[Eurchap] New CfP Deadline Feb 15 for ASIS&T European Workshop, June 5-6, 2013 in Turku/Åbo, Finland

Isto Huvila isto.huvila at abo.fi
Mon Jan 21 06:15:04 EST 2013

** Note new deadline for proposals Feb 15, 2013

The second ASIS&T European Workshop will be held at Åbo Akademi University, Turku/Åbo, Finland on the 5th and 6th of June 2013 (travelling on June 4 and the evening of June 6). The workshop is organised by the Department of Information studies, School of Business and Economics, Åbo Akademi University and Department Cultural Sciences, Lund University in association with the European Chapter of ASIS&T. The workshop is an ideal cross-disciplinary forum to present and encounter work by researchers and professionals in the fields of information and library science, technology and related disciplines including archival science, museum studies, and information and knowledge management. The workshop will offer a unique networking opportunity where ideas and research can be discussed with fellow future luminaries of the field.

We invite all researchers and practitioners including senior and junior faculty members, researchers, Masters and PhD students and for instance, librarians, and information specialists, to submit research papers, position papers, panels and alternative events and posters to the workshop. All submissions should be in English. Submissions should be research or position papers not exceeding 3,000 words or extended abstracts describing panels, alternative events and posters of no longer than 1,500 words. All submissions will be peer-reviewed double blinded.

All accepted papers will be published in an open access electronic conference proceedings volume in the series Skrifter utgivna av Informationsvetenskap vid Åbo Akademi. ISSN 2242-0495 ISSN-L 2242-0495.

Conference Themes

ASIS&T European Workshop is a general information science and technology conference with an aim of bringing together European and European based scholars and practitioners of information science in order to discuss current developments and European perspectives to information science research and practice. The general theme of the conference is "Digital information and institutions: changing practices of management and use" with a and the more specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to

* Changing roles, contexts and offerings of information institutions and services including libraries, archives, museums and other commercial and public institutions
* Critical and practical perspectives to information institutions and information in institutional contexts.
* Critical and practical perspectives to the management and organisation of information and knowledge
* Information systems and technologies
* Scholarly communication
* Information practices, behaviour, retrieval and use
* Digital libraries and archives
* Information literacy
* Document studies
* Evaluation, measurement and informetric research of digital information and institutions
* User perspectives to digital information and institutions
* Information perspectives to social media
* Theoretical and conceptual perspectives of information science

Professor Sally Wyatt
Programme Leader of the e-Humanities Group, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
Professor of Digital Cultures in Development, Maastricht University

Professor Jens-Erik Mai, Royal School of Library and Information Science, Denmark http://jenserikmai.info

Associate Professor Pamela McKenzie, University of Western Ontario, Canada http://publish.uwo.ca/~pmckenzi/

Research papers

The conference encourages the submission of high quality research papers that have not been previously published and are not under review for another conference or journal. Submissions are welcomed in any of the topic areas indicated above. All accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Submissions will be reviewed by the members of the international programme committee on the basis of the originality of the research, clarity of presentation, the quality of the theoretical contribution made by the research, the validity and rigour of the methodology chosen, the significance of the results presented and the overall contribution to the  field of information science and technology.

Research papers should be submitted as a document file (Word, RTF, OpenOffice, txt) and contain upto 3,000 words. Please use the first author's surname as the filename. If you are submitting more than one paper add a number after the surname, e.g. doe1.odf, doe2.txt.

The first page must contain the title of the paper and an abstract of not more than 150 words. All submissions should be anonymous. No page should identify the authors or their affiliations. Authors who cite their previous work should refer to themselves in the third person, e.g. "Doe and Doe (1995) write".

Position papers

Position papers should be submitted following the instructions for research papers. In contrast to research papers, position papers are used for presenting work in progress, theoretical and practical propositions and practical case studies. Position papers are invited both from researchers and practitioners.

Panels and alternative events

The proposals of panel discussions and other types of events (including, ut not limited to demonstrations, tutorials and showcases) should be done in the form of an extended abstract of up to 1,500 words describing the
* Type of event
* Title of event/session
* Names and affiliations of the organizers
* Expected/preferred number of participants
* Format of the event including a draft schedule and explanation of how the event will be of interest to the audience
* Purpose, goals and expected outcomes of the event
* Value for R&D
* Special requests and/or needs
The length of the special events can vary between (approximately) 15 to 60 minutes. Proposals will be reviewed by the programme committee. 


Posters are visual presentations of research and practical work in progress. The posters should be designed for providing a brief overview of the work and as a starting point for informal discussions during a dedicated poster session when presenters are expected to stay by their posters and be available for discussion with workshop participants in an informal manner. Poster submissions should consist of an extended abstract of maximum 1,000 words. The emphasis of the proposals should be on the research problem and methods, and in case of practice oriented posters, on how the presented outcomes and work in progress can be useful in similar and related contexts. 

How to submit

All submissions have to be submitted using the conference system at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aew2013

Deadline for all submissions in February 15, 2013. Letters of acceptance will be out on March 4, 2013.

More information 



Questions on the submissions should be directed to aew2013 at abo.fi

PD, docent | Ph.D., docent 
akademilektor | senior lecturer
Informationsledning | Information management
School of Business and Economics
Åbo Akademi University
(t) +358-2-2153467 
(m) +358-40-5726259, +46 73 694 37 62
(e) firstname.lastname at abo.fi
(w) www.istohuvila.fi

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