[Eurchap] Call for submission: Stories of information science/information scientists

Lai Ma lai.ma at ucd.ie
Fri Feb 28 10:56:42 EST 2014

Do you have a story of information science and/or information scientists to share with the ASIS&T community?  If so, please consider submitting a short story (~300-800 words) to be included in the HFIS newsletter. A gift card of $30 will be awarded if your story is selected!

What are we looking for?  A tidbit of history of your SIG/Chapter/School/Department and/or a story of an information scientist and/or educator.  

Many thanks and I look forward to hearing from you!

Dr Lai Ma
School of Information and Library Studies
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Web: http://www.ucd.ie/sils/staff/laima/ 
Email: lai.ma at ucd.ie
Phone: +353 1 716 7592

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