[Eurchap] EC Officers 2014-2015

Lai Ma lai.ma at ucd.ie
Mon Aug 25 06:11:37 EDT 2014

Dear European Chapter members,

I am pleased to announce the incoming officers for 2014-2015:

Chair-elect: Isabella Peters 
Immediate Past Chair: Jonathan Levitt
Secretary/Treasurer: Boris Bosončić
Assembly Representative: Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan
Alternate Assembly Representative: Julian Warner
Records Holder: Helena Francke

The European Chapter would like to hold a meeting at the Annual Meeting in Seattle.  Please fill in the Doodle Poll to indicate your time preferences if you'd like to participate in planning activities in the coming year: http://doodle.com/ic6dxs357bk2vqay

Lai Ma
Incoming Chair, 2014-2015

Dr Lai Ma
School of Information and Library Studies
University College Dublin
Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland
Web: http://www.ucd.ie/sils/staff/laima/ 
Email: lai.ma at ucd.ie
Phone: +353 1 716 7592

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