[Eurchap] Calling for nominations, officers for the next term (sept. 2012 - aug. 2013)

Fidelia Ibekwe fidelia.ibekwe-sanjuan at univ-lyon3.fr
Sat Sep 1 14:11:49 EDT 2012

{Apologies for multiple postings}

Dear  members,

The European Chapter (*EC*) and the European Student Chapter (*ESC*) of 
the ASISTare now seeking officers for the next term (sept. 2012 - august 

The offices for which we are seeking nominations for the *EC* are:

1.     1. Chair-elect

2.2. Chapter Assembly representative

3.     3. Alternate chapter assembly representative/
       4. Chapter Member Record Holder/

//5.  Country representatives for all the european countries represented 
in the membership.

The offices for which we are seeking nominations for the *ESC* are:

1. Vice Chair of the ESC
2. Secretary/Treasurer of the ESC
3. Webmaster of ESC
4. Country representatives for all the european countries represented in 
the membership.

We invite you to either:

-Nominate people for the different offices (please make sure that they 
will accept the nomination beforehand)

-Nominate yourself

In particular, we are lacking officers from Latin europe (Spain, Italy, 

Please send us your nominations by *Sept. **23rd **latest

*All elected officers must be members of  ASIST in good standing.

More information aout the chapter and the offices can be found at 
For the ESC at http://www.asis.org/Chapters/Student/esc/

Best wishes,
Fidelia Ibekwe-SanJuan, Isabella Peters, Isto Huvila & Tamara Heck ( for 
the Nominating committee)
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