From michel.menou at Fri Nov 1 05:40:11 2013 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:40:11 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [SIGMETRICS] "Web Science and the Mind" UQAM, Montreal, 7-18 July 2014 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [SIGMETRICS] "Web Science and the Mind" UQAM, Montreal, 7-18 July 2014 Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 11:38:26 -0400 From: Stevan Harnad Reply-To: ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics To: Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe): *Theme of the Summer Institute:* Web Science and the mind *Dates: *7 to 18 July 2014 *Language: *Owing to its international character, the Summer Institute will be held entirely in English. *The Institute is intended for:* * graduate and post-graduate students from the participating disciplines: cognitive science, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, computer science, psychology, philosophy * scientometrics, informatics, library science, network science -- faculty members, scholars, engineers, and professionals *Academic activities: *Contents will be presented through lectures, group discussions, and poster sessions. *Academic credit*: For students who wish to take part in the Summer Institute for credit,click here . *Partial list of speakers:* * Katy Borner (graphic webs of science) * Simon Dedeo (Wikipedia collective dynamics) * Sergey Dorogovtsev (network evolution) * Peter Gloor (collaborative networks * Jennfer Golbeck (social web) * Deborah Gordon (collective behaviour) * Wendy Hall (web science) * Jim Hendler (data web) * Tony Hey (science web) * Francis Heylighen (global brain) * Kaivan Kousha (webmetrics) * Richard Menary (extended mind) * Alexandre Monnin (web philosophy * Neylon Cameron (open science data-minin * Takashi Nishikawa (community structur) * Filippo Radicchi (network communities) * Rob Rupert (extended mind ) * Judith Simon (socio-technical epistemology) * Mark Steyvers (wisdom of crowds) * Jeff Stibel (web & brain) * Phil Tetlow (web life) No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2014.0.4158 / Virus Database: 3615/6796 - Release Date: 10/31/13 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Mon Nov 4 04:21:40 2013 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 10:21:40 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: [Siguse-l] Canadian Association for Information Science - Call for Papers In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> The theme of the conference might be highly relevant for many European colleagues. -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Siguse-l] Canadian Association for Information Science - Call for Papers Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2013 07:36:45 -0500 From: Julien, Heidi To: siguse-l at 42^nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Information Science & Inaugural Librarians? Research Institute Symposium *Connecting Across Borders:* *Globalization and Information Science Research* Brock University St. Catharines, Ontario *May 28- 30^th 2014* The conference theme /Connecting Across Borders: Globalization and Information Science Research/ reflects both the international make-up of our conference program committee (chaired by three Canadian ex-pats) and the global reach of information science as a discipline. New technologies, an increasing focus on international and interdisciplinary research collaborations, and a complex, internationalized policy and practice landscape affect the research questions we ask and the research activities we pursue. As researchers, we place our work within a framework of international scholarship and scholarly communication; as practitioners, we explore the nature of services, programs, and organizational vision within contexts of increasing complexity across disciplines and cultural spaces. The research landscape in information science explores a diverse range of populations, settings and contexts; we are a global discipline, connected by shared interests and concerns, and drawn together by the latest technologies. The conference theme points to the increasing need to recognize, explore, and question the social and cultural assumptions of information science as a discipline, and of our chosen research problems and methodologies, in this global context. We seek papers and presentations that address this broad theme, but may also explore strategies for: ?Conducting information science research with global partners and collaborators; ?Setting research priorities in a global, knowledge-based society; ?Building a global evidence base to guide information science practice; ?Addressing the challenges of digital and virtual research and practice environments; ?Exploring diversity, marginalization and information inequality across borders. We welcome studies that explore any of these issues, or analyses that more broadly address the theme of connecting across borders in information science research. In 2014 CAIS is partnering with the CARL (Canadian Association of Research Libraries) Librarians? Research Institute (LRI) to present the Inaugural Librarians' Research Institute Symposium alongside the CAIS conference. We are pleased to be hosting these events together at Congress for the first time. *Call for proposals. * Proposals may be submitted in English or French. The conference committee strongly encourages submissions from professional and academic researchers. Types of submissions include: *CAIS Papers:*20-minute oral presentations of completed or well-developed projects on topics suitable for publication in scholarly journals.**Proposals that report on completed or ongoing research will be given preference. Diverse perspectives (theoretical and applied) and methodologies are welcomed.Proposals should be in the form of an extended abstract (approximately 1000-1500 words /excluding references/), reporting on research projects, theoretical developments or innovative practical applications.***CARL LRI Papers: *Participants of the Librarians? Research Institute are invited to identify their LRI affiliation when submitting papers, to be considered for two dedicated program sessions highlighting LRI research projects. These papers will be reviewed by members of the LRI conference panel. ** *CAIS Posters:*Visual presentations of completed or well-developed projects on topics suitable for publication in scholarly journals.**Proposals that report on completed or ongoing research will be given preference. Diverse perspectives (theoretical and applied) and methodologies are welcomed.Proposals should be in the form of a shortabstract(with a limit of 750 words excluding references), reporting on research projects, theoretical developments or innovative practical applications. *CARL LRI Posters: *Participants of the Librarians? Research Institute are invited to identify their LRI affiliation when submitting posters, to be considered for a dedicated poster session highlighting the work of LRI researchers. These posters will be reviewed by members of the LRI conference panel. Student- and Practitioner-to-CAIS/ACSI Awards Submissions by graduate students and by practitioners for CAIS Papers (only) will be considered for these awards. The awards include a monetary prize as well as publication of the full manuscript in the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science / La Revue Canadienne des Sciences de L?information et de Biblioth?conomie/. Students and practitioners should submit full papers by April 14^th to be considered for this award. Details of the award, including previous winners, can be found at the CAIS/ACSI website at . ** *Submission Deadline for all proposals is January 13, 2014. * CAIS and LRI submissions will be reviewed using the online EasyChair system. Further instructions and guidelines will be available on the conference website at and on the CARL website at** ** Conference proposals will be refereed by the CAIS or LRI Program Committees. Authors will be notified of the decision no later than *February 24^th , 2014*.All presenters must register for the conference. Abstracts will be published on the CAIS/ACSI Website once registration has taken place. Final versions must be submitted no later than *April 24^th , 2014*. Participants are also encouraged to submit full papers to the /Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science / La revue canadienne des sciences de l?information et de biblioth?conomie/. Registration The conference will take place as part of the 2014 /Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences/ at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. Registration will be available online through the Congress website ( For further information, please contact the CAIS/ACSI & LRI 2014 Conference Co-chairs. *Matthew Griffis* /Conference Co-Chair/ Assistant Professor SLIS, U of Southern Mississippi USA E: matthew.griffis at *Heidi Julien* /Conference Co-Chair/ Chair, Department of LIS, Graduate School of Ed, University at Buffalo, USA E: heidijul at *Lisa Given* /Conference Co-Chair/ Professor, School of Information Studies Charles Sturt University Australia** E: lgiven at *Heidi Jacobs* /Librarians? Research Institute/ Information Literacy Librarian University of Windsor, Canada E: hjacobs at *Selinda Berg* /Librarians? Research Institute/ Librarian University of Windsor, Canada E: sberg at *Karen Bordonaro* /Local Arrangements Chair/ Liaison Librarian/Teaching and Learning Librarian Brock University, Canada E: kbordonaro at ** 42^e congr?s annuel de l?Association canadienne des sciences de l?information et premier symposium annuel de l?Institut de recherche des biblioth?caires *Dialogues sans fronti?res :* *La mondialisation et la recherche en sciences de l?information*** Brock University St. Catharines (Ontario) 28 au 30 mai 2014 Le th?me de notre congr?s, /Dialogues sans fronti?res : La mondialisation et la recherche en sciences de / /l?information/, est ? l?image de son comit? organisateur (form? de trois Canadiens en exil!) et de la port?e mondiale de la discipline des sciences de l?information. Les nouvelles technologies, l?importance grandissante des collaborations interdisciplinaires et internationales ainsi qu?un contexte mondial de plus en plus complexe en mati?re de politiques et de pratiques influencent autant nos questions de recherche que nos activit?s. En tant que chercheurs, nous situons nos publications et nos communications scientifiques dans un cadre mondial; en tant que professionnels, nous explorons ou proposons des services, des programmes et des visions institutionnelles ancr?s dans des contextes de plus en plus complexes, toutes disciplines et tous espaces culturels confondus. Les recherches en sciences de l?information portent sur une vari?t? de communaut?s, de milieux et de contextes. Notre discipline nourrit des dialogues portant sur de nombreux champs d?int?r?t, ainsi que sur les questions que ces derniers suscitent et les nouvelles technologies qui en sous-tendent les diff?rentes dynamiques. Le th?me du congr?s souligne le besoin grandissant de reconna?tre, d?explorer et de remettre en question, dans ce contexte mondial, les perceptions sociales et culturelles portant sur les sciences de l?information en tant que discipline ainsi que sur nos sujets de recherche et sur nos m?thodologies. Nous invitons la communaut? des sciences de l?information ? soumettre des propositions de communicationsportant sur ce th?me ou sur : ?la recherche en sciences de l?information en collaboration avec des partenaires internationaux; ?les domaines prioritaires en mati?re de recherche dans une soci?t? mondiale et ax?e sur la connaissance; ?le partage de donn?es empiriques pouvant guider les pratiques en sciences de l?information; ?les d?fis de la recherche et de la pratique dans des environnements num?riques et virtuels; ?la diversit?, la marginalisation et l?absence d??quit? en mati?re d?information ? l??chelle internationale. Tous les chercheurs dont les projets de recherche explorent ces th?mes ou portent, plus largement, sur la notion de dialogues et de partenariats internationaux en sciences de l?information sont invit?s ? soumettre une proposition. L?ACSI est heureuse de s?associer ? l?Institut de recherche des biblioth?caires (IRB) de l?Association des biblioth?ques de recherche du Canada (ABRC) pour pr?senter, dans le cadre du Congr?s 2014 des sciences humaines, le premier symposium annuel de l?Institut de recherche des biblioth?caires, en parall?le du congr?s de l?ACSI. *Appel de propositions* Les propositions peuvent ?tre soumises en fran?ais ou en anglais. Le comit? organisateur encourage ? la fois les professionnels et les chercheurs ? soumettre des propositions. Nous acceptons les types de propositions suivants : *Communications (ACSI) :*Des communications de 20 minutes pr?sentant des travaux de recherche pouvant ?tre publi?s dans des revues savantes. Les propositions portant sur des projets termin?s ou en cours de r?alisation recevront une attention particuli?re. Nous acceptons les propositions pr?sentant divers points de vue (th?oriques et appliqu?s) et diverses approches m?thodologiques. Les propositions de communications doivent ?tre pr?sent?es sous forme d?un r?sum? long (entre 1000 et 1500 mots, /excluant les r?f?rences/) d?crivant un projet de recherche, des d?veloppements th?oriques ou des pratiques novatrices.*Communications (ABRC) **: *Nous invitons les participants de l?Institut de recherche des biblioth?caires ? signaler leur affiliation ? l?IRB au moment de soumettre leur proposition, car leurs propositions seront ?valu?es par des pairs membres de l?IRB.**Les communications s?lectionn?es seront pr?sent?es dans le cadre de deux s?ances d?di?es aux projets des chercheurs de l?IRB. ** *Affiches (ACSI) :*Des pr?sentations visuelles portant sur des travaux de recherche pouvant ?tre publi?s dans des revues savantes. Les propositions portant sur des projets termin?s ou en cours de r?alisation recevront une attention particuli?re. Nous acceptons les propositions pr?sentant divers points de vue (th?oriques et appliqu?s) et diverses approches m?thodologiques. Les propositions doivent ?tre pr?sent?es sous forme d?un r?sum? (maximum de 750 mots, /excluant les r?f?rences/) d?crivant un projet de recherche, des d?veloppements th?oriques ou des pratiques novatrices. *Affiches (ABRC) : *Nous invitons les participants de l?Institut de recherche des biblioth?caires ? signaler leur affiliation ? l?IRB au moment de soumettre leur proposition, car leurs propositions seront ?valu?es par des pairs membres de l?IRB. Les affiches s?lectionn?es seront pr?sent?es lors d?une s?ance d?di?e aux projets des chercheurs de l?IRB. Prix ?tudiant ? l?ACSI/CAIS et Professionnel ? l?ACSI/CAIS Les propositions de communication des ?tudiants aux cycles sup?rieurs et des professionnels seront ?valu?es en vue de la remise des prix ?tudiant ? l?ACSI/CAIS et Professionnel ? l?ACSI/CAIS. Ces prix comportent une somme en argent ainsi que la publication du texte int?gral de la communication dans la /Revue canadienne des sciences de l?information et de biblioth?conomie / Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science/. Les versions d?finitives des articles devront ?tre soumises au plus tard le 14 avril 2014. Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements sur les prix et consulter la liste des laur?ats, visitez le site Web de l?ACSI/CAIS . ** *Date limite pour la soumission des propositions : le 13 janvier 2014* Les soumissions pour l?ACSI et l?IRB seront ?valu?es au moyen de la plateforme EasyChair. Les modalit?s de soumission seront publi?es sur les sites Web de la conf?rence, au, et du symposium, au ** Les propositions seront ?valu?es par les comit?s scientifiques de l?ACSI et de l?IRB, respectivement. Les auteurs seront avis?s de la d?cision du comit? au plus tard le *24 f?vrier 2014*. Tous les participants doivent s?inscrire au Congr?s des sciences humaines. Les r?sum?s des communications seront publi?s sur le site Web de l?ACSI/CAIS apr?s la p?riode d?inscription. La version d?finitive des r?sum?s doit ?tre soumise au plus tard le *24 avril 2014*.Nous encourageons les participants ? soumettre le texte complet de leur communication ? la /Revue canadienne des sciences de l?information et de biblioth?conomie / Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science/. Inscription Le congr?s annuel de l?ACSI/CAIS s?inscrit dans le Congr?s 2014 des sciences humaines qui aura lieu ? St. Catharines (Ontario). Pour vous inscrire, nous vous invitons ? visiter le site Web du congr?s ( Pour obtenir de plus amples renseignements, veuillez communiquer avec le comit? organisateur du congr?s de l?ACSI 2014 et du symposium de l?IRB. *Matthew Griffis* /Copr?sident/ Professeur adjoint SLIS University of Southern Mississippi (?tats-Unis) matthew.griffis at *Heidi Julien* /Copr?sidente/ Directrice Department of LIS Graduate School of Education University at Buffalo (?tats-Unis) heidijul at *Lisa Given* /Copr?sidente/ Professeure School of Information Studies Charles Sturt University (Australie)** lgiven at *Heidi Jacobs* /Institut de recherche des biblioth?caires/ Biblioth?caire Universit? de Windsor (Canada) hjacobs at *Selinda Berg* /Institut de recherche des biblioth?caires/ Biblioth?caire Universit? de Windsor (Canada) sberg at *Karen Bordonaro* /Coordonnatrice / Biblioth?caire, sciences humaines, et coordonnatrice des services en comp?tences informationnelles Brock University (Canada) kbordonaro at ****************************************************** Heidi Julien, Ph.D. Professor & Chair, Department of Library and Information Studies Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo 534 Baldy Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1020 USA Ph: 716.645.2412 Email: heidijul at ****************************************************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From john at Tue Nov 5 13:12:52 2013 From: john at (Tsakonas Giannis) Date: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 20:12:52 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] =?utf-8?q?APARSEN_Training_Event_=E2=80=93_Sustainabili?= =?utf-8?q?ty=3A_Securing_the_Value_of_Digital_Data_Assets?= Message-ID: <> - apologies for cross-postings - APARSEN TRAINING EVENT ? SUSTAINABILITY: SECURING THE VALUE OF DIGITAL DATA ASSETS _The Hague, 10th-11th December 2013_ The APARSEN project is delighted to announce that registration has opened for our latest training event, organised by DANS and focusing on issues relating to sustainability and digital preservation. Society is generating a vast amount of digitally encoded information, upon which it depends. Some of this will be needed for a long time. Those who have responsibility for preservation may well have asked themselves the following: * How can I justify the resources needed for digital preservation? * How long must the resources be committed? * How can I estimate the resources needed and how can I keep these to a minimum? * How can I plan to cope as the volume increases over time? The APARSEN project has been working to collect, evaluate and develop key answers to these questions. This two day training event, from the APARSEN project, will focus on the topic of "Sustainability" in relation to the preservation of digital objects and will present some of these answers. The training aims at presenting state of the art developments in relation to four key sustainable preservation practices. These are: * The infrastructural dimension through the analysis of suitable?STORAGE?solutions that help enable reliable permanent access * The operational dimension through the identification, evaluation and proposal of competitive Digital Preservation SERVICES * The monitoring and performance management of DP activities through COST MODELS and their components * The underlying business dimension of digital preservation sustainability by means of modern management approaches and instruments such as value propositions, BUSINESS CASES and business modelling The training will be offered as a mix of expert presentations, group exercises and discussion. REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN VIA THE APARSEN WEBSITE AT A COST OF ?50 FOR BOTH DAYS: [1] This training event is generously subsidised through the APARSEN project by the European Community's 7thFramework Programme for Research and Development FP7/2007-2013 - ICT-2009.4.1: Digital Libraries and Digital Preservation (grant agreement No 269977). Links: ------ [1] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emhshit at Fri Nov 8 02:43:43 2013 From: emhshit at (Shi Chang) Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2013 15:43:43 +0800 Subject: [Eurchap] Multiple Tenure-Stream Faculty Positions at Harbin Institute of Technology, China Message-ID: *Multiple Tenure-Stream Faculty Positions at Harbin Institute of Technology, China* Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) invites applications for multiple tenure-stream positions all year round. All ranks will be considered. We are interested in candidates whose research areas are listed as follows. 1. *Management Science and Engineering*: Management Information Systems, E-Commerce, Decision Support Systems, Statistics, Operation Research, Construction Information Management, Real Estate Economics and Management, Construction Management, etc. 2. *Business Management*: Technical Economics and Management, Organization Behavior, Accounting, Marketing, Operation Management, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Finance, etc. 3. *Applied Economics*: Economics, International Business, etc. 4. *Public Administration*: General Administration, Public Policy, Government Governance, Infrastructure, Sociology. *5. **Other disciplines related to management science and economics.* Applicants must have a doctorate degree in related fields before the starting date of your contract. We are interested in people who can communicate and teach in fluent English. Knowing Chinese is a plus but not necessary. Applicants for assistant professor should demonstrate potential of conducting high quality research. Senior level candidates should have proof track record for excellence both in research and in providing academic leadership. The successful candidate will be appointed to appropriate rank based on their qualification and experience. We offer top compensation package including salary (between 300K and 1 million RMB), relocation fund (between 200K and 600K RMB), and research support (between 100K and 600K RMB). Compensation will commensurate with candidates' qualifications. Founded in 1920, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) is a top-tier research university in China. The School of Management in HIT is one of the earliest four management schools established in mainland China. The school offers MBA, MPA, MPAcc, MS in professional finance and engineering programs, EMBA and doctoral degrees. HIT provides strong support for top quality research. We are located in Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province. The city offers high quality of life with affordable housing market and cost of living, historic neighborhood, and cultural activities that attract visitors from all over the world. Interested applicants are required to send application materials to shuyingliang at and shichanghit at using ?Economic and Management application ? applicant?s name? as the subject of your e-mail. 1. Cover letter and updated curriculum vitae 2. Sample papers 3. Teaching evaluations 4. Names and contact information of three references (or letters of recommendation). The positions will stay open until filled. The review of application starts immediately and we will work with interested candidates to work out interview schedules. Contact Information For further information, please contact us at Shuying Liang No. 13, Fayuan Street, Nangang District, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. Shi Chang Room 1004, No. 434, Youzheng Street, Nangang District, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. Post Code: 150001 E-mail: shuyingliang at; shichanghit at; hityxb at Phone: +86-451-86412758; +86-451-86262113 Fax: +86-451-86414024; +86-451-86262113 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From diane.sonnenwald at Sat Nov 9 08:15:08 2013 From: diane.sonnenwald at (Diane Sonnenwald) Date: Sat, 9 Nov 2013 14:15:08 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] News from ASIS&T AM in Montreal Message-ID: Dear All, It was a pleasure seeing so many of you at the Annual Meeting (AM) in Montreal. Those of you who were there already know that our chapter won the Chapter of the Year Award for the second year in a row! Congratulations to everyone, especially the officers and others who organized and had lead roles in activities throughout the year. Well done! There was discussion at the AM regarding the location for the AM in Europe in 2016 and with which other conferences might be held in conjunction with the AM. The latter was also discussed at the International Relations Committee (IRC) as a strategy to increase membership, which is a priority for the current president, Harry Bruce. At the Board Meeting on Wednesday, a committee/task force was established to advise the Executive Committee and headquarters (HQ) regarding possible locations for the AM in Europe in 2016. Katriina Bystrom, Jens-Erik Mai, Sanda Erdelez and I are on the committee. Dick Hill will be sending us HQ's criteria/requirements for the AM in the next two weeks to the committee. I anticipate that the committee will review them for clarity, share them with you, and encourage you to provide proposals that show how the city/location you are proposing for the AM meets (and perhaps even exceeds) the criteria. It may be that several members may wish to collaborate together on a proposal. The cities Dick mentioned that he was considering before the committee was established include Madrid, Brussels, Amsterdam and Berlin. Many European cities have organizations that put together proposals for organizations such as ASIS&T to hold conferences in their city. And local and national governments and businesses also may provide funds and special discounts to attract conferences to their location. Please consider taking advantage of such things as you develop your proposal. At this time I don't know when proposals will be due, but we will let you know as soon as we learn this from HQ. For now, I just wanted to share with you what we know at this time. In other news, the Board also approved lower membership fees for students and transitioning professionals in developing nations. Specifically: (a) Students from countries categorized as "medium" or "low " human development in the most recent United Nations Human Development Report may join ASIS&T at $20 per year. (b) When a group of 10 or more students from these countries join at the same time and their membership fees are submitted with one payment, the membership fee is $10 per student. (c) The early/transitional membership fee for individuals who have been student members or are new and transitioning information professionals in countries categorized as "medium" or "low" human development in the most recent United Nations Human Development Report may join ASIS&T at $30 per year. (As before, there is a 3 year limitation to this membership category.) These changes should be reflected on the ASIS&T web site shortly. A number of members discussed with me the possibility of establishing a new chapter in Africa or possibly a joint Africa - Middle East Chapter over the next 1-2 years as relationships with individuals in these regions are further developed. Does anyone see this as problematic for the European Chapter? My term as "Immediate Past President" ended on Wed, and this concludes my service on the Board, etc. I very much appreciate everyone's energy, dedication to ASIS&T, and willingness to work with me and support during the past three years! Thank you. Best regards, Diane -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Mon Nov 11 05:53:05 2013 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 11:53:05 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] Fwd: Call Paper III FORUM ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Call Paper III FORUM ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Date: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 18:13:17 -0500 (EST) From: Yudayly Stable Rodriguez To: micheljmenou at ** *III FORUM ON INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT* In the framework of the *XIII International Congress on Information*, */Info'2014/*, which will be held from on *April 14th-18th, 2014*, in the Havana International Conference Center, Cuba, We invite you to participate in the */III Forum on Information and Knowledge Management/*. The latest editions of the International Congress on Information had dedicated sessions that have addressed the issues of information management and knowledge management in independent modalities , which have allowed the exchange of experiences in different areas of the organizations , so that the Congress Organizing Committee is considering including in a forum both topics and matters relating to social networks and applications that facilitate the process of information and knowledge management , with the goal of national and international exchange experiences , and to meet the challenge the proper use of information and knowledge for the development of society and all its actors. The topics, that are considered relevant for the Forum are: * The management of information and knowledge in organizations for information (libraries, archives and other information organizations ). * Different actors of the information and knowledge society. * Models of information management and knowledge management as sources for the organizational innovation. * Participation of users in the creation of information management systems and knowledge management. * Organizational learning and communities of practice for information and knowledge management. * Vocational training in information management and knowledge management to meet the needs of organizations of knowledge. * Computer softwares for the representation of information and knowledge. * Experience in implementing information and knowledge management models. * Social networks as a strategy for the information and knowledge management. * Evaluation and measurement of information management and knowledge management. * Interdisciplinary aspects related to the management of information and the knowledge. The Forum will be held on *April 14th-18th, 2014*. The Organizing Committee will receive the research papers, review, or case studies, specifically those related to the practical application of information and knowledge management in the topics above mentioned. The topics willbe addressed in conferences, workshop sessions and panel discussions which will present scientific papers developed by the speakers. To colleagues interested in participating as speakers are asked to submit full papers with abstracts of 250 words, including clear sections on: (1) background of the study, (2) the purpose of the work, (3) the methodology/approach used and (4) the main results achieved or expected from established guidelines for the presentation of papers at the Congress, which will be evaluated by peer review system. *Important Dates**:* *Full Paper submission:* **until January 15th, 2014 ** *Notification of acceptance of papers**:* until February 28th, 2014 The papers should be sent electronically to the General Coordinator of the Forum, with a copy to the coordinators, to the email addresses listed below. The *delivery date of the final version* of the work to be included in the proceedings of the event is the *March 10th, 2014*. For more information on papers specifications and the general program of Congress, registration, etc., visit the official congress website at the following .For online payment, booking of rooms, etc. please refer to the site *Organizing Committee* *General Coordinator* *PhD**. Yudayly Stable Rodr?guez* Institute of Scientificand Technological Information 18th A Streetbetween41 and47 Havana, Cuba Tel53 7 2078894 53 7 2078884* * yuly at ; yudayly at *Coordinators* *PhD.Guillermo Correa Uribe* University of Antioquia. University City Street 67 # 53-108 block 12-313, Medellin, Colombia, Tel 574 2195938 guillermocorrea07 at *PhD.Jorge Salazar Cant?n* Autonomous University of Yucatan,Mexico jsalazar at *BSc. Jania Cabrera Gato* Institute of Scientificand Technological Information 18th A Streetbetween41 and47 Havana, Cuba jania at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emil.levine at Mon Nov 11 14:14:56 2013 From: emil.levine at (emil.levine at Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 20:14:56 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] News from ASIS&T AM in Montreal In-Reply-To: Message-ID: <20131111201458.LSBK7.348700.root@viefep26> Very proud of all as former chair and chapter advisor. emil Levine ---- Diane Sonnenwald schrieb: > Dear All, > > It was a pleasure seeing so many of you at the Annual Meeting (AM) in > Montreal. > > Those of you who were there already know that our chapter won the Chapter > of the Year Award for the second year in a row! Congratulations to > everyone, especially the officers and others who organized and had lead > roles in activities throughout the year. Well done! > > There was discussion at the AM regarding the location for the AM in Europe > in 2016 and with which other conferences might be held in conjunction with > the AM. The latter was also discussed at the International Relations > Committee (IRC) as a strategy to increase membership, which is a priority > for the current president, Harry Bruce. > > At the Board Meeting on Wednesday, a committee/task force was established > to advise the Executive Committee and headquarters (HQ) regarding possible > locations for the AM in Europe in 2016. Katriina Bystrom, Jens-Erik Mai, > Sanda Erdelez and I are on the committee. Dick Hill will be sending us HQ's > criteria/requirements for the AM in the next two weeks to the committee. I > anticipate that the committee will review them for clarity, share them with > you, and encourage you to provide proposals that show how the city/location > you are proposing for the AM meets (and perhaps even exceeds) the criteria. > It may be that several members may wish to collaborate together on a > proposal. > > The cities Dick mentioned that he was considering before the committee was > established include Madrid, Brussels, Amsterdam and Berlin. > > Many European cities have organizations that put together proposals for > organizations such as ASIS&T to hold conferences in their city. And local > and national governments and businesses also may provide funds and special > discounts to attract conferences to their location. Please consider taking > advantage of such things as you develop your proposal. > > At this time I don't know when proposals will be due, but we will let you > know as soon as we learn this from HQ. For now, I just wanted to share with > you what we know at this time. > > In other news, the Board also approved lower membership fees for students > and transitioning professionals in developing nations. Specifically: > > (a) Students from countries categorized as "medium" or "low " human > development in the most recent United Nations Human Development Report may > join ASIS&T at $20 per year. > > (b) When a group of 10 or more students from these countries join at the > same time and their membership fees are submitted with one payment, the > membership fee is $10 per student. > > (c) The early/transitional membership fee for individuals who have been > student members or are new and transitioning information professionals in > countries categorized as "medium" or "low" human development in the most > recent United Nations Human Development Report may join ASIS&T at $30 per > year. (As before, there is a 3 year limitation to this membership category.) > > These changes should be reflected on the ASIS&T web site shortly. > > A number of members discussed with me the possibility of establishing a new > chapter in Africa or possibly a joint Africa - Middle East Chapter over the > next 1-2 years as relationships with individuals in these regions are > further developed. Does anyone see this as problematic for the European > Chapter? > > My term as "Immediate Past President" ended on Wed, and this concludes my > service on the Board, etc. I very much appreciate everyone's energy, > dedication to ASIS&T, and willingness to work with me and support during > the past three years! Thank you. > > Best regards, > Diane From clb798 at Tue Nov 12 07:57:41 2013 From: clb798 at (Peter Ingwersen) Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:57:41 +0000 Subject: [Eurchap] News from ASIS&T AM in Montreal In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <2270D8451CE0F14BB30D5CDB9D32F07A01D5577F63@exmb01.iva.local> Congratulations to the chapter and to the possibility to have ASIST AM in Europe - my best wishes - Peter Ingwersen (Advisor, Student Chapter) From: Eurchap [mailto:eurchap-bounces at] On Behalf Of Diane Sonnenwald Sent: 9. november 2013 14:15 To: eurchap Cc: Sanda Erdelez Subject: [Eurchap] News from ASIS&T AM in Montreal Dear All, It was a pleasure seeing so many of you at the Annual Meeting (AM) in Montreal. Those of you who were there already know that our chapter won the Chapter of the Year Award for the second year in a row! Congratulations to everyone, especially the officers and others who organized and had lead roles in activities throughout the year. Well done! There was discussion at the AM regarding the location for the AM in Europe in 2016 and with which other conferences might be held in conjunction with the AM. The latter was also discussed at the International Relations Committee (IRC) as a strategy to increase membership, which is a priority for the current president, Harry Bruce. At the Board Meeting on Wednesday, a committee/task force was established to advise the Executive Committee and headquarters (HQ) regarding possible locations for the AM in Europe in 2016. Katriina Bystrom, Jens-Erik Mai, Sanda Erdelez and I are on the committee. Dick Hill will be sending us HQ's criteria/requirements for the AM in the next two weeks to the committee. I anticipate that the committee will review them for clarity, share them with you, and encourage you to provide proposals that show how the city/location you are proposing for the AM meets (and perhaps even exceeds) the criteria. It may be that several members may wish to collaborate together on a proposal. The cities Dick mentioned that he was considering before the committee was established include Madrid, Brussels, Amsterdam and Berlin. Many European cities have organizations that put together proposals for organizations such as ASIS&T to hold conferences in their city. And local and national governments and businesses also may provide funds and special discounts to attract conferences to their location. Please consider taking advantage of such things as you develop your proposal. At this time I don't know when proposals will be due, but we will let you know as soon as we learn this from HQ. For now, I just wanted to share with you what we know at this time. In other news, the Board also approved lower membership fees for students and transitioning professionals in developing nations. Specifically: (a) Students from countries categorized as "medium" or "low " human development in the most recent United Nations Human Development Report may join ASIS&T at $20 per year. (b) When a group of 10 or more students from these countries join at the same time and their membership fees are submitted with one payment, the membership fee is $10 per student. (c) The early/transitional membership fee for individuals who have been student members or are new and transitioning information professionals in countries categorized as "medium" or "low" human development in the most recent United Nations Human Development Report may join ASIS&T at $30 per year. (As before, there is a 3 year limitation to this membership category.) These changes should be reflected on the ASIS&T web site shortly. A number of members discussed with me the possibility of establishing a new chapter in Africa or possibly a joint Africa - Middle East Chapter over the next 1-2 years as relationships with individuals in these regions are further developed. Does anyone see this as problematic for the European Chapter? My term as "Immediate Past President" ended on Wed, and this concludes my service on the Board, etc. I very much appreciate everyone's energy, dedication to ASIS&T, and willingness to work with me and support during the past three years! Thank you. Best regards, Diane -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From michel.menou at Tue Nov 19 04:37:07 2013 From: michel.menou at (Michel Menou) Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 10:37:07 +0100 Subject: [Eurchap] =?windows-1252?q?Fwd=3A_=5BSIGMETRICS=5D_Postdoc_positi?= =?windows-1252?q?on_in_NIH_Project_=93Modeling_the_Scientific_Workforce?= =?windows-1252?q?=94?= In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: [SIGMETRICS] Postdoc position in NIH Project ?Modeling the Scientific Workforce? Date: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 15:33:34 -0500 From: Katy Borner Reply-To: ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics To: *Postdoc position in NIH Project ?Modeling the Scientific Workforce?* Two postdoctoral positions are available at the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center at the School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University in a 4-year NIH-funded project on ?Modeling the Scientific Workforce? in collaboration with James P. Crutchfield, University of California Davis. The project will develop monitoring, modeling, and forecasting approaches and tools for fostering an innovative science and technology workforce. Large-scale datasets of scholarly activity will be analyzed and modeled to capture the structure and dynamics of the U.S. workforce. We are particularly interested to model individual and team ?diversity? as a main predictor of innovation and the spontaneous emergence of communities of innovation. The most predictive computational models that best address science policy maker needs will be made available as a custom tool to support development and management of interventions and training programs, to guide the collection and analysis of data necessary for program design and management, and to communicate general trends to relevant stakeholders. The project is part of a larger workforce analysis and modeling effort involving teams from the Pacific National Lab, Population Reference Bureau, George Washington University, MIT, Ohio State, University of New Mexico, and Batelle Center. Postdocs might come from a diverse range of academic backgrounds but are expected to have a strong background in statistics, science of science studies, network science, and/or complex systems. They must have expertise in model design, implementation, and validation and be interested to work with large data sets and across disciplinary boundaries. The positions will be filled starting December 15, 2013, or as agreed. Compensation will be competitive. To apply, please send a cover letter, CV, links to relevant publications, and two letters of reference (or email addresses of two senior academics willing to provide references) to sjhale at by *November 30, 2013. Use subject header ?POSTDOC APPLICATION: *firstname lastname*?*. Indiana University is the scholarly home of more than 60 network science faculty members ( working in more than 17 departments and on many joint projects. IU?s advanced central IT infrastructure provides easy access to extensive compute power and scalable storage. The weekly talk series on Networks and Complex Systems ( brings external scholars to the beautiful Bloomington campus and supports the cross-fertilization of research. -- Katy Borner Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science Director, CI for Network Science Center, Curator, Mapping Science exhibit, ILS, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University Wells Library 021, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA Phone: (812) 855-3256 Fax: -6166 No virus found in this message. Checked by AVG - Version: 2014.0.4158 / Virus Database: 3629/6846 - Release Date: 11/18/13 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From isto.huvila at Wed Nov 20 05:10:10 2013 From: isto.huvila at (Isto Huvila) Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 12:10:10 +0200 Subject: [Eurchap] =?iso-8859-1?q?New_Master=27s_in_INFORMATION_AND_KNOWLE?= =?iso-8859-1?q?DGE_MANAGEMENT_at_=C5bo_Akademi_University?= Message-ID: <> New Master's programme in INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT at School of Business and Economics ?bo Akademi University Read more at The two-year English-language programme prepares its graduates for challenging careers in the field of information and knowledge management. Deadline for admissions is on February 14, 2014 at 4 pm (CET+1). The programme combines latest knowledge from the fields of information studies, organisation and management science and marketing in a unique way that gives its graduates a comprehensive cross-disciplinary competence that covers the management and use of information and knowledge in internal and external organisatory processes with a broad range of stakeholder groups. The graduates of the programme acquire competence in the management of information and knowledge in organisations, information architecture and knowledge organisation, social media, competitive intelligence, information and knowledge strategies, management and leadership, and marketing management. The programme is organised by the School of Business and Economics , which has been awarded the status of a Pedagogical Unit of Excellence within the ?bo Akademi University. The different modules combine a broad range of relevant pedagogical methods including problem based learning, teamwork, workshops, individual and group excercises, seminars, and project work, together with lectures by the faculty, industry representants and international guests. The use of different working methods prepare the graduates to meet the challenges of contemporary and future worklife characterised by flexibility, virtual work, cooperation, teamwork and demand of analytical expertise and research skills. The modules are taught by faculty members and guests with both theoretical and practical expertise in their respective fields ranging from information studies, information and knowledge management and organisations studies to management science and marketing. A successful completion of this full-time programme results in the award of a Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration degree (Ekonomie magister). Graduates acquire both theoretical knowledge based on state-of-the-art research and practical hands-on experience in managing information and knowledge in organisations. Study Environment The information and knowledge management programme is located in the main academic campus of ?bo Akademi University in the heart of the city of ?bo where students have excellent opportunities to meet other students and interact with researchers and faculty members from the School of Business and Economics and other schools and departments. Admissions Instructions for applying to the Master?s Programme in Information and Knowledge Management can be found on the ?bo Akademi University admissions site for International Master?s Programmes The application deadline for 2014 is 14 February 2014 at 16.00 (CET+1). The application period will start January 2, 2014. More information Programme website at IKM blog at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emhshit at Fri Nov 22 01:47:04 2013 From: emhshit at (Shi Chang) Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:47:04 +0800 Subject: [Eurchap] Multiple Tenure-Stream Faculty Positions at Harbin Institute of Technology, China Message-ID: Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) invites applications for multiple tenure-stream positions all year round. All ranks will be considered. We are interested in candidates whose research areas are listed as follows. 1. *Management Science and Engineering*: Management Information Systems, E-Commerce, Decision Support Systems, Statistics, Operation Research, Construction Information Management, Real Estate Economics and Management, Construction Management, etc. 2. *Business Management*: Technical Economics and Management, Organization Behavior, Accounting, Marketing, Operation Management, Business Strategy, Entrepreneurship, Finance, etc. 3. *Applied Economics*: Economics, International Business, etc. 4. *Public Administration*: General Administration, Public Policy, Government Governance, Infrastructure, Sociology. *5. **Other disciplines related to management science and economics.* Applicants must have a doctorate degree in related fields before the starting date of your contract. We are interested in people who can communicate and teach in fluent English. Knowing Chinese is a plus but not necessary. Applicants for assistant professor should demonstrate potential of conducting high quality research. Senior level candidates should have proof track record for excellence both in research and in providing academic leadership. The successful candidate will be appointed to appropriate rank based on their qualification and experience. We offer top compensation package including salary (between 300K and 1 million RMB), relocation fund (between 200K and 600K RMB), and research support (between 100K and 600K RMB). Compensation will commensurate with candidates' qualifications. Founded in 1920, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) is a top-tier research university in China. The School of Management in HIT is one of the earliest four management schools established in mainland China. The school offers MBA, MPA, MPAcc, MS in professional finance and engineering programs, EMBA and doctoral degrees. HIT provides strong support for top quality research. We are located in Harbin, the capital city of Heilongjiang Province. The city offers high quality of life with affordable housing market and cost of living, historic neighborhood, and cultural activities that attract visitors from all over the world. Interested applicants are required to send application materials to shuyingliang at and shichanghit at using ?Economic and Management application ? applicant?s name? as the subject of your e-mail. 1. Cover letter and updated curriculum vitae 2. Sample papers 3. Teaching evaluations 4. Names and contact information of three references (or letters of recommendation). The positions will stay open until filled. The review of application starts immediately and we will work with interested candidates to work out interview schedules. Contact Information For further information, please contact us at Shuying Liang No. 13, Fayuan Street, Nangang District, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. Shi Chang Room 1004, No. 434, Youzheng Street, Nangang District, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China. Post Code: 150001 E-mail: shuyingliang at; shichanghit at; hityxb at Phone: +86-451-86412758; +86-451-86262113 Fax: +86-451-86414024; +86-451-86262113 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Philipp.Schaer at Fri Nov 22 03:12:24 2013 From: Philipp.Schaer at (Schaer, Philipp) Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 08:12:24 +0000 Subject: [Eurchap] =?windows-1252?q?Call_for_Papers=3A_=93Bibliometric-enh?= =?windows-1252?q?anced_Information_Retrieval=94_Workshop_=28BIR_2014=29_a?= =?windows-1252?q?t_ECIR_2014?= Message-ID: <7EDF013DC4AEDE47A95407429804C859387425C4@svboexc02.gesis.intra> [Apologies for cross posting] == First Call for Papers == You are invited to participate in the upcoming workshop on Bibliometric-enhanced Information Retrieval (BIR 2014), to be held as part of the 36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR). === Important Dates === - Submissions: 31 January 2014 - Notification: 28 February 2014 - Camera Ready Contributions: 14 March 2014 - Workshop: 13 April 2014 in Amsterdam === Aim of the Workshop === In this workshop we aim to engage with the IR community about possible links to bibliometrics and complex network theory which also explores networks of scholarly communication. Bibliometric techniques are not yet widely used to enhance retrieval processes in digital libraries, yet they offer value-added effects for users. Our interests include information retrieval, information seeking, science modelling, network analysis, and digital libraries. The goal is to apply insights from bibliometrics, scientometrics, and informetrics to concrete practical problems of information retrieval and browsing. Retrieval evaluations have shown that simple text-based retrieval methods scale up well but do not progress. Traditional retrieval has reached a high level in terms of measures like precision and recall, but scientists and scholars still face challenges present since the early days of digital libraries: mismatches between search terms and indexing terms, overload from result sets that are too large and complex, and the drawbacks of text-based relevance rankings. Therefore we will focus on statistical modelling and corresponding visualizations of the evolving science system. Such analyses have revealed not only the fundamental laws of Bradford and Lotka, but also network structures and dynamic mechanisms in scientific production. Statistical models of scholarly activities are increasingly used to evaluate specialties, to forecast and discover research trends, and to shape science policy. Their use as tools in navigating scientific information in public digital libraries is a promising but still relatively new development. We will explore how statistical modelling of scholarship can improve retrieval services for specific communities, as well as for large, cross-domain collections. Some of these techniques are already used in working systems but not well integrated in larger scholarly IR environments. The availability of new IR test collections that contain citation and bibliographic information like the iSearch collection or the ACL collection could deliver enough ground to interest (again) the IR community in these kind of bibliographic systems. The long-term research goal is to develop and evaluate new approaches based on informetrics and bibliometrics. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different domains, such as information retrieval, information seeking, science modelling, bibliometrics, scientometrics, network analysis, digital libraries, and approaches to visualize search and retrieval to move toward a deeper understanding of this research challenge. This workshop is also informed by an ongoing COST Action TD1210 KnowEscape. === Workshop Topics === To support the previously described goals the workshop topics include (but are not limited to) the following: - IR for digital libraries and scientific information portals - IR for scientific domains, e.g. social sciences, life sciences etc. - Information Seeking Behaviour - Bibliometrics, citation analysis and network analysis for IR - Query expansion and relevance feedback approaches - Science Modelling (both formal & empirical) - Task based user modelling, interaction, and personalisation - (Long-term) Evaluation methods and test collection design - Collaborative information handling and information sharing - Classification, categorisation and clustering approaches - Information extraction (including topic detection, entity and relation extraction) - Recommendations based on explicit and implicit user feedback We especially invite descriptions of running projects and ongoing work. Papers that investigate multiple themes directly are especially welcome. === Submission Details === All submissions must be written in English following Springer LNCS author guidelines (4 to 8 pages) and should be submitted as PDF files to EasyChair. All submissions will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. Please be aware of the fact that at least one author per paper needs to register for the workshop and attend the workshop to present the work. In case of no-show the paper (even if accepted) will be deleted from the proceedings AND from the program. Springer LNCS: EasyChair: Workshop proceedings will be deposited online in the CEUR workshop proceedings publication service (ISSN 1613-0073) - This way the proceedings will be permanently available and citable (digital persistent identifiers and long term preservation). === Organizers === Philipp Mayr, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany Andrea Scharnhorst, DANS, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam, Netherlands Birger Larsen, Aalborg University, Denmark Philipp Schaer, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany Peter Mutschke, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Germany === Programm Committee === - Cornelia Caragea, University of North Texas (USA) - Ingo Frommholz, University of Bedfordshire (UK) - Norbert Fuhr, University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) - Daniel Hienert, GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences (Germany) - Claus-Peter Klas, University of Hagen (Germany) - Stasa Milojevic, Indiana University (USA) - Lynda Tamine-Lechani, University Paul Sabatier (France) - Howard D. White, Drexel University (USA) - Ed A. Fox, Virginia Tech (USA, to be confirmed) - C. Lee Giles, Pennsylvania State University (USA, to be confirmed) - Stephen Robertson, University College London (UK, to be confirmed) - Henry Small, SciTech Stategies (USA, to be confirmed) - Simone Teufel, University of Cambridge (UK, to be confiremd) - Keith van Rijsbergen, University of Glasgow (UK, to be confirmed) - Xia Lin, Drexel University (USA, to be confimed) ------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Philipp Schaer Team Leader GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences Computational Social Science Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8, 50667 K?ln, Germany Tel: + 49 (0) 221 / 47694-521 philipp.schaer at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rgb695 at Wed Nov 27 03:53:01 2013 From: rgb695 at (Jack Andersen) Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 08:53:01 +0000 Subject: [Eurchap] iConference 2014 Registration Call Message-ID: APOLOGIES FOR CROSS-POSTING The registration call for iConference 2014 is now out: Jack Andersen Program chair, iConf 2014 Jack Andersen Lektor, phd Associate Professor, PhD Redakt?r af/Editor of Nordisk Tidsskrift for Informationsvidenskab og Kulturformidling IVA Det Informationsvidenskabelige Akademi Royal School of Library and Information Science K?benhavns Universitet/University of Copenhagen Birketinget 6 2300 K?benhavn S TLF 32 58 60 66 DIR 32 34 13 62 MOB 32 34 14 90 FAX 32 84 02 01 rgb695 at [HUM_bomaerke] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.gif Type: image/gif Size: 2792 bytes Desc: image001.gif URL: