From isabella.peters at Sat Jan 9 04:28:00 2016 From: isabella.peters at (isabella.peters at Date: Sat, 09 Jan 2016 10:28:00 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] CFP ASIS&T 2016 Annual, Copenhagen, Oct 14-18, 2016 Message-ID: <> ***Apologies for cross-posting and please distribute widely*** ? Call for Papers 2016 Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology Copenhagen, Denmark | Oct. 14-18, 2016 Creating Knowledge, Enhancing Lives through Information & Technology Information science and technology shape, and are shaped by, decisions, practices and policies that impact people, groups, organizations, governments and societies throughout the world.? The Annual Meeting (AM) of the Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) is a premier, peer-reviewed international conference that gathers scholars and practitioners from around the globe to share research, innovations, and insights regarding how information and technology mediate the creation and use of knowledge within and across cultures and enhance lives.? Paper, poster, panel and workshop submissions that focus on the production, discovery, recording, storage, representation, retrieval, presentation, manipulation, dissemination, use, and evaluation of information and on the tools and techniques associated with these processes are welcome. The conference embraces plurality in methods and theories, and encompasses research and development from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in ASIS&T?s many special interest groups (SIGs). Important Dates: (all deadlines are midnight, Greenwich Mean Time) Paper Mentoring Service Submission of complete draft papers to the mentor service due: 10 March 2016 Mentors? feedback on drafts:? 4 April 2016 Papers Submission of papers due: 17 April 2016 Notification regarding submitted papers:? 23 May 2016 Submission of ?revise & re-submit? papers due:? 3 June 2016 Notification regarding ?revise & re-submit? papers:? 23 June 2016 Camera-ready accepted papers due:? 25 July 2016 Panels and Workshops Submission of panels and workshop proposals due:? 3 May 2016 Notifications regarding submitted panels and workshops:? 15 June 2016 Camera-ready accepted panels and workshop descriptions are due:? 25 July 2016 Posters Submission of posters due: 24 June 2016 Notifications regarding submitted posters: 30 July 2016 Camera-ready accepted posters are due: 10 August 2016 Submission site: Final versions of accepted workshops and tutorials must be formatted according to guidelines provided at: ? ....................................................................................................................................... ? PROF. DR. ISABELLA PETERS Professor of Web Science, CAU Kiel ? ZBW ? German National Library of Economics Leibniz Information Centre for Economics D?sternbrooker Weg 120 24105 Kiel Germany T: +49?431?8814?623 M: +49?172?6747771 F: +49?431?8814?520 E: i.peters at ....................................................................................................................................... ? Find us on Facebook: ....................................................................................................................................... ? ? --- Alle Postf?cher an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! Rundum gl?cklich mit freenetMail -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From taparac at Tue Jan 12 04:00:45 2016 From: taparac at (taparac at Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 10:00:45 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Subscription to the EC list Message-ID: Dear colleagues, I wuld like to confirm my wish to be on the list. with regards, tatjana aparac-jelusic taparac at From daraio at Tue Jan 12 04:03:17 2016 From: daraio at (Cinzia Daraio) Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2016 10:03:17 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Subscription to the EC list In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear colleagues, I would like also to confirm my wish to be in the list. Best regards and Happy 2016 already started. Cinzia On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM, wrote: > Dear colleagues, > I wuld like to confirm my wish to be on the list. > > with regards, > tatjana aparac-jelusic > taparac at > > _______________________________________________ > Eurchap mailing list > Eurchap at > > -- Cinzia Daraio Associate Professor Department of Computer, Control and Management Engineering "A. Ruberti" Sapienza University of Rome via Ariosto, 25 Office A108 (first floor) Tel.(+39) 06 77274 068 Fax (+39) 06 77274 074 I-00185, Rome (Italy) NEW Email: daraio at The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review of, re-transmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient, is prohibited. If you received this in error, please inform the sender by e-mail and delete the content. Il contenuto e gli allegati di questo messaggio sono strettamente confidenziali e ad uso esclusivo del destinatario. Ne sono vietati la diffusione, l'inoltro e l'uso non autorizzato da parte di utenti diversi dal destinatario. Qualora il presente messaggio Le fosse pervenuto per errore, La preghiamo di distruggerlo e darcene comunicazione a mezzo e-mail. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From pr-aksw at Mon Jan 18 04:56:31 2016 From: pr-aksw at (Sebastian Hellmann) Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2016 10:56:31 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] SEMANTiCS 2016, Leipzig, Sep 12-15, Call for Research & Innovation Papers Message-ID: <> Apologies for cross-posting Call for Research & Innovation Papers SEMANTiCS 2016 - The Linked Data Conference Transfer // Engineering // Community 12th International Conference on Semantic Systems Leipzig, Germany September 12 -15, 2016 Important Dates (Research & Innovation) * Abstract Submission Deadline: April 14, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Paper Submission Deadline: April 21, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Notification of Acceptance:May 26, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Camera-Ready Paper: June 16, 2016(11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Submissions via Easychair: As in the previous years, SEMANTiCS?16 proceedings are expected to be published by ACM ICP. The annual SEMANTiCS conference is the meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, who understand its benefits and encounter its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts information managers, IT-architects, software engineers and researchers from organisations ranging from NPOs, through public administrations to the largest companies in the world. Attendees learn from industry experts and top researchers about emerging trends and topics in the fields of semantic software, enterprise data, linked data & open data strategies, methodologies in knowledge modelling and text & data analytics. The SEMANTiCS community is highly diverse; attendees have responsibilities in interlinking areas like knowledge management, technical documentation, e-commerce, big data analytics, enterprise search, document management, business intelligence and enterprise vocabulary management. The success of last year?s conference in Vienna with more than 280 attendees from 22 countries proves that SEMANTiCS 2016 will continue a long tradition of bringing together colleagues from around the world. There will be presentations on industry implementations, use case prototypes, best practices, panels, papers and posters to discuss semantic systems in birds-of-a-feather sessions as well as informal settings. SEMANTICS addresses problems common among information managers, software engineers, IT-architects and various specialist departments working to develop, implement and/or evaluate semantic software systems. The SEMANTiCS program is a rich mix of technical talks, panel discussions of important topics and presentations by people who make things work - just like you. In addition, attendees can network with experts in a variety of fields. These relationships provide great value to organisations as they encounter subtle technical issues in any stage of implementation. The expertise gained by SEMANTiCS attendees has a long-term impact on their careers and organisations. These factors make SEMANTiCS for our community the major industry related event across Europe. SEMANTiCS 2016 will especially welcome submissions for the following hot topics: * Data Quality Management * Data Science (Data Mining, Machine Learning, Network Analytics) * Semantics on the Web, Linked (Open) Data & * Corporate Knowledge Graphs * Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies * Economics of Data, Data Services and Data Ecosystems Following the success of previous years, the ?horizontals? (research) and ?verticals? (industries) below are of interest for the conference: Horizontals * Enterprise Linked Data & Data Integration * Knowledge Discovery & Intelligent Search * Business Models, Governance & Data Strategies * Big Data & Text Analytics * Data Portals & Knowledge Visualization * Semantic Information Management * Document Management & Content Management * Terminology, Thesaurus & Ontology Management * Smart Connectivity, Networking & Interlinking * Smart Data & Semantics in IoT * Semantics for IT Safety & Security * Semantic Rules, Policies & Licensing * Community, Social & Societal Aspects Verticals * Industry & Engineering * Life Sciences & Health Care * Public Administration * Galleries, Libraries, Archives & Museums (GLAM) * Education & eLearning * Media & Data Journalism * Publishing, Marketing & Advertising * Tourism & Recreation * Financial & Insurance Industry * Telecommunication & Mobile Services * Sustainable Development: Climate, Water, Air, Ecology * Energy, Smart Homes & Smart Grids * Food, Agriculture & Farming * Safety & Security * Transport, Environment & Geospatial Research / Innovation Papers The Research & Innovation track at SEMANTiCS welcomes the submission of papers on novel scientific research and/or innovations relevant to the topics of the conference. Submissions must be original and must not have been submitted for publication elsewhere. The Research & Innovation track at SEMANTiCS is a single-blind review process (author names are visible to reviewers, reviewers stay anonymous). The submitted abstract and the topics are leveraged to find adequate reviewers for submitted papers. Please write an email to semantics2016researchtrack at , if you have any questions. Papers should follow the ACM ICPS guidelines for formatting and must not exceed 8 pages in length for full papers and 4 pages for short papers, including references and optional appendices. The layout templates can be found here: All accepted full papers and short papers will be published in the digital library of the ACM ICP Series. Research & Innovation papers should be submitted through EasyChair at: . Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format. Other formats will not be accepted. For the camera-ready version, the source files (Latex, WordPerfect, Word) will also be needed. Important Dates (Research & Innovation) * Abstract Submission Deadline: April 14, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Paper Submission Deadline: April 21, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Notification of Acceptance:May 26, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Camera-Ready Paper: June 16, 2016 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Research and Innovation Chairs: * Anna Fensel , University of Innsbruck * Amrapali Zaveri , Stanford University Contact email address:semantics2016researchtrack at Research and Innovation Deputy Chairs: * Bernhard Haslhofer , Austrian Institute of Technology * Artem Revenko , Semantic Web Company Conference Chairs: * Sebastian Hellmann , AKSW/KILT, InfAI, Leipzig University * Tassilo Pellegrini , UAS St. P?lten Senior Program Committee: * Paul Buitelaar, Insight - National University of Ireland, Galway * Oscar Corcho, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid * Claudia D'Amato, University of Bari * Brian Davis, DERI NUIG * Victor de Boer, VU Amsterdam * Christian Dirschl, Wolters Kluwer Germany * Michel Dumontier, Stanford University * Agata Filipowska, Department of Information Systems, Poznan University of Economics * Bernhard Haslhofer, AIT-Austrian Institute of Technology * Sebastian Hellmann, AKSW/KILT, InfAI, Leipzig University * Andreas Hotho, University of Wuerzburg * Jose Emilio Labra Gayo, Universidad de Oviedo * Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research * Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, University of Leipzig * Josiane Xavier Parreira, Siemens AG ?sterreich * Heiko Paulheim, University of Mannheim * Tassilo Pellegrini, University of Applied Sciences St. P?lten * Marta Sabou, Vienna University of Technology * Harald Sack, Hasso-Plattner-Institute for IT Systems Engineering, University of Potsdam * Ruben Verborgh, Ghent University - iMinds * Maria Esther Vidal, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Dept. Computer Science Program Committee: * Alessandro Adamou, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University * Rajendra Akerkar, Western Norway Research Institute * Vladimir Alexiev, Ontotext Corp * Jose Mar?a Alvarez Rodr?guez, Carlos III University of Madrid * Stefan Bischof, Siemens AG ?sterreich * Volha Bryl, Springer Nature * Irene Celino, CEFRIEL * Pierre-Antoine, Champin LIRIS * Roland Cornelissen, Metamatter * Gianluca Correndo, University of Southampton * Roberta Cuel, University of Trento * Aba-Sah Dadzie, Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University * Elena Demidova, L3S Research Center * Tommaso Di Noia, Politecnico di Bari * Marin Dimitrov, Ontotext * Mauro Dragoni, Fondazione Bruno Kessler - FBK-IRST * Samhaa El-Beltagy, Cairo University * Ingo Feinerer, University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt * Javier D. Fern?ndez, Computer Science Department. University of Valladolid * Fabien Gandon, Inria * Jorge Garcia, Ontology Engineering Group, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid * Roberto Garcia, Universitat de Lleida * Jos? Mar?a Garc?a, University of Seville * Alain Giboin, INRIA Sophia Antipolis - M?diterran?e * Juan Miguel G?mez-Berb?s, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid * Jose Manuel Gomez-Perez, Expert System * Michael Granitzer, University of Passau * Benjamin Heitmann, Insight Centre for Data Analytics, National University of Ireland, Galway * Eelco Herder, L3S Research Center * Laura Hollink, CWI * Katja Hose, Aalborg University * Valentina Janev, Mihailo Pupin Institute, University of Belgrade * Anja Jentzsch, Hasso Plattner Institut * Ali Khalili, VU University Amsterdam * Sabrina Kirrane, Vienna University of Economics and Business - WU Wien * Dimitris Kontokostas, University of Leipzig * Christoph Lange, University of Bonn * Nelia Lasierra Beamonte, UMIT ? University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology * Isaac Lera, University of the Balearic Islands * Steffen Lohmann, Fraunhofer IAIS * Vanessa Lopez, IBM Research * Sandra Lovren?i?, University of Zagreb, Faculty of organization and informatics Varazdin * Markus Luczak-Roesch, University of Southampton * Elisa Marengo, Faculty of Computer Science, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano * John P. Mccrae, National University of Ireland, Galway * Andras Micsik, SZTAKI * Andrea Moro Sapienza, Universit? di Roma * Dmitry Mouromtsev, NRU ITMO, Russia * Claudia M?ller-Birn, Freie Universit?t Berlin * Lyndon Nixon, MODUL University * Inna Novalija, Jozef Stefan Institute * Andrea Giovanni Nuzzolese, STLab, ISTC-CNR * Leo Obrst, MITRE * Maryam Panahiazar, Stanford University * Alexander Panchenko, Universit? catholique de Louvain * Viviana Patti, University of Turin * Silvio Peroni, University of Bologna * Xiuquan Qiao, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications * Achim Rettinger, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology * Mariano Rico, Universidad Polit?cnica de Madrid * Giuseppe Rizzo, ISMB * Marco Rospocher, Fondazione Bruno Kessler * Matthew Rowe, Lancaster University * Anisa Rula, University of Milano-Bicocca * Felix Sasaki, W3C * Vadim Savenkov, Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU) * Francois Scharffe, 3Top * Luciano Serafini, Fondazione Bruno Kessler * Pavel Shvaiko, Informatica Trentina * Nadine Steinmetz, TU Ilmenau * Holger Stenzhorn, Saarland University Hospital * Simon Steyskal, Siemens AG Austria * Vojt?ch Sv?tek, University of Economics, Prague * Konstantin Todorov, LIRMM * Ioan Toma, STI Innsbruck * J?rgen Umbrich, Vienna University of Economy and Business (WU) * Joerg Waitelonis, Hasso-Plattner-Institute Potsdam * Krzysztof Wecel, Poznan University of Economics * Eva Zangerle, Databases and Information Systems, Department of Computer Science, University of Innsbruck -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From isabella.peters at Tue Jan 19 17:08:53 2016 From: isabella.peters at (isabella.peters at Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 23:08:53 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Orchestrating the undertakings of ASIS& T European Chapter members for Annual Meeting in Copenhagen 2016 Message-ID: <> Hi @all!? we hope you had a good start into the New Year and look forward for exciting work, discussions and the ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Europe enabling meeting with your colleagues and friends. We have still a few weeks to make proposals (papers and panels) for the next Meeting. It is a pleasure for the ASIS&T European Chapters, that the Annual Meeting will be held for the first time in Europe and we should give our best to make this Meeting an exciting and fruitful event. European hospitality is key and the conference is a great venue to showcase our work. In order to strengthen proposals, increase networking among chapter members, avoid double effort, and maximize chances of getting proposals accepted both EUChaps aim at orchestrating the undertakings of European Chapter members. Therefore, we would like to discuss with you ideas and activities which the European Chapter and European Student Chapter have and that you would like to lead (or join) at the forthcoming ASIS&T Annual Meeting in Copenhagen. ? If you have any ideas or just would like join our conversation feel free to enter your available schedule for next week (25.01.-27.01.16) in our doodle: ? The call should not exceed one hour.? All ideas and activities can be put together in our google document: ? Please, feel free to add your ideas to the document, even if you are not available during our call. ? We hope to meet you all next week at the call!? ? ?By the way: ? ???????? Here is the link to google hangout setup: ???????? Have you read the EU Student Chap newsletter? Here is the link: ???????? Do you know students who like to participate in the Movie Meets Science Contest 2016? Feel free to share the following link: ? Cheers, Agnes and Isabella (Chairs of European Student Chapter & European Chapter) --- Alle Postf?cher an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! Rundum gl?cklich mit freenetMail -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Wed Jan 20 11:15:47 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2016 17:15:47 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [Inclusion] Net Inclusion Summit SAVE-THE-DATE In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [Inclusion] Net Inclusion Summit SAVE-THE-DATE Date: Tue, 19 Jan 2016 09:22:32 -0500 From: Angela Siefer Reply-To: inclusion at To: inclusion at Net Inclusion 2016: The National Digital Inclusion Summit When: May 18-19, 2016 Where: Kansas City Public Library The National Digital Inclusion Alliance and the Kansas City Public Library welcome digital inclusion practitioners, advocates, academics, Internet service providers and policymakers to join us at Net Inclusion 2016: The National Digital Inclusion Summit to be held May 18-19, 2016 at the Kansas City Public Library in downtown Kansas City, Missouri. Effective digital inclusion public policy relies upon strategies tested on the ground by community-based organizations, libraries and local government increasing equitable broadband access and use. Net Inclusion 2016 will be a forum for sharing while also documenting current and potential local, state and federal public policy crafted to increase digital equity. Today more organizations, of all kinds, are working to increase digital empowerment than ever before. This means it is time for a gathering! NDIA represents efforts in 32 states. We have a unique opportunity to discuss solutions to digital equity that cross silos and cross the country. Angela Siefer Director National Digital Inclusion Alliance 614-537-3057 Angela Siefer Columbus About/contact Angela Siefer: ------------------------ Reply: Reply-All or visit New Topic: inclusion at Digest: Subject: digest on Leave: Subject: unsubscribe Forum Home: *** 2016 - The year to become a sustaining subscriber! *** A recurring donation is essentially a subscription. Whatever monthly amount you choose will help sustain E-Democracy throughout the year. Select "Make This Recurring (Monthly)" to become a sustaining donor today! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Help? Hosting: http://OnlineGroups.Net ----- Aucun virus trouv? dans ce message. Analyse effectu?e par AVG - Version: 2016.0.7294 / Base de donn?es virale: 4522/11441 - Date: 19/01/2016 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From isabella.peters at Sun Jan 24 02:40:20 2016 From: isabella.peters at (isabella.peters at Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 08:40:20 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] =?utf-8?q?Online_petition_and_support_letters_to_preven?= =?utf-8?q?t_closure_of_Department_of_Information_Science_at_Heinri?= =?utf-8?q?ch_Heine_University_D=C3=BCsseldorf?= Message-ID: <> ? Dear colleagues, this time I am writing because of a rather personal concern - but which also reflects a known symptom for the underevaluation of the Information Science discipline in Europe. Hence, it is a matter of EUChap, too. We were informed this week that the dean of the Philosophical Faculty of the University of D?sseldorf intends to?close the Department of Information Science?in the next faculty council meeting on Tuesday, 26 January. The reason for closure is the need to economize and to cut a professor's position at the level of the Philosophical Faculty (12 institutes, 10,000 students). However, unlike at other institutes, the cut of a professor in information science would entail the?closure of the whole department, affecting four degree programs, more than 10 university lecturers and almost 1,000 students, as Prof. Stock is the only full information science professor in D?sseldorf. The imminent closure represents a?great loss not only for the greater field of information science but also for bibliometrics research and education. Bibliometrics and scientometrics are inherent parts of the curriculum in D?sseldorf. Alumni, doctoral students as well as BA and MA students frequently present their research at international conferences such as ISSI, STI and the ASIS&T SIG/MET workshop. Information science students from D?sseldorf also play a role in bibliometric analyses for research funders and universities, as the research center in J?lich involves them in bibliometric contract work.? I consider the planned closure short-sighted, ill-conceived and disastrous for information science and bibliometric education and research in Germany and Europe. As an alumna? I strongly oppose the dean's decision to cut Prof. Stock's position and close the department and kindly ask for your support: The student body has started an online petition to protest against the closure, which has already gathered more than 700 signatures:? My colleagues?Dirk Lewandowski, Jasmin Schmitz,?Violeta Trkulja, Katrin Wellerand I have issued a request for?support letters?from the community to the university president and the dean to convince them to stop the intended closure. An English translation of their open letter can be found here:? Please help us to protest against the closure of the Department of Information Science by signing the petition, writing a letter and sharing this information with your colleagues. Kind regards from Kiel,? Isabella Peters PS:?Further information in German can be found here:? ? --- Alle Postf?cher an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! Rundum gl?cklich mit freenetMail -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Sun Jan 24 04:44:19 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 10:44:19 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [icie] Fwd: [tripleC] Call for book proposals: Critical Digital & Social Media Studies OA book series In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [icie] Fwd: [tripleC] Call for book proposals: Critical Digital & Social Media Studies OA book series Date: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 21:01:31 +0100 From: Rafael Capurro Reply-To: rafael at To: icie at best Rafael -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [tripleC] Call for book proposals: Critical Digital & Social Media Studies OA book series Datum: Fri, 22 Jan 2016 20:20:35 +0100 Von: Christian Fuchs An: Rafael Capurro Dear Readers of tripleC, I want to bring this call for book proposals to your attention because it is close to the topics tripleC covers. Proposal submissions by tripleC authors and readers are welcome.. Best Christian Fuchs --- Critical Digital & Social Media Studies" is a book seried edited by Christian Fuchs on behalf of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies and published by the University of Westminster Press. It publishes books that critically study the role of the Internet, digital and social media in society and make critical interventions. We invite submissions of book proposals that fall into the scope of the series. Deadline: March 1, 2016 The books in the series are published in an open access format available online without payment using a Creative Commons licence (CC-BY-NC-ND) and simultaneously as affordable paperbacks. We are able to publish a number of books in the call without any book processing charges thanks to support by the University of Westminster Library. Details: The Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies is a new interdisciplinary institute at the University of Westminster. Its inaugural research theme is critical digital & social media research. Subscription to its newsletter is possible here: The University of Westminster Press is an open access publishing house. Media, communication & cultural studies is one of the academic publishing fields it specialises in: _______________ tripleC : Communication, Capitalism & Critique | Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society | Aucun virus trouv? dans ce message. Analyse effectu?e par AVG - Version: 2016.0.7357 / Base de donn?es virale: 4522/11464 - Date: 23/01/2016 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From isabella.peters at Sun Jan 24 06:00:54 2016 From: isabella.peters at (isabella.peters at Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 12:00:54 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Telco: Orchestrating the undertakings of ASIS& T European Chapter members for Annual Meeting in Copenhagen 2016 Message-ID: <> Dear EUChap members, the Doodle poll found a result: ? We will talk on Monday, 25. January 2016, from 16:00 -17:00. ? The information on whether we'll use Google Hangout or Skype will be sent around tomorrow, right before the conference call. I hope you can make it all. ? If the date doesn't fit your calendar: please have a look at the shared document ( and feel free to add your thoughts. ? Also, I am sure that this call wasn't the last in this regard. :-) ? See you tomorrow - have a nice sunday! ? Isabella --- Alle Postf?cher an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! Rundum gl?cklich mit freenetMail -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Mon Jan 25 04:36:52 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 10:36:52 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [icie] Fwd: [tripleC] International Visiting Fellowships in Critical Digital & Social Media Research In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [icie] Fwd: [tripleC] International Visiting Fellowships in Critical Digital & Social Media Research Date: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 14:00:05 +0100 From: Rafael Capurro Reply-To: rafael at To: icie at fyi Rafael -------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [tripleC] International Visiting Fellowships in Critical Digital & Social Media Research Datum: Sun, 24 Jan 2016 12:12:48 +0100 Von: Christian Fuchs An: Rafael Capurro Dear tripleC-Readers, This call for 3 month-visiting international fellowships for conducting critical digital & social media research in London at the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies may be of interest to tripleC contributors and readers... Best, Christian Fuchs --- Call for Applications: International Visiting Fellowships in Critical Digital & Social Media Research The Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS) is a newly created academic space at the University of Westminster in London for independent critical thinking beyond borders. Its inaugural research theme is Critical Digital & Social Media Research. One of the WIAS? key features is the Research Fellowship Programme that attracts and brings together current and future academic leaders. We invite applications for international junior and senior research fellows (from all academic backgrounds) who conduct fellowship research projects in the realm of Critical Social & Digital Media Research for the duration of 3 months in 2016. Several fellowships will be awarded as result of this call. Funded scholarships are only awarded as a result of open calls. The WIAS invites both junior and senior fellows. Junior fellows are researchers who hold a PhD that has been awarded not more than 5 years before the date of the call publication. Senior fellows are researchers who hold a PhD that has been awarded more than 5 years before the call is published. More details and application: Application deadline: February 29, 2016, 17:00 BST Subscription to the WIAS newsletter in order to receive updates about events, future fellowship calls, calls of the book series "Critical Digital & Social Media Studies", publications, etc. is possible here: _______________ tripleC : Communication, Capitalism & Critique | Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society | Aucun virus trouv? dans ce message. Analyse effectu?e par AVG - Version: 2016.0.7357 / Base de donn?es virale: 4522/11472 - Date: 24/01/2016 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tamara.Heck at Mon Jan 25 08:56:02 2016 From: Tamara.Heck at (tamara heck) Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2016 14:56:02 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] EUChap Call via Hangout today 4 pm Message-ID: <027401d15778$20cb6e30$62624a90$> Dear EUChap colleagues, we hope to hear you all at 4 pm today (in 1 hour) to discuss activities at the ASIS&T AM. Please go to: to join us via Google Hangouts. The hangout is open now. If there are any problems, please write to me. If the date doesn't fit your calendar: please have a look at the shared document ( -0g/edit?pref=2&pli=1#) and feel free to add your thoughts. This doc will also be used during the call. Best, Tamara Tamara Heck Institute for Language and Information Department of Information Science Heinrich Heine University D?sseldorf Universit?tsstra?e 1 40225 D?sseldorf Phone: +49 211 81 10803 tamara.heck at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From isabella.peters at Tue Jan 26 05:06:56 2016 From: isabella.peters at (isabella.peters at Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 11:06:56 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Action Items: Orchestrating activities for ASIS& T AM 2016 Message-ID: DearMembers of the ASIS&T European Chapter, yesterday wehad a conference call in order to orchestrate submissions to the ASIS&T AMin Copenhagen (thanks to all who contributed online and offline) We agreedthat joining forces (everybody who has a similar idea) and submitting a strongproposal increases the chances of getting it accepted. We hope that with beingtransparent about our submission plans we can demonstrate our ability tocollaborate and promote the idea of a European IS community (instead ofincreasing the competition among us). Hence, wecame up with following procedure to successfully join forces (hopefully): 1) * Please revise the Google document inwhich you can find all planned panel, paper, and workshop proposals and addedso far: 2) * For those who already provided someideas: Please add your contact information to your proposals asap so that other members can get intouch with you. 3) *To all members: Please add more ofyour proposal ideas until February 2nd and also contact people whoproposed submissions of interest to you or that overlap with your idea. Pleasetry working together on a joint proposal. 4) * By February 5th eachproposal should have assigned a group speaker who feels responsible for pushingthe proposal to a final submission. 5) * We use the Google document tocommunicate. I will alsotalk to ASIS&T HQ and/or conference organizers if it would be possible forthe European Chapter to endorse those contributions of chapter members (similarto the sponsorships of SIGs, which are even acknowledged in the printedconference program). I believe that something like this would massivelyincrease the visibility of the European Chapter and the work of its members. Anotherissue is rather linked to the organization and support of the conference. Inthe Google document paragraph IV. Otherslists the ideas on how to involve students or other activities to make the AM atruly European experience. Please feelfree to add ideas or to note down that you would like to volunteer organizingsome of the activities. I believe that we need more than a handful of membersto make this happen, but since you are all excited about the ASIS&T AM I amsure that this will be a cinch for us :-) I guessthat?s it for now?please do not hesitate to post questions, comments etc. tothe Google document or send them via the mailing list. Cheers! Isabella Normal 0 21 false false false DE X-NONE X-NONE table.MsoNormalTable --- Alle Postf?cher an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! From jschneider at Tue Jan 26 13:27:19 2016 From: jschneider at (Jodi Schneider) Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 13:27:19 -0500 Subject: [Eurchap] Research Data Science Summer School, Trieste Italy August 1-12, 2016 Message-ID: Possibly of interest to your students, please pass the word: *Research Data Science Summer School, Trieste Italy August 1-12, 2016* Apply now to attend the Research Data Science Summer School in Trieste, Italy, August 1-12, 2016 apply by April 18 (CODATA-RDA) Students will learn software carpentry, data carpentry, digital curation and stewardship skills, and more. Application deadline is 18th April (via ACM-W Connections - December 2015) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From isabella.peters at Wed Jan 27 06:10:07 2016 From: isabella.peters at (isabella.peters at Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 12:10:07 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Update on decision on closure of Department of Information Science, Duesseldorf, Germany Message-ID: <> Dear colleagues, friends and supporters of Duesseldorf?s Information Science department, yesterday was decision day: after heated discussions that lasted more than 2h the faculty council decided for the closure of the department (10 for, 2 against, 3 abstentions). You can follow the live tweets under It appears that no substantial arguments were given for the closure, but the dean made it clear that some financial cuts are necessary and that they have to affect areas where a professor is retiring before 2020. This is extremely sad and disappointing news. Dean and faculty council seemed to have made up their minds already ? neither the arguments from the letters nor from the students who flooded the meeting room nor from Professor Wolf Stock were seriously taken in account in order to revise the decision. But there is one last chance: We are now hoping for the university president to reverse the decision and to find another solution. She might be more open to the voices of the community. There the letters (more than 60 reached us) and the online petition (more than 1500 signatures; see URL below) will count even more. We will let you know once we have more concrete information and do know how to proceed. Thank you again for supporting us by sending passionate letters, spreading the word online and offline, signing the petition, and by much more. We haven?t expected such an overwhelming response! It?s good to know that the Information Science community sticks together no matter what. We hope that we can keep that spirit alive! Best Isabella, Stefanie, Violeta, Jasmin, Katrin, and Dirk **** Link to petition: --- Alle Postf?cher an einem Ort. Jetzt wechseln und E-Mail-Adresse mitnehmen! From michel.menou at Wed Jan 27 09:53:51 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Wed, 27 Jan 2016 15:53:51 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: Air-L CaTaC 16: website now open for submissions In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Air-L Digest, Vol 138, Issue 19 Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:00:23 -0800 Message: 3 Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2016 15:29:53 +0100 From: Charles Ess To: aoir list Subject: [Air-L] CaTaC?16: website now open for submissions ? submissions due February 15, 2016. Message-ID: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Dear AoIRists, with apologies for any duplications: please forward and distribute to those whom you think might be interested. Many thanks, - charles ess Professor in Media Studies Department of Media and Communication University of Oslo == CaTaC?16: Culture, Technology, Communication: Common world, different futures? An IFIP supported event (International Federation for Information Processing), Working Group 13.8: Interaction Design and International Development. Publication: in addition to Open Access Conference Proceedings, selected papers will be considered for a volume in the IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology series, published by Springer. University of West London, June 15-17, 2016. Keynote speakers: Ann Light, Professor of Design and Creative Technology, School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex. Peter-Paul Verbeek, Philosophy Department & DesignLab, Twente University, the Netherlands. The tenth biennial conference on ?Culture, Technology, Communication? ? (CaTaC)?16 ? is open for papers exploring the intersections between culture, technology, and communication, applying different theoretical and methodological perspectives, genres, and styles, as well as within three themes: * At the Intersections of Culture, Technology, and Communication: Is Another Design Possible? * Culture, Technology, and Communication in Design for Development * Culture, Technology, and Communication in Practice? Both short (3-5 pages) and long (10-15 pages) original papers are sought for presentation. Panel proposals addressing a specific theme or topic are also encouraged: please include names of committed participants and (provisional) presentation titles. Please see the conference website for further details regarding submissions, deadlines, registration fees, venue and accommodations. We look forward to welcoming you to London next June! Conference Co-organizers: * Jos? Abdelnour-Nocera, Local host(School of Computing and Technology, University of West London) * Charles Ess, CaTaC Co-chair (Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo) * Maja van der Velden, CaTaC Co-chair (Department of Informatics, University of Oslo) Programme Committee * Herbert Hrachovec, (Philosophy Department, University of Vienna) * Michele M. Strano, Program Chair (Communication Studies, Bridgewater College) -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From brad.eden at Thu Jan 28 10:58:07 2016 From: brad.eden at (Brad Eden) Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 09:58:07 -0600 Subject: [Eurchap] CFP: Special journal issue on digital preservation tools and partnerships Message-ID: Please excuse duplication. Please forward to interested colleagues and other listservs. *Digital Library Perspectives* (*DLP*)(formerly known as *OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives*) is looking for articles for a special issue on digital preservation tools and partnerships. Articles can be of any length, and figures and screen shots are encouraged. *DLP* is a peer-reviewed journal. Inquiries can be sent directly to the editor's email listed below (please do not reply to the list). Please send a title and short proposal, along with contact information, to the editor no later than February 15, 2016. Accepted proposals will be due by August 1, 2016, and can be submitted directly to the Emerald ScholarOne system at If you have any questions, please contact the editor directly. Thanks. Brad Bradford Lee Eden, Ph.D. Editor, *Digital Library Perspectives* Dean of Library Services Christopher Center for Library and Information Resources Valparaiso University Valparaiso, Indiana 46383 brad.eden at 219-464-5099 ___________________________________________________ *Digital Library Perspectives (DLP)* Journal history Previously published as *OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives* *Aims & Scope* *Digital Library Perspectives (DLP) *is a peer-reviewed journal concerned with digital content collections. It publishes research related to the curation and web-based delivery of digital objects collected for the advancement of scholarship, teaching and learning. And which advance the digital information environment as it relates to global knowledge, communication and world memory. The journal aims to keep readers informed about current trends, initiatives, and developments. Including those in digital libraries and digital repositories, along with their standards and technologies. The editor invites contributions on the following, as well as other related topics: - ? Digitization - ? Data as information - ? Archives and manuscripts - ? Digital preservation and digital archiving - ? Digital cultural memory initiatives - ? Usability studies - ? K-12 and higher education uses of digital collections -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Thu Jan 28 11:23:44 2016 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 17:23:44 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [civic] First Virtual Meeting of the Global Science Community - E-Health In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [civic] First Virtual Meeting of the Global Science Community - E-Health Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2016 15:47:11 GMT From: Colleen Wint Reply-To: Caribbean ICT stakeholders Virtual Community (CIVIC) To: Caribbean ICT stakeholders Virtual Community (CIVIC) Having trouble viewing this email? Click here Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network Agency *First Virtual Meeting of the Global Science Communities* The CKLNA is pleased to announce the first virtual meeting of the Global Science Communities, on Tuesday, February 2, 2016 at 12.30 GMT. The Global Science Communities are a central element of the EU-funded *MAGIC project *(Middleware for collaborative Applications and Global vIrtual Communities). With partners from the five continents, MAGIC is a cooperation project which aims to significantly improve the ability of researchers and academics around the world to collaborate together. At the heart of MAGIC are Global Science Communities which the MAGIC partners are engaged with, not only to support them in the use of the collaboration applications implemented by MAGIC, but also to raise their awareness of funding opportunities and encourage their engagement with their peers around the world. The 4 thematic Global Science Communities and the dates for the virtual meetings are: * *E-Health - February 2 * * *Biodiversity* - February 11 * *Environment* - February 18 * *Remote Instrumentation * - February 25 If you, or any others that you recommend, are interested in participating please feel free to join. For more information, see the *E-Health overview and instructions .* The session will begin at 12.30 GMT Please **check your local time Click here to see who else is participating There is still time to add your name and institution, or recommend others for this or any of the other communities. We hope that you will be able to participate. You can send names and email addresses directly to Colleen Wint at CKLNA , OR to Mr. Tiwonge Banda at UbuntuNet Alliance , who is coordinating the Work Package 5. CKLNA is pleased to be part of this project team and hopes to have more Caribbean representatives participating in all of the virtual meetings. Caribbean Knowledge and Learning Network Agency,Trans-Nemwil Office Complex,The Villa,, St. George's, P.O. Box 1431 gd SafeUnsubscribe? civic at Forward this email | Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by colleen.wint at in collaboration with Constant Contact You are receiving this message because you are a member of the community Caribbean ICT stakeholders Virtual Community (CIVIC) . View this contribution on the web site A reply to this message will be sent to all members of Caribbean ICT stakeholders Virtual Community (CIVIC). Reply to sender | Unsubscribe Aucun virus trouv? dans ce message. Analyse effectu?e par AVG - Version: 2016.0.7357 / Base de donn?es virale: 4522/11501 - Date: 28/01/2016 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: