[Eurchap] TPDL2015: Call for Tutorials - Extended Deadline

Giannis Tsakonas john at lis.upatras.gr
Tue Mar 3 11:26:25 EST 2015

International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 
14-18.09.2015, Poznań, Poland


New deadline for submissions: March 9, 2015

* Introduction *
Tutorial topics should have a direct relevance to the topics of the 
conference. Anticipated areas of interest at the time of TPDL2015 
include topics related to digital libraries, their foundations and 
methodologies, as well as their relevant applications and usages, 
including cross-disciplinary areas. We especially welcome tutorials 
bridging multiple areas, or presenting new perspectives in these areas, 
and tutorials with a practical hands-on approach that educate 
participants in using a technology after the tutorial.

Proposals will be considered for half-day and full-day tutorials. 
Tutorials may cover material either at an introductory level 
(introducing new areas of research or practice to attendees) or in depth 
(advancing the understanding of attendees with basic familiarity of the 
area). Tutorials may target researchers, practitioners, or the field as 
a whole.

* Proposal *
A tutorial proposal should include the following:
- Title of the tutorial
- Instructor(s) and their credentials (short CV, link to personal web 
- Aims, scope and learning objectives of the tutorial
- Relevance to TPDL2015 and significance for the research field
- Full description (1-2 pages to be used for evaluation)
- Tutorial history (previous offerings of tutorial, if any)
- Format of tutorial (half- or full-day)
- Target audience and prerequisite knowledge

* Submission *
Tutorial proposals should be maximum four pages in length and they can 
be submitted in PDF format via email to contact at tpdl2015.info. Please 
use the subject line “TPDL2015 Tutorial Proposal” when submitting.

Upon submitting the tutorial proposal, the proposers commit that in case 
the tutorial is accepted, all lecturers will physically attend and 
present the tutorial.

Each submitted proposal will be reviewed by the Tutorial Chairs with the 
approval of the Conference General Chairs and Program Chair. 
Notification of acceptance will be sent via email to the workshop 
proposers by April 13, 2015.

The selected tutorials will be organized on September 14, 2015, before 
the Main Track of the conference. The Organizing Committee will provide 
substantial support in the area of logistics management, namely 
registration, catering, halls and infrastructure.

The extended deadline for submissions is March 9, 2015.

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