal issue on altmetrics Message-ID: > > Please excuse duplication. Please forward to interested colleagues and > other listservs. > > *Digital Library Perspectives* (*DLP*) is looking for articles for a > special issue on the use and incorporation of altmetrics in libraries and > within academia. Articles can be of any length, and figures and screen > shots are encouraged. *DLP* is a peer-reviewed journal. > > Inquiries can be sent directly to the editor's email listed below (please > do not reply to the list). Please send a title and short proposal, along > with contact information, to the editor no later than August 15, 2016. > Accepted proposals will be due by January 2, 2017, and can be submitted > directly to the Emerald ScholarOne system at > > > If you have any questions, please contact the editor directly. Thanks. > Brad > > > Bradford Lee Eden, Ph.D. > Editor, *Digital Library Perspectives* > Dean of Library Services > Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources > Valparaiso University > Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 > brad.eden at > 219-464-5099 > ___________________________________________________ > > *Digital Library Perspectives (DLP)* > > Journal history > > Previously published as *OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital > Library Perspectives* > > *Aims & Scope* > > *Digital Library Perspectives (DLP) *is a peer-reviewed journal concerned > with digital content collections. It publishes research related to the > curation and web-based delivery of digital objects collected for the > advancement of scholarship, teaching and learning. And which advance the > digital information environment as it relates to global knowledge, > communication and world memory. > > The journal aims to keep readers informed about current trends, > initiatives, and developments. Including those in digital libraries and > digital repositories, along with their standards and technologies. > > The editor invites contributions on the following, as well as other > related topics: > > - ? Digitization > - ? Data as information > - ? Archives and manuscripts > - ? Digital preservation and digital archiving > - ? Digital cultural memory initiatives > - ? Usability studies > - ? K-12 and higher education uses of digital collections > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ipe at Thu Jul 28 06:12:03 2016 From: ipe at (Isabella Peters) Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2016 12:12:03 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] Seeking EUChap members who have paper/poster/panel at ASIS&T AM 2016 in Copenhagen and want to be promoted Message-ID: <007801d1e8b8$7e489ed0$7ad9dc70$> Dear EUChap-Members, decisions on the acceptance of contributions to the ASIS&T AM 2016 are almost completely disseminated and I am wondering who of you got positive news. In order to raise awareness about contributions made by at least one member of EUChap and about what are topics EUChap members are concerned with, I would like to gather title, authors, country, and submission type (paper, poster, panel, workshop) and distribute this information via our EUChap mailing list and website (the SIGs and most US-schools brag about their successes on a regular basis J). I hope that this well help getting in touch with each other, promoting our work, and creating a broader picture of European Information Science and Practice. Of course I could have crawled the program for this information but I would like to give you the opportunity to opt-in. Hence, please let me know by August 7, 2016 whether you?d like to be included ? please attach according information then. This year the ASIS&T headquarter also provided us with the opportunity to particularly promote submissions with substantial contributions from EUChap members. Those submissions can be mentioned in a special section of the Conference Program and the link to EUChap would be made visible (something like ?endorsed by EUChap?). I thought that especially those accepted contributions which have been discussed in our group before their submission (do you remember -0g/edit?usp=sharing?) are eligible for that. As far as I can see there are two panels consisting of many EUCHap members and that have been discussed: 1) Panel Tomato tomahto: European perspectives on information science (led by Julian Warner) 2) Open Innovation in Smart Cities: Civic Participation and Co-creation of Public Services (led by Agnes Mainka) @Agnes, Julian: what do you think about this special promotion? Is it reasonable to link the panels with EUCHap? I also found other panels who have a significant amount of Europeans on their list: 1) Making research data possible: negotiating between disciplinary cultures, temporalities, data policies, professional interests and education and training (Kjellberg, Sara; Haider, Jutta; Cox, Andrew; Tam, Winnie; Tammaro, Anna Maria; Matusiak, Krystyna K.) 2) Information Work in Information Science Research and Practice (Huvila, Isto; Budd, John M.; Lloyd, Annemaree; Palmer, Carole; Toms, Elaine) Does it make sense to also endorse them? @Isto, Anna: what do you think? Please let me know. What about other papers/ workshops/ posters? I believe that submissions with >50% authors from EUChap could be promoted also. But suggestions are welcomed! Please also inform me by August 7 (since the program has to be printed, as HQ told me)! Thank you and best wishes Isabella *** Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters Professor of Web Science Kiel University (CAU Kiel) Institute for Computer Science Department Web Science (R. 506) Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3 D-24118 Kiel T: +49 431 880-7286 E: ipe at Web: ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics D?sternbrooker Weg 120 D-24105 Kiel T: +49-431-8814-623 E: i.peters at Web: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Katriina.Bystrom at Sat Jul 30 06:23:11 2016 From: Katriina.Bystrom at (=?Windows-1252?Q?Katriina_Bystr=F6m?=) Date: Sat, 30 Jul 2016 10:23:11 +0000 Subject: [Eurchap] CfP: A Combined SIG-SI and SIG-USE Full-Day Workshop, ASIS&T AM 2016 In-Reply-To: <007801d1e8b8$7e489ed0$7ad9dc70$> References: <007801d1e8b8$7e489ed0$7ad9dc70$> Message-ID: <> Call for Papers and Participation Enhancing lives through Information and Technology A Combined SIG-SI and SIG-USE Full-Day Workshop: The Social Informatics of Work and Play (SIG-SI): Morning Information Behavior in Workplaces (SIG-USE): Afternoon ASIS&T Annual Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark October 15, 2016 Organizers Katriina Bystr?m, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Katriina.Bystrom at Pnina Fichman, Indiana University, Bloomington, fichman at Luanne Freund, University of British Columbia, Luanne.Freund at Howard Rosenbaum, Indiana University, Bloomington, hrosenba at Join us at ASIS&T in Copenhagen for a full-day pre-conference workshop to explore the ways in which our uses of information and technologies improve our work and social lives. Two vital and dynamic SIGs are joining forces for a workshop that will provide two interesting and complementary perspectives in the conference theme. In the morning session, SIG-SI will bring a perspective that focuses on the social aspects of information and communication technologies (ICT) in work and play across all areas of ASIS&T. In the afternoon session, SIG-USE will focus on information related activities from different research perspectives and explores the significance of information seeking and use on our lives. Submissions may include empirical, critical, conceptual and theoretical papers and posters, as well as richly described practice cases and demonstrations. The combined workshop will allow networking between members of both SIGs during the day. MORNING: THE SOCIAL INFORMATICS OF WORK AND PLAY (SIG SI) This year?s conference theme is ?creating knowledge, enhancing lives through information & technology.? This is a particularly apposite theme for SIG-SI, because the social impacts of ICT and the complex relations among people, technologies, and the contexts of ICT design, implementation, and use have long been core concerns of social informatics. The SIG-SI morning session, our 12th annual gathering at ASIS&T annual meetings, will bring a critical perspective that focuses on the social aspects of ICT that cuts across all areas of ASIS&T This year, we are particularly interested in papers that investigate the social informatics of work and play. We define ?social? broadly to include critical and historical approaches as well as contemporary social analysis. We also define ?technology? broadly to include traditional technologies (e.g., paper, books, etc.), state-of-the-art computer systems, and mobile and pervasive devices. Submissions may include papers and posters that explore the ways in which people?s uses of ICT affect their practices and behaviors while at work, play, and engaged in their social lives. We are particularly interested in work that assumes a critical stance towards the Symposium?s theme, but are also soliciting research on other related social informatics topics. We encourage all scholars interested in social aspects of ICT (broadly defined) to share their research and research in progress by submitting an extended abstract of their work and attending the symposium. Some of the questions we ask include: ? What are the impacts of ICT on people?s practices and behaviors while at work, play, and engaged in their social lives? ? What are some of the ways our work and play practices shape the design and development of ICT? ? What are the ways ICT positively and negatively impact organizations, work, play, and social life? ? What kinds of theoretical and methodological frameworks are best suited for studying the mutual shaping of ICT and practices and behaviors while at work and play? The schedule for the morning session of the symposium will involve the presentations of papers, a panel of distinguished scholars, and the best social informatics paper awards for 2015. We expect an engaging discussion with lively interactions with the audience. SIG-SI symposium chairs Pnina Fichman, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA Howard Rosenbaum, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA Eric Meyer, Oxford Internet Institute, Oxford, UK Adam Worrall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada AFTERNOON: INFORMATION BEHAVIOUR IN WORKPLACES (SIG-USE) This year?s SIG USE symposium focuses on information issues at work. It acknowledges social, individual and technological perspectives on the roles and flows that information takes as part of physical and digital work. The broad approach relates to the conference theme with a focus on information behavior (IB) or on information practices (IP) in connection to workplaces. Earlier generations were accustomed to stable and localized work; now work activities and contexts have and are radically changing. During their work life, people may experience several career changes, are expected to learn new skills and adapt to new ideas as well as manage the increasingly fluid boundaries between work and leisure. Moreover, much of information and data are internetworked and accessible simultaneously by multiple mobile devices supporting networked communities anyplace, anywhere, anytime. This challenges both the creation and consumption of information used for work ? or at work; it also affects how, when and where people work, as well as their productivity, collegiality and innovativeness. Despite, or perhaps due to, the advances in technology, today?s workplaces remain challenged by how to create, discover, share, value and enhance information and knowledge at and for work; and, how to design and manage the systems that support these functions, which are so critical to organizationally effective and individually rewarding work. The issues are many, from the consequences of new devices that are stretching the ways that an organization works, to the efficacy dynamics (stress, motivation, collaboration, productivity, age, etc.) and to the new skills and expertise required to work in such changing and changeable environments. Information is indispensable in many, if not all, workplace activities; as a resource for getting work done as well as for learning, managing change, developing and maintaining processes and creating professional networks. Specific issues to be addressed depend on the interest of the participants and the issues they bring into the workshop. Welcome topics include: ? Critical cultural information behavior ? how do we infuse our workplaces and practices with diversity and social justice sensibilities? ? Collaborative IB; virtual team ? Digital workplaces, peopleless offices & officeless people - what happens when the physical workplace dissolves? ? Everyday Life Information (in the workplace) ? Frameworks for understanding IB/IP in work settings ? IB/IP and workplace or information systems design ? Organizational behaviour research - what can we learn from this field of research that is relevant to IB/IP? ? Organizational information genres ? Personal Information Management (in the workplace) ? The blurring of lines between personal and professional in digital information use in the workplace ? The impact of mobile devices on IB/IP in the workplace ? Workplace culture, diversity and inclusion - how these shape and are shaped by information behaviour (IB)/information practices (IP)? ? and any other work-related informational topics We aim to an interactive workshop to enable the fullest exchange of ideas amongst attendees. For this reason, we encourage participants to submit; even if participation without a paper/poster is an eligible option. The workshop features a keynote by Professor Hazel Hall (preliminarily confirmed), presentation of selected papers, a joint poster session between the SIGs, and roundtable discussions based on short papers and posters by participants. Documentation: short papers and posters are shared digitally among the participants. Roundtable discussions are documented by a designated person in each group and collated by symposium chairs to a short summary that is made available for the participants afterwards. SIG-USE symposium chairs David Allen, Leeds University, UK Katriina Bystr?m, Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway Nicole A. Cooke, The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA Luanne Freund, University of British Columbia, Canada TENTATIVE SCHEDULE SI ? opening keynote: 8.30-9.00 Paper presentations: 9.00-10.30 Break 10.30-10.45 Panel: 10.45-11.45 SIG SI paper awards: 11.45-12.15 SI ? closing discussion and remarks: 12.15-12.45 Joint lunch featuring a joint poster session: 12.45-13.45 (to be determined) USE ? opening keynote: 13.45-14.45 Short Paper Session: 14.45-15.45 Break 15.45-16.00 Roundtable discussions based on papers & posters: 16.00-17.30 SIG USE Awards 17.30-17.45 USE ? closing remarks: 17.45-18.00 CALL FOR PAPERS AND POSTERS FOR BOTH SIGS Submit a short paper (2000 words) or poster (500 words) by August 19, 2016. SIG-SI: Please send your submission as a PDF file to: hrosenba at SIG-USE: Please send your submission as a PDF-file to: katriina.bystrom at Acceptance announcements made by August 31, 2016 in time for conference early registration (ends Sept. 2, 2016). FEES Members ? SIG-SI session: $100 - $120 after Sept. 2, 2016 Members ? SIG-USE session: $100 - $120 after Sept. 2, 2016 Members ? attending both SIG-SI and SIG-USE sessions: $180 - $200 after Sept. 2, 2016 Non-members ? SIG-SI Session: $120 - $140, after Sept. 2, 2016 Non-members ? SIG-USE Session: $120 - $140, after Sept. 2, 2016 Non-members ? attending both SIG-SI and SIG-USE sessions: $230 - $250 after Sept. 2, 2016 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ipe at Sun Jul 31 07:49:54 2016 From: ipe at (Isabella Peters) Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2016 13:49:54 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] Option for table sponsoring at University Reception #asistam16 Message-ID: <004c01d1eb21$a934c130$fb9e4390$> Dear EUChap-members, for the first time ASIS&T will have an University Reception during the ASIS&T AM2016 ( in Copenhagen. This reception is always a popular event and ASIS&T members are given the opportunity to promote their schools and programmes during that. Your school will be provided a specially designated area in the reception room, complete with a large sign and a table for displaying materials. The cost for a table is $175. You can share a table with other universities, splitting the cost among the universities. Please find more information on the website ( ) or contact ASIS&T headquarter directly via Vanessa Foss (vanessa at Best Isabella *** Prof. Dr. Isabella Peters Professor of Web Science Kiel University (CAU Kiel) Institute for Computer Science Department Web Science (R. 506) Hermann-Rodewald-Str. 3 D-24118 Kiel T: +49 431 880-7286 E: ipe at Web: ZBW Leibniz Information Center for Economics D?sternbrooker Weg 120 D-24105 Kiel T: +49-431-8814-623 E: i.peters at Web: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: