[Eurchap] Help needed for ESC webinar

Tamara Heck Tamara.Heck at uni-duesseldorf.de
Mon Jun 10 09:43:25 EDT 2013

Dear colleagues, students and EC/ESC members,


the European Student Chapter (ESC)  is planning a webinar including local
meetings for all European and international LIS students.

Our plan is that students will meet at their university and together join
our digital webinar, discussing ASIS&T and scientific topics face-to-face
and of course digitally with the other attendees. 


Here we need your help: It would be great to have many students from diverse
universities and departments who attend the webinar.

Therefor we need a local organiser at each university who organises a
meeting room, ensures that the webinar software is running and of course
announces the webinar at his university or institute. So, it’s not much work
to do.


If you’d like to help us or know a student who wants to be engaged please
write an e-mail to me: tamara.heck at hhu.de.


The webinar will mainly focus on LIS Master and PhD students, but Bachelor
students are welcome, too. Students don’t have to be members of ASIS&T to
join the webinar.


On behalf the ESC board, greetings,




Tamara Heck

Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf

Institute for Language and Information

Department of Information Science

Office 24.53/01.87

Universitätsstraße 1

40225 Düsseldorf

Tel.: +49-211-81-10803



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