From michel.menou at Fri Jan 10 07:51:53 2014 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2014 13:51:53 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [TPBCI] Trends in Brazilian information science research vol. 6 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> For Portuguese speaking colleagues -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [TPBCI] Publica??o de nova edi??o Date: Mon, 06 Jan 2014 19:31:24 -0200 From: Lena V?nia Ribeiro Pinheiro To: Michel J. Menou Caros leitores, Tend?ncias da Pesquisa Brasileira em Ci?ncia da Informa??o acaba de publicar seu ?ltimo n?mero em Convidamos a navegar no sum?rio da revista para acessar os artigos e itens de interesse. Agradecemos seu interesse em nosso trabalho, Lena V?nia Ribeiro Pinheiro - Editora Cient?fica IBICT lenavania at Tend?ncias da Pesquisa Brasileira em Ci?ncia da Informa??o Vol. 6, No 1 (2013): Tend?ncias da Pesquisa Brasileira em Ci?ncia da Informa??o Sum?rio EDITORIAL -------- Editorial Lena Vania Ribeiro PINHEIRO, Eloisa Pr?ncipe de OLIVEIRA ARTIGOS -------- DOCUMENTOS ?SENS?VEIS?: PRODU??O, RETEN??O, APROPRIA??O Icl?ia THIESEN TRANSGRAM?TICAS: Filosofia da Ci?ncia da Informa??o, linguagem e realidade simb?lica Gustavo Silva SALDANHA AS CONFIGURA??ES DO CAMPO DA CI?NCIA DA INFORMA??O NO CONTEXTO DAS CI?NCIAS P?S-?MODERNAS Jonathas Luiz Carvalho SILVA, Gustavo Henrique de Ara?jo FREIRE CATALOGA??O, FORMAS DE REPRESENTA??O E CONSTRU??ES MENTAIS Pl?cida L. V. Amorim da Costa SANTOS PAQUETE TECNOL?GICO PARA EL USO DEL AN?LISIS CUALITATIVO DE INFORMACI?N EN LOS SERVICIOS DE INTELIGENCIA EMPRESARIAL Anays M?s BASNUEVO, Sonallys S?nchez REYES AS QUEST?ES ?TICAS DA DEMOCRATIZA??O DA INFORMA??O Dalgiza Andrade OLIVEIRA DADOS DE PESQUISA: contribui??o para o estabelecimento de um modelo de curadoria digital para o pa?s Lu?s Fernando SAY?O, Luana Farias SALES Tend?ncias da Pesquisa Brasileira em Ci?ncia da Informa??o -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sfaletar at Mon Jan 13 04:10:05 2014 From: sfaletar at (Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic) Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 10:10:05 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] 2nd CfP: Libraries In the Digital Age(LIDA) 2014, Zadar, Croatia Message-ID: <> --Excuse for cross-posting-- Dear colleagues, please find attached CfP for LIDA 2014 conference. This will be the 13th LIDA conference and it will take place 16-20 June, 2014 in Zadar, Croatia. "Assessing libraries, library users and uses" is the theme for LIDA 2014. The first part of the conference addresses advances in qualitative assessment methods and practices and the second part covers assessment methods involving alternative metrics based on social media and a wider array of communicative activities, commonly referred to as ?altmetrics.? Deatiled information on organization, dates, types of contribution, venue etc. are available at conference website: I would be very grateful if you could forward this CfP to your colleagues. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Best wishes, Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic LIDA 2014 Communication Chair CALL FOR PARTICIPATION LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (LIDA) 2014 Zadar, Croatia, 16?20 June 2014 University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia ( Full information at: Email: lida at Libraries in the Digital Age (LIDA) is a biennial international conference that focuses on the transformation of libraries and information services in the digital environment. In recognition of evolving online and social technological influences that present both challenges and opportunities, ?ASSESSMENT? is the theme for LIDA 2014. The conference theme is divided into two parts. The first part addresses advances in qualitative assessment methods and practices and the second part covers assessment methods involving alternative metrics based on social media and a wider array of communicative activities, commonly referred to as ?altmetrics.? LIDA 2014 brings together researchers, educators, and practitioners from all over the world in a forum for personal exchanges, discussions, and learning, made memorable by being held in an enchanting and spectacularly beautiful city on the shore of the Adriatic Sea. LIDA 2014 Theme: ASSESSING LIBRARIES AND LIBRARY USERS AND USE Part I: Qualitative methods in assessing libraries, users, & use: applications, results. Contributions (types described below) are invited covering the following and related topics: ? new methodological developments and practical applications in qualitative assessments of libraries and information systems; ? application of qualitative methods to the study of library users and use; ? studies using a variety of qualitative methods, such as observations, surveys, interviews, focus groups, case studies, cultural studies, oral history, grounded theory, document studies, Delphi studies and others; ? qualitative study of a variety of library user groups or potential users: by generation, by role or occupation, by level of education and technological literacy, and others ? assessment of library services in a variety of e-services, such as information literacy programs, e-learning, distance education, e-scholarship and others; ? practical transformations in library services as a result of assessment; ? emergence of new library visions and missions related to users and their reflection in new services as a result of assessment; ? discussion about general issues resulting from assessments: How are we to understand new or transformed library services in their own right? In relation to traditional library services and values? Part II: Altmetrics - new methods in assessing scholarly communication and libraries: issues, applications, results. Contributions (types described below) are invited covering the following and related topics: ? methodological developments and practical applications in altmetric assessments of scholarly communication, including caveats; ? related criteria for altmetrics, such as [articles, concepts, ideas] viewed, downloaded, reused, adapted, shared, bookmarked, commented upon; ? results from altmetric studies related to scholarly communication and evaluation; ? methodological and practical applications in the use of altmetrics in libraries and information systems; ? effects of social media on libraries and information systems of all kinds; ? criteria and metrics for assessing library employment of social media; ? results from studies of use of social media in libraries, particularly involving any kind of assessment; ? changes in libraries? use of social media; ? discussion about general issues: How can and should libraries use social media? How are libraries and information systems to respond to the ever growing importance of social media in society? What are opportunities and challenges? Types of contributions Invited are the following types of contributions: 1. Papers: scholarly studies and reports on research and practice that will be presented at the conference and included in the published proceedings. The proceedings will be published in print and on the LIDA web site. 2. Posters: short graphic presentations on research studies, advances, examples, or preliminary work that will be presented in a special poster session. Awards will be given for Best Poster and Best Student Poster. 3. Demonstrations: live examples of working projects, services, interfaces, commercial products, or developments-in-progress that will be presented during the conference in specialized facilities or presented in special demonstration sessions. 4. Workshops: two to four-hour sessions that will be tutorial and educational in nature. Workshops will be presented before and after the main part of the conference and will require separate fees, to be shared with workshop organizers. 5. PhD Forum: short presentations by Ph.D. students, particularly as related to their dissertation, in a session organized by the European Chapter of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (EC/ASIST); responses will be provided by a panel of educators at this forum. Submissions: Instructions for all submissions and author guidelines are provided at LIDA 2014 site All submissions will be refereed. Important dates: Papers and posters: an extended abstract by 15 January 2014. Acceptance decision: announced by 10 February 2014. Full papers and poster summaries for Proceedings: by 15 April 2014. Workshops: a short proposal by 31 January 2014. Demonstrations: a proposal by 1 March 2014. PhD Forum: dissertation proposal or research description by 1 March 2014. Conference contact information Conference co-directors: TATJANA APARAC-JELUSIC, Ph.D., Department of Information Science, University of Zadar; Zadar, Croatia; taparac at (also for general correspondence) TEFKO SARACEVIC, Ph.D., School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University; New Brunswick, New Jersey, USA tefkos at Program chairs: For part I: DAVID BAWDEN, Ph.D., Centre for Information Science, City University London, London, UK. db at For part II: BLAISE CRONIN, Ph.D., D.S.Sc., School of Informatics & Computing, Indiana University, Indiana, USA. bcronin at Venue Zadar is one of the enchanting cities on the Adriatic coast, rich in history. It still preserves a very old network of narrow and charming city streets, as well as a Roman forum dating back to the first century AD. In addition, the Zadar region is one of unparalleled natural beauty that includes two national parks. On the Adriatic Sea is the Kornati National Park, an unusual and colorful group of some 100 small islands. The National Park Paklenica is also close by, for those who enjoy exploring a more mountainous terrain. Croatia is a great tourist destination of unspoiled beauty. -- Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic, PhD Associate Professor Department of Information Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences L. Jaegera 9, 31000 Osijek, Croatia E-mail: sfaletar at -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: LIDA_2014_cfp.doc Type: application/msword Size: 51712 bytes Desc: not available URL: From john at Thu Jan 16 17:03:40 2014 From: john at (Tsakonas Giannis) Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 00:03:40 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] 18th International Conference on Electronic Publishing - 3rd Call for Papers - Submission Deadline Message-ID: * apologies for cross-postings * ? 3RD CALL FOR PAPERS - SUBMISSION DEADLINE EXTENDED TO JANUARY 31, 2014 18TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING June 19-20, 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece Conference web site: [1] Proceedings will be published OPEN ACCESS by IOS PRESS ------------------------- SCOPE The International Conference on Electronic Publishing (Elpub) enters its 18th year. Elpub 2014 will continue the tradition, bringing together researchers, lecturers, librarians, developers, entrepreneurs, users and all other stakeholders interested in issues regarding electronic publishing in widely differing contexts. These include the human, cultural, economic, social, technological, legal, commercial and other relevant aspects that such an exciting theme encompasses. Elpub 2014 will particularly focus on the openness and use of research data as well as new and innovative publishing paradigms. We welcome presentations and discussions that demonstrate the role of cultural heritage and service organisations in the creation, accessibility, curation and long term preservation of data. We aim to provide a forum for discussing appraisal, citation and licensing of research data. Also, what is new with reviewing, publishing and editorial technology in a data-centric setting? We invite contributions from members of the communities whose research and experiments are transforming the nature of electronic publishing and scholarly communication. Topics include but are not restricted to: DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY * Text Mining (Natural language processing, text harvesting, dynamic formatting) * Open Data, Open Linked Data (Solutions, methods, tools) * Web Mining (Knowledge discovery in web documents) * Association Mining (Knowledge linking, discovery, presentation) * Information Retrieval (Content search, analysis and retrieval) * Visualization (Clustering, Graphs, Augmented reality, Knowledge maps) * Stream Mining (Video tagging, Audiobook tagging) * Legal Issues (Ethics, Copyright, licensing, etc.) ONLINE SOCIAL NETWORKS FOR SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION * New digital media (user studies, innovative publishing) * User interfaces (Multilingual and multimodal interfaces, User generated content) * Specific user communities (Services and technology, media and content) * Personalization technologies (e.g. social tagging, folksonomies, RSS) * Social interaction analysis (Author collaboration trends, publication trends) * Security, Privacy and Integrity (Online ethics, Privacy policies, Online censorship) * Network analysis (Modelling and visualization of science networks) * Ubiquitous computing (Mobile and social network interactions, RFID book tagging) * Bibliometrics, (Data appraisal, citation and attribution) PUBLISHING AND ACCESS? ? ? ? * New publishing models (Business models, costs, tools, services and roles) * Open access (Publishing solutions, mandates, recommendations) * Open Data, Open Linked Data (Data registries, workflows, demonstrations) * Mobile information services (e-contents, e-books, etc.) * Interoperability (Scalability and middleware infrastructure) * Legal issues (Security, privacy and copyright issues) * Digital preservation (Cultural heritage, content authentication, DP Planning) * Semantic web (Metadata, information granularity, digital objects) * Digital library (Repositories, services, future) * New publishing paradigms (Executable papers, data journals, research objects, open peer review) SUBMISSION All submissions are subject to peer review. For each accepted paper, at least one author is expected to register for the conference to present the paper. Inclusion in the proceedings is conditional upon registration of at least one author per paper. Moreover, upon submitting the workshop, tutorials and panels proposals, the proposers commit that in case their submission is accepted, all people involved (speakers, lecturers, panel members, etc.) will physically attend and coordinate it. Papers submitted to this conference must not have been accepted or be under review by another conference or by a journal. The accepted papers will be published by IOS Press in a digital format open access conference proceedings book. Papers will be indexed in DBLP and Scopus, and are also expected to be indexed by ISI and INSPEC (application pending). Furthermore, all accepted papers and posters will be archived at the Elpub Digital Library: [2]. All contents published in the ELPUB proceedings are distributed open access via the conference archive ( [2]) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution license, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the original work is properly cited. For content published in IOS Press channels, different copyright arrangements might apply. Paper submission and review will be managed via the EasyChair system. To submit a paper, please use the appropriate template and follow the specific instructions available at the conference website ( [1]). ALL FULL PAPERS, SHORT PAPERS AND POSTERS MUST BE WRITTEN IN ENGLISH AND SUBMITTED VIA THE?EASYCHAIR [3]?SUBMISSION SYSTEM IN?_PDF_FORMAT. FORMATTING INSTRUCTIONS Contributions are invited for the following categories: * FULL PAPERS (up to 10 pages; please use the IOS Press instructions and tools which are available at the following URL: IOS Press template [4]); * SHORT PAPERS (up to 6 pages; please use the IOS Press instructions and tools which are available at the following URL: IOS Press template [4]) * POSTERS (up to 3 pages; no template) * TUTORIALS (abstract min. of 500 and max. of 1,000 words) * WORKSHOPS (abstract min. of 500 and max. of 1,000 words) * DEMONSTRATIONS (abstract min. of 500 and max. of 1,000 words) IMPORTANT DATES October 9, 2013 Submission Site Open (EasyChair - Elpub2014 [3]) January 31, 2014 Submission Deadline (Time: 11:59 PM, PST) NEW DATE February 28, 2014 Author Decision Notification March 28, 2014 Submission of Camera Ready Version March 30, 2014 Early Bird Registration Deadline April 30, 2014 Final Registration Deadline June 19-20, 2014 Conference Dates CONFERENCE DATES AND LOCATION: June 19-20, 2014, Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece CONFERENCE HOST: Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece GENERAL CHAIR: Panayiota Polydoratou [5], Alexander Technological Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece PROGRAMME CHAIR: Milena Dobreva [6], University of Malta Links: ------ [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Tamara.Heck at Wed Jan 22 09:50:53 2014 From: Tamara.Heck at (Tamara Heck) Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 15:50:53 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] ESC Video Contest for Students Message-ID: <007001cf1781$5ac47c00$104d7400$> Dear colleague around Europe, the ASIS&T European Student Chapter is organizing a video contest for all European LIS students - Bachelor, Master or Phd. Our aim is to get the students? research projects out of their drawers and let the students participate in our research community. Winners will get 100 ?, an ASIS&T membership for one year and nice books sponsored by our colleagues. PLEASE HELP US to promote our video contest and tell your students about it. Attached is our current poster to hang up at your institute or company. More information about the contest can be found here: If there are any questions don?t hesitate to contact either Agnes.Mainka at or evelyn.droege(at), our current ESC chairs. Agnes will send further information via the ESC mailing list soon. Best wishes, Tamara Tamara Heck Institute for Language and Information Dep. of Information Science Heinrich-Heine-University D?sseldorf Universit?tsstra?e 1 40225 D?sseldorf Phone: 0211-81-10803 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Poster_ESC_Video_Science_Contest.jpg Type: image/jpeg Size: 252832 bytes Desc: not available URL: From sfaletar at Fri Jan 24 06:21:08 2014 From: sfaletar at (Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic) Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 12:21:08 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Libraries In the Digital Age(LIDA) 2014, Zadar, Croatia: extended deadlines In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: --Excuse for cross-posting-- LIBRARIES IN THE DIGITAL AGE (LIDA) 2014 Zadar, Croatia, 16?20 June 2014 University of Zadar, Zadar, Croatia ( Full information at: Email: lida at Dear colleagues, due to many inquiries, the deadline for submission of proposals for LIDA 2014 has been extended. Should you wish to present on either of two conference topics (Qualitative methods in assessing libraries, users and use or Altmetrics), please observe the new dates: Papers: an extended abstract by 31 January 2014. Acceptance decision: announced by 10 February 2014 Posters: an extended abstract by 15 February 2014. Acceptance decision: announced by 1 March 2014. Full papers and poster summaries for Proceedings: by 1 May 2014. Workshops: a short proposal by 31 January 2014. Acceptance decision for workshops: 20 February 2014 Demonstrations: a proposal by 1 March 2014. PhD Forum: dissertation proposal or research description by 1 March 2014. Acceptance decision for demostrations/PhD Forum: 20 March 2014 Final submission for Proceedings: 15 May 2014 All submissions should be made via Easy Chair conference system available at Best, Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic LIDA 2014 Communication Chair Sanjica Faletar Tanackovic, PhD Associate Professor Department of Information Sciences Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences L. Jaegera 9, 31000 Osijek, Croatia E-mail: sfaletar at From at Fri Jan 24 10:23:46 2014 From: at (Lai Ma) Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 15:23:46 +0000 Subject: [Eurchap] CFP> ASIS&T History Fund Awards Message-ID: <> The ASIS&T History Fund Advisory Board announces the following two competitive awards for 2014: 1) The ASIS&T History Fund Research Award This award will be for a maximum of $1,000 and will be awarded for the best research proposal submitted by April 30, 2014. All topics relevant to the history of information science and technology may be proposed. The proposal should include: the central topic or question to be researched and an extended abstract, qualifications of the researcher (brief vita should be included), a budget and how the funds will be expended. All funds must be expended by June 30, 2015. Submit proposal to 2) The ASIS&T History Fund Best Paper Award This award will be for a maximum of $500 and will be awarded for the best paper submitted by April 30, 2014. All topics relevant to the history of information science and technology will be considered. The paper should not have been previously published or submitted to a journal. The paper should not exceed 30 pages double-spaced, including notes and references, using APA Style Manual. The winner is expected to present the paper at the 2015 ASIS&T Annual Meeting and to give first rights of refusal for publication to the Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Submit paper to The ASIS&T History Fund was established by the ASIS&T Board of Directors in June 2000 for the purposes of supporting and encouraging research and publication in the history of information science and technology. The Fund is supported by donations (including book loyalties) from ASIS&T members and others. The Fund Advisory Board encourages further donations from anyone interested in supporting historical study of information science and technology. Members of the ASIS&T History Fund Advisory Board for 2014 are: Lai Ma, Chair Sarah Buchanan Michael Buckland Samantha Hastings Trudi Bellardo Hahn For further information please contact Lai Ma at at --- Dr Lai Ma School of Information and Library Studies University College Dublin Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland Web: Email: at Phone: +353 1 716 7592 From anoruzi at Fri Jan 24 11:15:50 2014 From: anoruzi at (Alireza Noruzi) Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 17:15:50 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Webology: Volume 10, Number 2, December 2013 Message-ID: Dear All, apologies for cross-posting. We are pleased to inform you that Vol. 10, No. 2 of Webology, an OPEN ACCESS bi-annual journal, is published and available ONLINE now. ------------------ Webology: Volume 10, Number 2, December 2013 TOC: This issue contains: ------------------------- Articles ------------------------- - Managing online identity and diverse social networks on Facebook -- Kirsty Young -- Keywords: Online social networking; Facebook; Identity construction; Impression management; Diverse social networks -- - A personalized adaptive e-learning approach based on semantic web technology -- Maryam Yarandi, Hossein Jahankhani, & Abdel-Rahman H. Tawil -- Keywords: Personalized learning; E-learning; Ontology; Adaptive learning; Semantic web -- - Have digital repositories come of age? The views of library directors -- David Nicholas, Ian Rowlands, Anthony Watkinson, David Brown, Bill Russell, & Hamid R. Jamali -- Keywords: Institutional repositories; Digital repositories; Open access; Policies; Practices and strategic directions -- - Perspectives of academic web content managers on the effectiveness of web publishing and web hosting policies -- Veronica F. McGowan, & Craig McKinley -- Keywords: Web publishing; Hosting policy; Academic web; Universities -- - Intelligent interoperable application for employment exchange system using ontology -- Kavidha Ayechetty, & Saradha Arumugam -- Keywords: Interoperable application; distributed application integration; ontology integration; semantic integration; collaborative application; ontology mapping -- - Asian top universities in six world university ranking systems -- Mahmood Khosrowjerdi, & Zahra Seif Kashani -- Keywords: Asian Universities, Shanghai ranking, QS ranking, THE ranking, HEEACT ranking, Webometrics ranking, Leiden University ranking -- ------------------------- Call for Papers ------------------------- -- ================================== Best regards, Alireza Noruzi -------------------- Editor-in-Chief of Webology: Alireza Noruzi, Ph.D. Website: ~ The great aim of Open Access journals is knowledge sharing. ~ ~ Scientific knowledge is the result of the knowledge sharing and exchange of experiences. ~ From rhill at Thu Jan 30 15:18:31 2014 From: rhill at (Richard Hill) Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 15:18:31 -0500 Subject: [Eurchap] CFP ASIS&T 2014 Message-ID: <380-220141430201831707@LEN-dick-2011> Connecting Collections, Cultures, and Communities 77th ASIST Annual Meeting October 31 - November 4, 2014 Sheraton Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA SUBMISDSION URL: The Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology is the premier international conference dedicated to the study of information, people, and technology in contemporary society. The ASIST AM gathers leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe to share innovations, ideas, research, and insights into the state and future of information and communication in play, work, governance, and society. ASIST AM has an established record for pushing the boundaries of information studies, exploring core concepts and ideas, and creating new technological and conceptual configurations -- all situated in interdisciplinary discourses. The conference welcomes contributions from all areas of information science and technology. The conference celebrates plurality in methods, theories and conceptual frameworks and has historically presented research and development from a broad spectrum of domains, as encapsulated in ASIST?s many special interest groups: Arts & Humanities; Bioinformatics; Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts; Classification Research; Critical Issues; Digital Libraries; Education for Information Science; Health Informatics; History & Foundations of Information Science; Human Computer Interaction; Information Architecture; Information Needs, Seeking and Use; Information Policy; International Information Issues; Knowledge Management; Library Technologies; Management; Metrics; Scientific & Technical Information; Social Informatics; and Visualization, Images & Sound. Important Dates Papers, Panels, and Workshops: Submissions: April 30th Notifications: June 11th Final copies: July 15th Posters: Submissions: July 1th Notifications: July 30th Final copies: August 20th (All deadlines: midnight, Hawaii Standard Time) . Richard Hill Executive Director Association for Information Science and Technology 1320 Fenwick Lane, Suite 510 Silver Spring, MD 20910 FAX: (301) 495-0810 (301) 495-0900 From at Fri Jan 31 05:20:20 2014 From: at (Lai Ma) Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 10:20:20 +0000 Subject: [Eurchap] Webinar> iSquares: A New Approach to Information Research and Education References: <> Message-ID: <> > > > iSquares: A New Approach to Information Research and Education > Join us for a Webinar on Friday, February 7 > FREE for ASIS&T members, $10 for non-members > > Space is limited. > Reserve your Webinar seat now at: > > This webinar introduces an arts-informed, visual approach to engage the concept of information afresh: the draw-and-write technique. Human subjects are asked to answer the question "What is information?" in the form of a drawing, generating a compact piece of visual data coined an "iSquare" ( The webinar instructor, Dr. Jenna Hartel of the University of Toronto, has used the method to explore how people envision information (Hartel, in press, 2013a, 2013b). She also applies the approach in classrooms to help students, especially newcomers, theorize information (Hartel, 2014). Whether employed as a research method or pedagogical strategy, iSquares bring information science into the visual Information Age and create a richer multimedia genealogy for our central concept. The goal of the webinar is to help other information scholars and professionals experiment with arts-informed, visual methods and iSquares, specifically. First, the webcast outlines the theoretical framework, research design, and data-gathering specifications to produce iSquares for the purposes of information research. Then the session provides classroom activities and assignments to utilize iSquares for information education. The webinar also marks the launch of a website that displays the corpus of images gathered thus far (n=400 and growing). References: > > This webinar is being sponsored by SIG-HFIS & SIG-USE. > > Title: > iSquares: A New Approach to Information Research and Education > Date: > Friday, February 7, 2014 > Time: > 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EST > After registering you will receive a confirmation e-mail containing information about joining the Webinar. > System Requirements > PC-based attendees > Required: Windows? 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server > Mac?-based attendees > Required: Mac OS? X 10.6 or newer > Mobile attendees > Required: iPhone?, iPad?, Android? phone or Android tablet > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From D.Allen at Fri Jan 31 12:19:59 2014 From: D.Allen at (David Allen) Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:19:59 +0000 Subject: [Eurchap] Third Call for Papers ISIC: the Information Behaviour Conference Message-ID: <> Third Call for Papers ISIC: the Information Behaviour Conference. 2-5 September, 2014: Short Papers and Panels ISIC is now accepting calls for panel proposals. These are expected to address new, exciting, and controversial issues. They should be provocative, informative, and entertaining. Panel proposals should include: * Summary of the topics to be covered. * Name, affiliation and contact information for the panel chair. * Names and affiliations of up to four panellists (in addition to the panel chair) who have made a commitment to participate. * Short summary of their position statements. * Brief biography of each participant. For the first time ISIC will also provide a dedicated track for short papers for work in progress. The purpose of this track is to present late-breaking results, work in progress, and follow-up extensions or evaluations of existing methods. Short papers will be peer-reviewed in a one-stage process by the program committee. Submissions for the short paper track should be 3 pages (at most), excluding references, and 4 pages (at most), in total. They will be orally presented at the conference with each presenter being allocated 15 minutes, 10 - 12 minutes to present their paper and a couple of minutes to answer any questions. Important Dates The deadline for submission is March 17, 2014 Author Guidelines and Submission Submit your paper through the ISIC2014 paper submission site Conference Location ISIC is a biennial conference. The last ISIC conference was held in 2012 in Keio University, Tokyo, Japan and the earlier conference in 2010 in the Universidad de Murcia, Spain. We are delighted that in 2014 it will be hosted by Leeds University Business School. The Business School is internationally renowned for the quality of its teaching, its research and its facilities. The City of Leeds is a modern vibrant city which has excellent transportation links but is also provides access to the beautiful countryside and heritage of Yorkshire. Conference Organsation The conference is being jointly organised by the University of Leeds Business School, University of Sheffield iSchool and the Department of Information Studies, University of Aberystwyth. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nareshag at Fri Jan 31 13:33:02 2014 From: nareshag at (Naresh Agarwal) Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:33:02 -0500 Subject: [Eurchap] [Chapters-l] Fwd: FW: Your Webinar Invitation: Join us for "Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders" In-Reply-To: <00a601cf1ea4$24db5ee0$6e921ca0$> References: <> <00a601cf1ea4$24db5ee0$6e921ca0$> Message-ID: Hi everyone, As promised, we'd be holding the first virtual meeting of ASIS&T chapters (both regional and student chapters) on Tuesday February 25, 2014 3:30pm EST (Eastern time) [do log in 15 minutes before the meeting]. Please click on the link below to register for the meeting. The purpose of the virtual meeting is to connect regional and student chapters with each other so that they can share information about activities and projects, learn from the experiences of other chapters, and develop collaborative relationships among the chapters. It will also be an opportunity to discuss and some of the initiatives of the Chapter Assembly (see an earlier email attached below). We believe that encouraging interaction between chapters will help build stronger individual chapters and benefit the overall Association by encouraging knowledge sharing among chapters. 1-2 officers and/or advisers from each chapter are encouraged to register and attend. Do also email us any item that you'd like discussed in the meeting. Warm regards, Naresh Agarwal - Director, Chapter Assembly Michael Leach - Deputy Director, Chapter Assembly ------------------------------ *Please remove text above this line.* *Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders* *Join us for a Webinar on February 25* *Space is limited.* Reserve your Webinar seat now at: The purpose of the virtual meeting is to connect regional and student chapters with each other so that they can share information about activities and projects, learn from the experiences of other chapters, and develop collaborative relationships among the chapters. It will also be an opportunity to discuss and some of the initiatives of the Chapter Assembly. We believe that encouraging interaction between chapters will help build stronger individual chapters and benefit the overall Association by encouraging knowledge sharing among chapters. 1-2 officers and/or advisers from each chapter are encouraged to attend. *Title:* *Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders* *Date:* Tuesday, February 25, 2014 *Time:* 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM EST After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. *System Requirements* PC-based attendees Required: Windows(R) 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Mac(R)-based attendees Required: Mac OS(R) X 10.6 or newer Mobile attendees Required: iPhone(R), iPad(R), Android(tm) phone or Android tablet -------- Original message -------- From: Naresh Agarwal Date: 11/21/2013 1:42 PM (GMT-05:00) To: chapters-l at,students-l at Cc: "Leach, Michael" ,Richard Hill Subject: [Chapters-l] Updating list of Chapter Officers for 2013-2014 Hi Chapter leaders, Hope you all doing well! We'd like to work towards increased communication between chapters - both regional and student. 1) As a first step towards that, we've created a spreadsheet with the list of officers for 2013-2014. Could you please update your particulars in the spreadsheet Do please try to update the particulars by November 30. These addresses would also be added to the chapters-l list. The list is designed to be open so that you can see the officers in other chapters and reach out to them for ideas or collaboration. The Chapter Assembly would like to see increased shared activities between student and regional chapters. The color coding in the spreadsheet shows chapters close to you that you can collaborate with. Do please reply to this email if you have comments or suggestions. Some of the other initiatives by the chapter assembly include (we need your support to make these happen): 2) Sharing the reports of winning regional and student chapters with the rest of the chapters to serve as models. Could the winning chapters (for this year, and also previous years) write to naresh.agarwal at to provide their consent to share their reports. If you have your winning reports easily accessible in your computer hard drives, do please attach them as well. It would be a great help to other chapters. 3) We'd also invite all regional and student chapters to write up your plans for the year now itself (keeping the annual report you submit at the end of the year in mind). Criteria in annual reports / chapter of the year awards: Your plan must include at least one event with a collaboration with another chapter or SIG. There could be a Wiki or a shared document in the future where you could share your plans and report for the year (the annual reports are due in Jul-Aug 2014, but we'd like to encourage you to begin planning now itself, and share your plans/ideas/questions with other chapters). 4) We're also planning to hold quarterly online meetings of all chapters so you can connect with each other. That's the update for now. Do write with your comments and suggestions. Don't forget to update your officer list by Nov 30 by clicking on Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Warm regards, Naresh Agarwal, Chapter Assembly Director Michael Leach, Chapter Assembly Deputy Director Student leaders can also reach out to: Chirag Shah, Student Chapter Representative to Chapter Assembly Daniel Alemneh, Student Chapter Alternate Representative to Chapter Assembly ______________________________________________________________________ Naresh Agarwal, PhD (Assistant Professor) Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston MA 02115 +1 (617) 521 2836 (O) nareshag at / naresh.agarwal at "If your heart is fully opened, you cannot find fault with anyone because you will see everyone as part of yourself." -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- _______________________________________________ Chapters-l mailing list Chapters-l at From emil.levine at Fri Jan 31 17:57:31 2014 From: emil.levine at (emil.levine at Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 23:57:31 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] [Chapters-l] Fwd: FW: Your Webinar Invitation: Join us for "Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders" In-Reply-To: References: <><00a601cf1ea4$24db5ee0$6e921ca0$> Message-ID: <031BE6D191324008964E03D646A9CE63@UserPC> Great idea. But I think chapter advisers should be able to participate if only as observers. emil levine chapter adviser AP former chapter adviser and chair EC From: Naresh Agarwal Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 7:33 PM To: chapters-l at ; students-l at Cc: Leach, Michael Subject: [Chapters-l] Fwd: FW: Your Webinar Invitation: Join us for "Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders" Hi everyone, As promised, we'd be holding the first virtual meeting of ASIS&T chapters (both regional and student chapters) on Tuesday February 25, 2014 3:30pm EST (Eastern time) [do log in 15 minutes before the meeting]. Please click on the link below to register for the meeting. The purpose of the virtual meeting is to connect regional and student chapters with each other so that they can share information about activities and projects, learn from the experiences of other chapters, and develop collaborative relationships among the chapters. It will also be an opportunity to discuss and some of the initiatives of the Chapter Assembly (see an earlier email attached below). We believe that encouraging interaction between chapters will help build stronger individual chapters and benefit the overall Association by encouraging knowledge sharing among chapters. 1-2 officers and/or advisers from each chapter are encouraged to register and attend. Do also email us any item that you'd like discussed in the meeting. Warm regards, Naresh Agarwal - Director, Chapter Assembly Michael Leach - Deputy Director, Chapter Assembly -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please remove text above this line. Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders Join us for a Webinar on February 25 Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: The purpose of the virtual meeting is to connect regional and student chapters with each other so that they can share information about activities and projects, learn from the experiences of other chapters, and develop collaborative relationships among the chapters. It will also be an opportunity to discuss and some of the initiatives of the Chapter Assembly. We believe that encouraging interaction between chapters will help build stronger individual chapters and benefit the overall Association by encouraging knowledge sharing among chapters. 1-2 officers and/or advisers from each chapter are encouraged to attend. Title: Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders Date: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Time: 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM EST After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. System Requirements PC-based attendees Required: Windows? 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server Mac?-based attendees Required: Mac OS? X 10.6 or newer Mobile attendees Required: iPhone?, iPad?, Android? phone or Android tablet -------- Original message -------- From: Naresh Agarwal Date: 11/21/2013 1:42 PM (GMT-05:00) To: chapters-l at,students-l at Cc: "Leach, Michael" ,Richard Hill Subject: [Chapters-l] Updating list of Chapter Officers for 2013-2014 Hi Chapter leaders, Hope you all doing well! We'd like to work towards increased communication between chapters - both regional and student. 1) As a first step towards that, we've created a spreadsheet with the list of officers for 2013-2014. Could you please update your particulars in the spreadsheet Do please try to update the particulars by November 30. These addresses would also be added to the chapters-l list. The list is designed to be open so that you can see the officers in other chapters and reach out to them for ideas or collaboration. The Chapter Assembly would like to see increased shared activities between student and regional chapters. The color coding in the spreadsheet shows chapters close to you that you can collaborate with. Do please reply to this email if you have comments or suggestions. Some of the other initiatives by the chapter assembly include (we need your support to make these happen): 2) Sharing the reports of winning regional and student chapters with the rest of the chapters to serve as models. Could the winning chapters (for this year, and also previous years) write to naresh.agarwal at to provide their consent to share their reports. If you have your winning reports easily accessible in your computer hard drives, do please attach them as well. It would be a great help to other chapters. 3) We'd also invite all regional and student chapters to write up your plans for the year now itself (keeping the annual report you submit at the end of the year in mind). Criteria in annual reports / chapter of the year awards: Your plan must include at least one event with a collaboration with another chapter or SIG. There could be a Wiki or a shared document in the future where you could share your plans and report for the year (the annual reports are due in Jul-Aug 2014, but we'd like to encourage you to begin planning now itself, and share your plans/ideas/questions with other chapters). 4) We're also planning to hold quarterly online meetings of all chapters so you can connect with each other. That's the update for now. Do write with your comments and suggestions. Don't forget to update your officer list by Nov 30 by clicking on Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Warm regards, Naresh Agarwal, Chapter Assembly Director Michael Leach, Chapter Assembly Deputy Director Student leaders can also reach out to: Chirag Shah, Student Chapter Representative to Chapter Assembly Daniel Alemneh, Student Chapter Alternate Representative to Chapter Assembly ______________________________________________________________________ Naresh Agarwal, PhD (Assistant Professor) Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston MA 02115 +1 (617) 521 2836 (O) nareshag at / naresh.agarwal at ?If your heart is fully opened, you cannot find fault with anyone because you will see everyone as part of yourself.? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________ Chapters-l mailing list Chapters-l at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- _______________________________________________ Chapters-l mailing list Chapters-l at From naresh.agarwal at Fri Jan 31 21:27:45 2014 From: naresh.agarwal at (Naresh Agarwal) Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 21:27:45 -0500 Subject: [Eurchap] [Chapters-l] Chapters-l Digest, Vol 78, Issue 1 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear Emil, Yes, chapter advisers are welcome and encouraged to participate. Warm regards, Naresh On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 5:57 PM, wrote: > Send Chapters-l mailing list submissions to > chapters-l at > > To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit > > or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to > chapters-l-request at > > You can reach the person managing the list at > chapters-l-owner at > > When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific > than "Re: Contents of Chapters-l digest..." > > > Today's Topics: > > 1. Fwd: FW: Your Webinar Invitation: Join us for "Virtual > Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders" (Naresh Agarwal) > 2. Re: Fwd: FW: Your Webinar Invitation: Join us for "Virtual > Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders" > (emil.levine at > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Message: 1 > Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:33:02 -0500 > From: Naresh Agarwal > To: chapters-l at, students-l at > Cc: "Leach, Michael" > Subject: [Chapters-l] Fwd: FW: Your Webinar Invitation: Join us for > "Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders" > Message-ID: > D3w at> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" > > Hi everyone, > > As promised, we'd be holding the first virtual meeting of ASIS&T chapters > (both regional and student chapters) on Tuesday February 25, 2014 3:30pm > EST (Eastern time) [do log in 15 minutes before the meeting]. > > Please click on the link below to register for the meeting. > > The purpose of the virtual meeting is to connect regional and student > chapters with each other so that they can share information about > activities and projects, learn from the experiences of other chapters, and > develop collaborative relationships among the chapters. It will also be an > opportunity to discuss and some of the initiatives of the Chapter Assembly > (see an earlier email attached below). We believe that encouraging > interaction between chapters will help build stronger individual chapters > and benefit the overall Association by encouraging knowledge sharing among > chapters. > > 1-2 officers and/or advisers from each chapter are encouraged to register > and attend. > > Do also email us any item that you'd like discussed in the meeting. > > Warm regards, > > Naresh Agarwal - Director, Chapter Assembly > Michael Leach - Deputy Director, Chapter Assembly > > > > > ------------------------------ > > *Please remove text above this line.* > > > > *Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders* > > *Join us for a Webinar on February 25* > > > > *Space is limited.* > Reserve your Webinar seat now at: > > > The purpose of the virtual meeting is to connect regional and student > chapters with each other so that they can share information about > activities and projects, learn from the experiences of other chapters, and > develop collaborative relationships among the chapters. It will also be an > opportunity to discuss and some of the initiatives of the Chapter Assembly. > We believe that encouraging interaction between chapters will help build > stronger individual chapters and benefit the overall Association by > encouraging knowledge sharing among chapters. 1-2 officers and/or advisers > from each chapter are encouraged to attend. > > > > *Title:* > > *Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders* > > *Date:* > > Tuesday, February 25, 2014 > > *Time:* > > 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM EST > > > > After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing > information about joining the Webinar. > > > > *System Requirements* > PC-based attendees > Required: Windows(R) 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 Server > > Mac(R)-based attendees > Required: Mac OS(R) X 10.6 or newer > > Mobile attendees > Required: iPhone(R), iPad(R), Android(tm) phone or Android tablet > > > -------- Original message -------- > From: Naresh Agarwal > Date: 11/21/2013 1:42 PM (GMT-05:00) > To: chapters-l at,students-l at > Cc: "Leach, Michael" ,Richard Hill < > rhill at > > > Subject: [Chapters-l] Updating list of Chapter Officers for 2013-2014 > > > Hi Chapter leaders, > > Hope you all doing well! > > We'd like to work towards increased communication between chapters - both > regional and student. > > 1) As a first step towards that, we've created a spreadsheet with the list > of officers for 2013-2014. Could you please update your particulars in the > spreadsheet Do please try to update the > particulars by November 30. > > These addresses would also be added to the chapters-l list. The list is > designed to be open so that you can see the officers in other chapters and > reach out to them for ideas or collaboration. The Chapter Assembly would > like to see increased shared activities between student and regional > chapters. The color coding in the spreadsheet shows chapters close to you > that you can collaborate with. Do please reply to this email if you have > comments or suggestions. > > Some of the other initiatives by the chapter assembly include (we need your > support to make these happen): > > 2) Sharing the reports of winning regional and student chapters with the > rest of the chapters to serve as models. Could the winning chapters (for > this year, and also previous years) write to naresh.agarwal at to > provide their consent to share their reports. If you have your winning > reports easily accessible in your computer hard drives, do please attach > them as well. It would be a great help to other chapters. > > 3) We'd also invite all regional and student chapters to write up your > plans for the year now itself (keeping the annual report you submit at the > end of the year in mind). > > Criteria in annual reports / chapter of the year awards: > > > > Your plan must include at least one event with a collaboration with another > chapter or SIG. > > There could be a Wiki or a shared document in the future where you could > share your plans and report for the year (the annual reports are due in > Jul-Aug 2014, but we'd like to encourage you to begin planning now itself, > and share your plans/ideas/questions with other chapters). > > 4) We're also planning to hold quarterly online meetings of all chapters so > you can connect with each other. > > That's the update for now. Do write with your comments and suggestions. > Don't forget to update your officer list by Nov 30 by clicking on > > > Happy Thanksgiving everyone! > > Warm regards, > > Naresh Agarwal, Chapter Assembly Director > Michael Leach, Chapter Assembly Deputy Director > > Student leaders can also reach out to: > Chirag Shah, Student Chapter Representative to Chapter Assembly > Daniel Alemneh, Student Chapter Alternate Representative to Chapter > Assembly > > > ______________________________________________________________________ > Naresh Agarwal, PhD (Assistant Professor) > Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, Boston > MA 02115 > +1 (617) 521 2836 (O) > nareshag at / naresh.agarwal at > > > "If your heart is fully opened, you cannot find fault with anyone because > you will see everyone as part of yourself." > -------------- next part -------------- > An HTML attachment was scrubbed... > URL: < > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Message: 2 > Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 23:57:31 +0100 > From: > To: "Naresh Agarwal" , "Michael Leach" > > Cc: chapters-l at, students-l at, Songphan > Choemprayong > Subject: Re: [Chapters-l] Fwd: FW: Your Webinar Invitation: Join us > for "Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders" > Message-ID: <031BE6D191324008964E03D646A9CE63 at UserPC> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" > > Great idea. But I think chapter advisers should be able to participate if > only as observers. > > emil levine > > chapter adviser AP > former chapter adviser and chair EC > > From: Naresh Agarwal > Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 7:33 PM > To: chapters-l at ; students-l at > Cc: Leach, Michael > Subject: [Chapters-l] Fwd: FW: Your Webinar Invitation: Join us for > "Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders" > > Hi everyone, > > As promised, we'd be holding the first virtual meeting of ASIS&T chapters > (both regional and student chapters) on Tuesday February 25, 2014 3:30pm > EST (Eastern time) [do log in 15 minutes before the meeting]. > > Please click on the link below to register for the meeting. > > The purpose of the virtual meeting is to connect regional and student > chapters with each other so that they can share information about > activities and projects, learn from the experiences of other chapters, and > develop collaborative relationships among the chapters. It will also be an > opportunity to discuss and some of the initiatives of the Chapter Assembly > (see an earlier email attached below). We believe that encouraging > interaction between chapters will help build stronger individual chapters > and benefit the overall Association by encouraging knowledge sharing among > chapters. > > > 1-2 officers and/or advisers from each chapter are encouraged to register > and attend. > > > Do also email us any item that you'd like discussed in the meeting. > > > Warm regards, > > > Naresh Agarwal - Director, Chapter Assembly > Michael Leach - Deputy Director, Chapter Assembly > > > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > Please remove text above this line. > > > > > > > > > > Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student Chapters Leaders > > > Join us for a Webinar on February 25 > > > > > > Space is limited. > Reserve your Webinar seat now at: > > > > > The purpose of the virtual meeting is to > connect regional and student chapters with each other so that they can > share information about activities and projects, learn from the experiences > of other chapters, and develop collaborative relationships among the > chapters. It will also be an opportunity to discuss and some of the > initiatives of the Chapter Assembly. We believe that encouraging > interaction between chapters will help build stronger individual chapters > and benefit the overall Association by encouraging knowledge sharing among > chapters. 1-2 officers and/or advisers from each chapter are encouraged to > attend. > > > > > Title: > Virtual Meeting of Regional and Student > Chapters Leaders > > Date: > Tuesday, February 25, 2014 > > Time: > 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM EST > > > > > After registering you will receive a > confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar. > > > > > System Requirements > PC-based attendees > Required: Windows? 8, 7, Vista, XP or 2003 > Server > > > Mac?-based attendees > Required: Mac OS? X 10.6 or newer > > > Mobile attendees > Required: iPhone?, iPad?, Android? phone > or Android tablet > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -------- Original message -------- > From: Naresh Agarwal > Date: 11/21/2013 1:42 PM (GMT-05:00) > To: chapters-l at,students-l at > Cc: "Leach, Michael" ,Richard Hill < > rhill at> > Subject: [Chapters-l] Updating list of Chapter Officers for 2013-2014 > > > > Hi Chapter leaders, > > Hope you all doing well! > > We'd like to work towards increased communication between chapters - both > regional and student. > > 1) As a first step towards that, we've created a spreadsheet with the list > of officers for 2013-2014. Could you please update your particulars in the > spreadsheet Do please try to update the > particulars by November 30. > > These addresses would also be added to the chapters-l list. The list is > designed to be open so that you can see the officers in other chapters and > reach out to them for ideas or collaboration. The Chapter Assembly would > like to see increased shared activities between student and regional > chapters. The color coding in the spreadsheet shows chapters close to you > that you can collaborate with. Do please reply to this email if you have > comments or suggestions. > > Some of the other initiatives by the chapter assembly include (we need > your support to make these happen): > > 2) Sharing the reports of winning regional and student chapters with the > rest of the chapters to serve as models. Could the winning chapters (for > this year, and also previous years) write to naresh.agarwal at simmons.eduto provide their consent to share their reports. If you have your winning > reports easily accessible in your computer hard drives, do please attach > them as well. It would be a great help to other chapters. > > 3) We'd also invite all regional and student chapters to write up your > plans for the year now itself (keeping the annual report you submit at the > end of the year in mind). > > Criteria in annual reports / chapter of the year awards: > > > > Your plan must include at least one event with a collaboration with > another chapter or SIG. > > There could be a Wiki or a shared document in the future where you could > share your plans and report for the year (the annual reports are due in > Jul-Aug 2014, but we'd like to encourage you to begin planning now itself, > and share your plans/ideas/questions with other chapters). > > 4) We're also planning to hold quarterly online meetings of all chapters > so you can connect with each other. > > That's the update for now. Do write with your comments and suggestions. > Don't forget to update your officer list by Nov 30 by clicking onhttp:// > > > Happy Thanksgiving everyone! > > Warm regards, > > Naresh Agarwal, Chapter Assembly Director > Michael Leach, Chapter Assembly Deputy Director > > Student leaders can also reach out to: > Chirag Shah, Student Chapter Representative to Chapter Assembly > Daniel Alemneh, Student Chapter Alternate Representative to Chapter > Assembly > > > ______________________________________________________________________ > > > Naresh Agarwal, PhD (Assistant Professor) > Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, > Boston MA 02115 > +1 (617) 521 2836 (O) > nareshag at / naresh.agarwal at > > > > ?If your heart is fully opened, you cannot find fault with anyone because > you will see everyone as part of yourself.? > > > > > > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > _______________________________________________ > Chapters-l mailing list > Chapters-l at > > -------------- next part -------------- > An HTML attachment was scrubbed... > URL: < > > > > > ------------------------------ > > Subject: Digest Footer > > _______________________________________________ > Chapters-l mailing list > Chapters-l at > > > > ------------------------------ > > End of Chapters-l Digest, Vol 78, Issue 1 > ***************************************** > -- Naresh Agarwal, PhD, *Assistant Professor* Graduate School of Library and Information Science Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston, MA 02115 office 617.521.2836 | fax 617.521.3192 agarwal at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- _______________________________________________ Chapters-l mailing list Chapters-l at